
I’m a Koala. Who has opposable thumbs and can type. Come by and visit anytime. If I think of something interesting, I just might write about it.

I am O. C. Koala (not pronounced as one word) – and kinda like it when people call me Koala or Mz. Koala or Your Koala Highness.  😛

If you want to send me a private message, you can email me at: ockoala1@gmail.com

I can’t promise that I will respond, but I will try my best. ^__^

View Comments

    • its so sad to see all this comments from 2010-2013 and evertime i see the comments i cry bc its really sad and i hope they are doing great

    • its really sad to see all this comments from 2010-1014 and to read them and its makes me sad i hope they are doing great and having great life

  • OMG, doozy, I love it! And I am so grateful and speechless with the gift you bestowed on me! I will definitely make it my banner (once I figure out how to do it). Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your present is mch appreciated.

  • *blush with embarrassment*
    You're welcome! sorry the picture wasn't of better quality but I'm so glad you like the banner. :)

  • Heyyyyyyyyy I think I've seen you arouwwwnd.... lulz

    ockoala + own blog + regular belly-rubbing from thundie + droolworthy header c/o doozy (!!!) = spectacular, spectacular!!!

    congratulations on your new "baby" :D and I can't wait to link you up!

  • @ doozy

    Better quality? *Any* picture of my Jung Woo Sung is perfect quality. The smidge of fuzziness only makes me squint to look at him better. Or get really close to the screen. Either way, I love it!

    @ Ender's Girl

    I had this poor ole wordpress account opened so I can write for Thundie, and after awhile I got bored with staring at its blankness. Voila, random dribbles start coalescing and forming coherent sentences and here I am, blogging about really whatever I want. Now that is freedom, baby! Not like being in her Thundie Majesty's employ (*cough* servitude *cough*). :-D Kidding, I give her my left kidney. But not my right one, I have a special relationship with that one.

  • Found you here. I'm so delighted. Keep on writing girl, I'll read anything you write and that's a promise.

  • Hi there, just want to drop a note to say 'Hi and great work!". I have just started a similar site and love your posts. Look forward to read more of your work. alou :)