Lee Min Ho

Second Episode of The King: Eternal Monarch Remains Consistent in Ratings of 8.4% and 11.6%

It's episode 2 time for SBS Fri-Sat night drama The King: Eternal Monarch, and there are ever only three ways…

4 years ago

SBS Fri-Sat Drama The King: Eternal Monarch Premieres with 10.1% and 11.4% Ratings

This is a solid start for SBS Fri-Sat fantasy romance drama The King: Eternal Monarch starring Lee Min Ho, Kim…

4 years ago

The King: Eternal Monarch Holds Star Studded Press Conference Ahead of Friday April 17th Premiere on SBS

It's finally here woo hoo! Finally the wait is over and something interesting to watch is only a day away…

4 years ago

5th Teaser for The King: Eternal Monarch Showcases Huggy Romance with Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun

I feel like Lee Min Ho just keeps getting richer and more powerful on the small screen, lol. One would…

4 years ago

Lots of New Drama Stills for SBS Fantasy Romance The King: Eternal Monarch with Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun

March was interminable but it feels like April is flying as we're already in the second week and SBS Fri-Sat…

4 years ago

Lee Min Ho and Jung Eun Chae Make a Pretty Visual Pair in New Stills from The King: Eternal Monarch

Movie theaters have been dark for weeks if not months now in many parts of the world so television shows…

4 years ago

New Preview for The King: Eternal Monarch Spotlight All Six Major Characters and Moody Lighting

The end of March is here and April doesn't look more promising in terms of global affairs in real life.…

4 years ago

Lee Min Ho and Woo Do Hwan Have a Friendly Face Off in New Stills From The King: Eternal Monarch

The promos are coming fast and furious for upcoming SBS Fri-Sat drama The King: Eternal Monarch and I'm not complaining…

4 years ago

Classic Style Official Drama Posters for Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun’s Parallel Universe Romance The King: Eternal Monarch

The upcoming SBS drama The King: Eternal Monarch will be taking over the Fri-Sat time slot from Hyena so it'll…

4 years ago

Lee Min Ho Radiates Ruler Aura in New Stills for The King: Eternal Monarch

A new week is here but it feels more momentous than just a new week if you live in the…

4 years ago

Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Do All the Swoony Rom-com Things in Second Teaser for The King: Eternal Monarch

Man, screenwriter Kim Eun Sook has so much to work with and still digs into her classic well of rom-com…

4 years ago

SBS Fantasy Romance Drama The King: Eternal Monarch Releases Character Stills for Main Cast

Let's get this out of the way, all the leads for upcoming SBS fantasy drama The King: Eternal Monarch looks…

4 years ago

Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun’s Drama The King: Eternal Sovereign Confirms April 2020 Premiere on SBS

The drop of the first stylish teaser for upcoming SBS mega drama The King: Eternal Sovereign (Eternal Monarch) was swiftly…

4 years ago

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