TW & C dramas

Everlasting Longing with Angelababy and Song Wei Long Airs to Low Viewership and Brutal Reviews

My persona opinion on the cancellation of Angelababy over attending a strip tease show in Paris is really one of the most low key offensive celeb actions to warrant a cancellation, but heck she works in Mainland China and must adhere to its requirements so she should have known better. But her cancellation for the last year has saved us C-drama viewers from her being cast in more dramas and as the recently aired period romance Everlasting Longing proves yet again is that she is just an awful actress that ruins everything stars in. She was the reason I couldn’t even watch one of my favorite novels turned drama General and I *cries*. The drama has so far been doing poor viewership and getting even poorer reviews which are all warranted. The drama production feels cheap in sets and scenes, the two leads can’t act their way out of a paper bag tho I can see why C-ent keeps wanting to make Song Wei Long happen because he is a very imposing masculine actor that is rare in C-ent, and the plot is cribbed from the 1970’s era of romance novels with snatched heroines and brutish male leads and basically everyone around them can tell they just want to bone so the story finds all sorts of dumb situations to keep the conflict going with pauses for make outs. With that said, watching this on FF and stopping to laugh AT the drama is entertaining in its own way lol.


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  • It’s not that bad actually and I have seen far worse but I have noticed that desert themed Chinese dramas are usually like this with the domineering male lead and usually lots of love hate sexual tension. What is dragging of the story is the “tag you’re it” dynamic written for the main characters. It sort of drifts from the main plot at times. It reminds me of plot lines from older Chinese dramas that would drag or side track from the point of the story and then eventual get back on track which can be long winded. Whether they are amazing or not in acting they are still serviceable in their role. The beginning of the story just started out in such a random way that their relationship developement was too fast for me.

    • I dont agree ive been watching and have enjoyed so far. The costuming and hair is lovely, the two main stars lovely to watch. I can understand her feeling in trying to send him away asthey are two important people in their conflicting tribes. Ive watched the pearl girl, flourishing peony and now everlasting longing all great entertaining dramas.

  • I read this drama is gaining traction...the viewership is rising thru not high but definitely better than expected. I have yet to watch so cannot give my own opinion. Just sharing what I read.

    • Who said this drama is flop? It just the disgusting Chinese netizen and media try to make it bad. The viewership is more than expected, and as more episode coming people start to love it more. Here is about rating Xiao Zhan Condor Heroes get 9.1 douban rating, while Nezha 2 only 7.8. But Nezha 2 got 480 Million Yuan on the new year premiere, which is 26.9% of total income for the ne2 year. And Condor Heroes only got 255 Million or 14.3%. Just rank 4. Below Detective Chinatown 1900 and Creation of Gods (455 Million and 376 Million) who care about rating? The money goes to Nezha 2 LOL

      • and these are the delusional angelababy fans that will do anything to defend her even if the acting is absolute shit

  • I'm watching this with FF button pushed regularly. Therefore, I'm not sure if it's simple not good enough or I'm forwarding to much and miss the best parts. The side stories are much more entertaining, though. Unfortunately, I'm loughing at the wrong scenes. The moment baby baddy got trapped in his own scheme and died wasn't supposed to be funny. And neither was his father grief other his body.

    My favorites are the second leads. Especially, BBK. She reminds me of Alissa Milano in her "Charmed" days. Even though, BBK's character is annoying at times. I ship her and the stoic RH. They have a lot of chemistry unlike the leads. Sadly, so far there are not enough scenes with them.

    Angelbaby looked so much better before. I'm distracted by the movement of her face (her mouth/ bottom area) when she speaks. Her beauty isn't carring her through the scenes anymore. And the male lead is so mismatched to her, that I can't feel their connection. The couple has no chemistry whatsoever. The reactions of the characters around them are showing the couple's supposed attraction to one another. That is something that annoys the hack out of me. It's like in book when the author tells something instead of showing through the story by the action and the dialogs of the characters. So annoying 😑

    • Have finished 24 episodes using FF button. Agree with your facial comments. The plot lacks a coherent and plausible line. It fails to deliver a romantic theme: absolutely no chemistry between ML and FL. How can the ML be so besotted and so blinded by FL duplicity and disregard her declarations and noncommitment. The secondary romances are much better.
      I have been watching these historic dramas for about 1.5 and have seen most of highly rated ones aired for the last 15 years. I speak no Chinese, but read the subtitles.

  • I am actually enjoying it. FL not that great, but I do like ML. Both are doing an okay job. Nothing has turned me off yet, unlike Moonlight Mystique which I am struggling to watch even though I like both the FL and ML in that drama much better.

  • I quit after episode 6. The plot devices are terrible (makes no sense), the production looks cheap, the actors have no chemistry. I'm sorry but Song Wei Long is just wooden and Angelbaby's expressions don't really match the situations. Just bad acting all around and also boring.

  • I actually don't get SWL's visuals, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so that's all right. However, I have a strong aversion to Angelababy. Back in the day, I loved Sound of the Desert and was looking forward to Song in the Clouds even if it was by a completely different team. I didn't know her then and thought she was pretty when she was casted. I liked many of the rest of the cast like Lu Yi, Chen Xiao, and Yang Rong. So I tried to watch that dreadful drama and I've never been so turned off by an actress in my life. I'm not a huge fan of Ju Jingyi but she's loads better than Angelababy. Then, I tried General and I, and I just completely gave up on her. She literally ruins dramas for me. She's entertaining in variety shows and seems like a cool girl type, but honestly has zero talent.

  • actually not that bad,just need to suspend logic,and you'll be fine,besides song wei long is dark,tall and handsome,angelababy is on par with yang chaoyue i.e watchable.

  • Omgash! I'm still sad and salty about "General and I" even til today. I thought the cast were a misfit and the storyline drifted away from the novel which was a terrible decision.

    Besides that, I couldn't quite figure out why I have an issue with Angelababy's acting. Is she dubbed or is that her own voice because like someone commented earlier I'm also distracted by the movement of her mouth.

    I'd rather watch SWL over Gong Jun, sorry not sorry. Both are bad in my opinion where I feel Gong Jun tries too hard and Song Wei Long doesn't ooze enough of his manly charms, but I like his visuals to continue watching LOL.

    Definitely agree that the sets are cheap, the storyline is pretty common like I can guess where it's going, and the romance is kind of cheesy.

    All in all, so many good looking guys in this drama though 😄.

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