Ratings/Top Ten

The first number is how much I liked it, the second number is how objectively good I think the drama is – and both are on a scale of 1 (hate) to 10 (love) – borrowing the elegant system from the Goddess herself, Javabeans.

The rated dramas only reflect the dramas I finished or watched most of it. The dramas where I didn’t make it past the first few episodes I am not qualified to give my thoughts on.

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  • LOL... i would be incapable of rating a drama... it would give me too much of a headache. kk.
    But I'll comment on which one I significantly differ from you (the liking part because I agree with most, if not all of your objective ratings). I think there's one or two dramas in the list I didn't finish but oh well...
    For All In, I actually enjoyed a lot more than you... By today standards, probably not but at that time, LBH really surprised me at how much I liked him. SHG was meh if I remember correctly.
    As for Autumn in My Heart... Oddly, it never connected to me... The OTP had zilch chemistry in my eyes.
    Bad Guy.... hmm... i don't know. the ending left such a bad taste in my mouth I think I need more time before I can be lenient. Same for EoE.
    I loved be strong geum soon! so probably an 8, or 8.5 for me, as well as for Capital Scandal.
    I agree with you on CH but special mention anyways... 10!!!
    Lol.. I expected you to give a high score for Coffee Prince but guess you're like me there... I didn't quite love it as much as I should.
    Looks like I would give a higher ratings to all the Hong Sis dramas (and same for Hong gil dong)... They are flawed but always really entertaining to me!
    I would give a lower score to Fashion 70's... I love Pie but that drama was not the best I've seen from any of the 4 leads...
    I would also give a higher rating for Iljimae... can't compare with RoI though.
    Jumong would probably be an 8 for me and I would give a lower score for Love Marriage as well as for My Fair Lady.
    My Love Patzzi... Honestly, I was addicted to it.. the ending left me wanting to strangle myself.. damn it... KJW or KRW??!!
    I would give a lower score for One Fine Day... I thought I thoroughly wasted hours of my life on that drama.
    Yay! for PK, i would probably give a 9.5/6, or 9.5/5.5 for that matter.
    For sang doo, let's go to school... the beginning almost made me drop the drama... which would have been a terrible shame... I cried so hard in that drama and Bo ri was the most loveable child ever... My heart still breaks for Rain's character... as for the ending... i have no idea how to interpret that... i want it to be happy. I guess I would give it different scores for the first few episodes and the second part...
    I enjoyed saved the last dance for me a LOT even though the quality isn't that high... probably because I was smitten by Ji Sung and I have a soft spot for Eugene..
    I would give she is 19 a lower score and stairway to heaven a higher one... it was a big WT* mess but it made weep so hard and permanently for the last few episodes that I don't think I was able to understand anything during those episodes, let alone have the mind to see if it was good or not... hence the higher score...
    As for swallow the sun.. i REALLY wanted to like it... so in the end, I think I did... a bit.
    i would rate it 7/4
    Tamna!!! 9.9 for me.
    As for Winter Sonata, i would give it a 9/4 or 9.5/5.... if I watched it now, I would probably break my screen in frustration but back then, I was in love with the whole prettiness of it that I even survived the horrible second part.. plus, BYJ was LOVE.
    Witch Amusement... 3/4

    • ME TOO!! They're so cute... and I've seen Kim Hyun Joong in Boys before flowers and when he did the honeymoon kiss in PK, i blew up!!! I was mad and mystified at the same time. Mad that she got to do it, and mystified at how amazing he sounded when he said "it's fine.... I can't wait any longer..."

      • same here ke ke ke... watched it again for the line 'it's fine .. I can't wait any longer' it came out so naturally as an adorable husband.

      • ok I must say I hated Playf Kiss (sorry)...it took too long for him to love her and I hate when girls chase after a guy like having no self worth...that is just my opinion but I absolutly loooooved Secret Garden (which makes me wonder why it got a 6 but thats ok)

  • Can I also give my ratings to Korean dramas? Maybe I can give a reason why I didn't rate the drama a perfect 10.

    Lovers in Paris - 10/8 Although I get it that they were fated to be together, whether they met in Paris or in Seoul, it was not conveyed very well in the ending.

