Oguri Shun

The Cast of Rich Man, Poor Woman Bid Farewell to their Characters

Fuji TV has generously released pictures of the cast and crew of Rich Man, Poor Woman gathering for pictures and…

13 years ago

Latest Pictorial from Oguri Shun and Ishihara Satomi is Sheer Perfection

I have to confess that watching Oguri Shun in Rich Man, Poor Woman does things to my ovaries. Yes, scientifically…

13 years ago

Oguri Shun and Ishihara Satomi Wraps Filming for Rich Man, Poor Woman

Kyaaaaa, it’s finally a wrap! From the set of Rich Man, Poor Woman came this latest picture showing leads Oguri…

13 years ago

Oguri Shun is a Tang Dynasty Prince in C-movie Yang Gui Fei

Oguri Shun has been a busy busy boy in 2012. First he gets married to long time lady love Yamada…

13 years ago

Retrospective: Oguri Shun, Eita, Miura Haruma and Tsumabuki Satoshi for Uno Fog Bar

One thing that I love about J-ent is how it's range of leading men span the spectrum from oh-holy-so-good-looking to…

13 years ago

Ishihara Satomi and Oguri Shun in Rich Man, Poor Woman BTS Pictures

I’m sorry, did anyone order a serving of cute? With a side order of adorable? That’s easy to whip up.…

13 years ago

First Impressions on Rich Man, Poor Woman with Oguri Shun and Ishihara Satomi

I keep writing and rewriting this post because I can't decide if it's going to be a first impressions or…

13 years ago

A Look at the Leading Actors of Japanese Entertainment

A couple of months ago I did a write up on TW-actors and TW-actresses, which was relatively easy to do…

13 years ago

The 6-Degrees of Manga Adaptation Leads

If Kevin Bacon is the center of the Hollywood universe, I've yet to find his equivalent in the Asian entertainment…

14 years ago