Lotte Duty Free added some fresh new faces to its already bulging line-up of spokespersons. Supposedly the concept is to add new Hallyu to the existing Hallyu stars, but I’m not quite sure if being selected is an honor since collectively these are the worst ads I have seen in ages.
Everyone looks dull and posed, and some actually look dreadfully weird and awkward. Did you hire a blind stylist and an one-eyed photographer to shoot these pictures, Lotte Duty Free? Gimme some of my fave stars back, you turned them into wax figures of wackiness.
Who’s brilliant idea was it to turn Jang Geun Seok into a butler? Come here so I can give you a wedgie.
While the picture on the right is serviceable, albeit pretty dull, the picture on the left…..I can’t even. Oh lord, Hyun Joong, sweetie, who did this to you! Come, let noona give you a hug, and fix your hair, and rescue you from the clutches of these evil people.
The boys of 2PM, who are following in the footsteps of their JYJ brethren to become Lotte Duty Free boys, but hot dang it, what the heck did you do to your hair, Taecyeon? It’s 2011, not 2001, please throw away the hair bleach, and the broom head has been out of vogue for a thousand and one years.
Of the batch of new stars added to the Lotte Duty Free roster, Hyun Bin looks the best in his ads, which really means he looks the least worst. I’m sad I’m using double negatives to describe these pictures, but none of them do any of these guys justice. Binnie actually looks like some random salary man, which is all sorts a waste of his gorgeous face.
These newly added guys join Rain, Choi Ji Woo, Song Seung Heon, and JYJ to represent this brand.
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Kyak~~~~ Daebak><
Uri Princess J Very The Best,,, OMO~~~~
Ah, I think whoever took these pics and/or came with the concepts for these pics (provided there actually WAS a concept behind all this...whatever this was) was like, "ooooh *rubs hands together* sooo many pretty people. Their hotness will blind everyone so let the hotness speak for itself and do nothing" and somehow proceeded to mess it all up. How, I have no idea because making Binnie look like that must be some kind of feature that needs to be recorded for posterity. As a warning, you see. In case someone else .clearly someone deranged- wants to follow this photographer's footsteps.
Oh omg, 2pm! They look like they're about to start filming a watered-down version of QAF. *facepalm*
The least offending pic, for me, is this If I focus on his face/eyes alone and ignore the clothes, I'm good.
The face is flawless, and his expression riveting. But yeah, everything else is atrocious. Gah, imma going to post happy stuff after this.
Eyyyw yechhh I'm not a fan of the pin stripped guy!!!! Sowie but he seems to be a walking corpse.... :-o
what have they done with hyunjoong?!?!? what... did they hire a blind stylist or did the curlers explode while he was getting his perm? wwwhhhyyyy!
*Sobs* Oh, jowha, I am so insulted anyone could do this to Hyun Joong. That person must be dragged outside and flogged for the atrocity. Poor beautiful boy turned into a poodle....
"Oh lord, Hyun Joong, sweetie, who did this to you!"
My exact thoughts when I first saw that pic!
I feel you!!!! I'm burned as well!!!! :-(
Ooh, will this little girl recognize his oppa with the perm?
HER oppa with the perm.
Ohhhh cute kid.... ;-)
Hyun Joong's hair looks like a freaking bird's nest, and I love Hyun Bin as always!!!! 2pm Junho as ever looks better on the dance floor....I'm a rain fan and getting jiggy with him on the dance floor would be my flight of fancy ;-) Ah men are getting better and better in Asia, I love being Asian, but I love Channing Tatum as well....I hope this won't post the vid only the address....Junho dancing loving it!!!!! Welcome to the street!!!!
Oh lord, Hyun Joong, sweetie, who did this to you! Come, let noona give you a hug, and fix your hair, and rescue you from the clutches of these evil people.
Ockoala...that was EXACTLY what I had in mind when I saw that could they(lotte's stylist) that to my handsome Joongie baby??? :-(
Ok now i wanna pick up some duty free in korea or just take a flight on a korean airline just it see their photos in the mag.
First thought that came to mind when I saw the pics: Hyun Bin's do grew up and became Hyun Joong's perm.
Seriously, what is up with the hair?!