    Magic - 10/8 Kang Dong Won again and hot kisses too! The ending was abrupt.

    Attic Cat - 9/7 This was my second drama and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although the acting was good, the story was weak.

    Coffee Prince - 10+/8 There were lots of times when anyone can see Go Eun Chan was a girl.

    Creating Destiny - 6/6 The supposed to be American could barely spoke English. The biological mother plot did nothing for me. Why did the doctor have red eyes all the time? He looked hot though when they were in Australia and he was just wearing jeans and tshirt.

    1% of Anything - 10/5 I love Kang Dong Won. This drama though was obviously low budgeted. And there was no hot kissing!

    Oh My Lady - 10/9 THis is not an objective rating because in my mind, the real name of the actor in the upcoming drama Athena is Sung Min Woo and is married with Kae Hwa. They have his and hers daughters and a "theirs" son. Why a 9? THey had only 2 kisses!

    9 End/2 Outs - 7/8 I didn't see much spark between the 2 leads though they played friends convincingly well. I thing the story was really good.

    What's Up Fox - 8/6 He looked 15 years younger. Loved the OST though.

    Who Are You? - 9/7 I bought the story but there were too many things going on at the end.

    Goong - 7/4 Aside from the costumes etc, nothing much goes on in this drama. I didn't even notice the tongue kiss until someone mentioned it. And why does the prince have a bad posture?

    Only You - 8/5 Acting was very uneven. I could see the lead girl's eye surgical scars in the morning after scene (I don't why this bothered me a lot).

    Playful Kiss - Is that a drama? I thought it was a true story.

    • I blame Playful Kiss for getting me hooked on Kdramas! Can't get off the damned kdrama train!!! Loved it though. I even watched the You Tube specials.

  • I thought Playful Kiss as based of a manga? o.o

    And You're Beautiful was my first Korean drama and I fell in LOVE!!! 10/10 to me <3

    • Well Playfull kiss 1-10 is 6, the leading lady didn't perform it well. The Japanese and Taiwanese drama Itaru na Kiss and It started with a kiss and They kiss again....are great ! The actors played a 100% great role. Over all.. 1-10 is 10!

      • The writer of Playful Kiss did not want Hani to be over the top like the Jap & Tw version. So of course, that is how JSM portrayed it.

        When you said "the leading lady didn't perform well" , I beg to disagree because between the two leading cast (JSM and KHJ), JSM is the actor, while KHJ is still learning this craft (very much improved compared to BBF).

        I love Playful Kiss but I agree TW version is better because they followed the manga's characters to a T. While K version followed the storyline.

  • My first Korean drama was Temptation of an angel, but it had a bit to much drama for my taste so i would give it a 5.
    Then i found Boys over flowers and fell in love with both the show and Kim Hyun Joong, a definitive 10++++++++++
    I also love You`re beautiful and gives it a 10+++++
    Coffee prince 10+
    Oh! My lady 10.
    Playful kiss 9, but only because i saw the Taiwanese version first and loved the way the story was presented there. Even it i LOVE Kim Hyun Joong, the kiss scenes with Joe was way better, and he played the character with more emotions.
    Full house 9.
    Sungkyunkwan scandal 8 (i have some episodes left)
    Only you 7.
    And i started to watch Mary stayed out all night two days ago, and are already waiting to watch episode 10. Witch means that i love the show. A 10+++++

  • Playful kiss 10/10 since I love Kim Hyun Joong
    Boys Before/Over flowers 9/10 since I felt bad for Kim Hyun Joong's character
    Secret Garden so far 9.5/10 because of the cute girly moments of Ra Im
    My Girl 9/10
    You're beautiful 10/10 JGS, was so amazing and funny with his cold attitude!!
    Mary Stayed Out All Night 9.5/10 so far, JGS is so different in this show, and so cute too!
    Princess Hours/Goong - many people don't watch it, but you should... though it's weird at sometimes, it made me laugh a lot and cry a lot!

  • Hmmmm........my favourites right now:
    "You're Beautiful".....I think I have watched it, like a BILLION times! The cast is full of fabulously talented actors. ALL the main characters made me laugh or cry.....or want to scratch their eyes out (Yoo He Yi), and the songs......loved them all.......my favourite being......"What Should I Do".

    My other fav I would have to say is "My Lovely Sam-soon", which I have watched a billion times as well. Laughed and cried through that one too.
    Hyun Bin...yummy!

    So how do I rate them..........I would have to give them both.........100/100!!! :)
    (Sorry.......no 10's apply)

    Have a wonderful week & keep up the great work! :)

    • So you have watched You Are Beautiful countless time? I have seen this comments countless time also. This drama was done in 2009 and its still as popular today as ever. I don't like rewatching dramas but this drama is an exception. Great ost songs.

  • i would just like to say that i just couldnt make myself go thru BOF after the 7th episode, so perhaps it's just best left unsaid. i'm glad JGS turned it down and took up Beethoven Virus cos the character he played there was more solid and the storyline was fantastic. i was very impressed and hope he will take up more challenging scripts to fill his full potential as he has proven to be a very versatile actor.

    • actually as far as i know, JSG was first offered JunPyo role but he wanted the JiHoo role. But the producers already decided on HJL for Jihoo even without the audition, he didn't get the part. I know 'so stupid of the producers right..' but i think it was fate that made them stupid...
      Anyway I think many people are thinking now, "if JGS was jihoo wouldnt it be a more amazing drama. He had the chops to do autistic-silent-brooding-sweet-caring guy. He would have nailed the acting for JiHoo to the tee...". maybe or you could be right!!!
      Personally even though i love hyunjoong to bits, I admit that in BoF he was the wallflower. I mean i didnt even notice him much, he was just tad too boring, with weird facial expression that was just not connecting with me. Why did i stick to BoF, well cause I loved Meteor Garden too much, i wanted to feel the high I felt when i first experienced ASIANOVELA through MG. So my HJL obsession didnt start @ BoF. if it was the only show i saw him in I would have write him up for a lousy newbie that he was...
      But still, I am thankful to BoF cause at the course of the BoF days, I somehow stumbled upon their interview in SangSangPlus & gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE HyunJoong's real personality. I kept thinking is he the same person as the lack luster Jihoo...? then i searched & found WGM and that hit hard to the heart. Before I knew it, i was already halfway falling for him. and as i watch BoF simultaneously, all those quirks he does as JiHoo that i somehow found boring was just endearing to me. and that was when i somehow ended up being obsessed with him. hahahaha.
      By the end of BoF, i was just happy to see his face that even if BoF was ruining the story of MG i had loved so much, I didnt care anymore.

      hahahaha i didnt know why i became so out of the topic so i will get down to business with the rating my top 10 dramas in each catergory which I would grade as 8-10 are: (in no particular order)
      MeloDrama: Memories of Bali, Devil (Lucifer), 1 liter of tears (jap), Autumn's Concert (Tw), Soul, If in love like Them, Wonderful Life, Autumn in my heart, Thank you, Shining Inheritance.
      Rom-COm: Delightful girl CHunyang, Full House, meteor Garden(Tw), My Girl, Goong, Secret Garden, Which star are you from, Soulmate, Fated to Love you (Tw), Pasta
      Historical: Yisan, Jewel in the Palace, Sangkyunkwang Scandal, Grudge (tale of the fox child), capital Scandal, Ballad of Sudong, Damo, DongYi, Legend of Hyangdan. IlJimae

  • oh you like city hall too? wah u have a very good sense... city hall is crazily great for me. until now i think there's no other drama that could be as perfect as city hall. secret garden have the same feeling but the acting is not as great as kim sun ah and cha seung won. if we only look at one point of city hall, kim sun ah herself have already beat others with her great acting and beauty. aeguk couple is the best i've ever found. and its the first time i watch korean drama that doesn't have much intefered by the second actor or actress because kim sun ah and cha seung won already have a very strong aura. i never get tired of every episodes of it even if it only fill with aegukk...oh i love them. best couple ever.

  • Did the ratings drop after episode 14? or was 15 still pretty high. anyway, it seems as if ratings dropped big time rather than what they thought would happen. it doesn't matter anymore, it seems like a lot of us have jumped ship and are swimming in the water hanging onto one another.