Categories: Fashion

Moon Geun Young, Kim Tae Hee, and Kim Nam Joo on Rotating Covers for InStyle Korea’s 100th Issue

Three lovely Korean actress have been honored to grace the cover of Instyle Korea Magazine for its 100 issue anniversary edition. Moon Geun Young represents an actress in her twenties, CF queen Kim Tae Hee is the envy of every woman in her thirties, and getting-hotter-by-the-year Kim Nam Joo dazzles on behalf of all the ladies in her forties. Instyle will publish the edition using all three covers, so fans can grab the one they desire.

These are just the cover shots, but the magazine will be an epic edition loaded with photospreads from many more K-actresses. I can’t wait to see all the gorgeous pictures and hopefully interesting interviews in the magazine. The tag line for this editions is “What’s Sexy Now?” I think Geun Young’s talent and sincerity is sexy, Tae Hee’s natural charm and intelligence is sexy, and Nam Joo’s classy grace is sexy.

[Credit: Instyle Korea]


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  • I love all three actresses and think InStyle have done a great job of choosing representatives of those three decades. I can't think of any others that would be obviously and unarguably more suitable. Good job!
    I wish I lived in Korea, I'd be getting all three covers. Although I have to say I'm not a fan of MGY's hair, especially compared with the other two's, but I'm loving her dress.

  • Great representatives to celebrate an awesome achievement! These three women are amazing at what they do, but I'm sure the decision was a tough one with so many great actresses out there. The covers look stunning!

  • I think Ms Moon looks lovely. I agree that long hair suits her face better but she is representing 20 year olds so her fresh face is all that matters (in my opinion). She is only 25 and has achieved so much in those years that to me (a feminist) she is very sexy.

  • i want to read all three copies but I want to buy the one with MGY cover the most! But how do I get one?

    • Nah, there are a handful of top A-list actresses from each of these age groups that could easily have been selected. Purely an editorial choice.

      For example, I could easily make this swap:

      Moon Geun Young ----------> Yoon Eun Hye

      Kim Tae Hee --------------> Ha Ji Won

      Kim Nam Joo --------------> Go Hyun Jung

      Don't read too much into who wasn't picked as a cover girl.

      • Go Hyun Jung and Ha Ji Won replacing the formers are cool...not so sure of YEH replacing MGY, acting wise.

      • Since YEH and MGY are back-to-back Baeksang Best TV Actress winners (YEH actually giving MGY her trophy), I'm not sure where the disconnect would be. And I was merely making a purely theoretical replacement above, with zero implication that it ought to be done that way.

      • I wouldn't replace MGY with YEH even though I have been a longtime fan of both. MGY's acting is heaps and bounds above YEH and her charitable activities in her civilian life make her probably the best representative for the actresses in their 20s at least for me.

      • agree with hapacalgirl. YEH has star power and charisma, but i still find her lacking in the acting department . of course, to each his/her own.

      • I also agree with ping. YEH is a pretty decent actress but MGY is the Go Hyun Jung of her generation. She is the stronger actress imo.

      • May be i havent see the shows that the other actress were in i am not their big fans. I will probably be killed, but i like YEH more than KTH, i think she is more popular, but i quite did not like her in IRIS or My princess(how could i when there was SSH standing right there).

        Anyways, i love YEH, i think the reason we feel chemistry between her and the co-star is because of her and nothing to do with the male lead. When i watched Coffee Prince, i was very disturbed for the first few days as my mind hurt why GY was not dating YEH in real life. But i think its the way YEH potrays her characters.

        I watched CoffeeHouse, roughtcut, some other love story movie, Hong Gil Dong, but i felt this was the only show that KJH had chemistry with the leading lady and i think all credit goes to YEH.
        Coffeehouse, i think he had better chemistry with his assitant than the lead lady.

        sometimes i feel the reason he is looking so handsome is because he is standing beside YEH, and he look so romantic is because he is looking at YEH.

      • agree on all three...

        isn't Go Hyun Jung one of the best?!

        and YEH is more beautiful than MGY

        tho, can't choose between HJW and KTH. both rocks!

    • Hi Ping.. no offense meant but do you think MGY can surpass the acting that YEH put on coffee prince? That's a big "NO" for me...
      Just my opinion since you were putting down YEH's acting.

      • You should watch MGY in Painter in the wind. I LOVE LOVE LOVE coffee prince but YEH even in that drama is nowhere near MGY's acting ability and this is coming but a fan of YEH since baby Vox. If you watch all of MGY's work , she is easily the Go Hyun Jung of her generation so I agree with Ping. I mean YEH was great in coffee prince and that has been her best performance to date. But her range is very limited outside of the romcom genre and she hasn't given as great of performances since coffee prince.

      • Also MGY has always been good, if I would put a current comparison, Kim Sae Ron (ajusshi with Won Bin) reminds me a lot of moon geun young when she was a child actress.

        YEH is awesome and I absolutely adore her but on skills alone and resume, she isn't even in the same league with MGY.

  • It's a great idea to do and they definitely chose the right representatives. Something similar to that has been done by the German Cosmopolitan. They celebrated their 10 year (? I'm not really sure.) anniversary and had Heidi Klum beeing on three different covers.
    Anyway, while we're talking fashion. Would somebody please be so kind and explain the abbreviation "CF" to me? It's only used in connection with Korean stars/actresses/models and I figured out that it has something to do with being the face of an advertisement campaign. Or something like that. But the exact wording would be awesome. ;D
    Thank you all in advance!

  • Hmm, I'm not trying to be bias here. Cuz hell I really love Moon Geun Young. But I think Yoon Eun Hye is a fabulous actress, also. In the roles she's done so far, I think she encompasses her characters well and really breathes life into them. Moon Geun Young is the same. The point im making is, I dont think its a fair assessment to say that YEH is not of the same caliber as MGY. Because frankly, YEH hasn't chosen any kind of projects out of the regular, which I dont mind, whereas MGY has. I do think if YEH picks a project where she is really challenged, she would do it exceptionally well. Because YEH has the aptitude to put herself out there. She can pull forth all sorts of emotion out of her if she wants. But anyways: Preeeeettttty cover!!! Kim Tae Hee is just soo pretty its like you have to do a double take. Like she looks so sweet and cute. Surprisingly it doesnt annoy me. eheheh. I guess cuz its natural

    • Yess I totally agree with you. When I see Yeh on the screen, I connect with her, she makes the characters real. I don't have that with MGY.

  • As a total package of IQ, EQ & AQ(Acting ). Mgy could easily be Head of the pack.She's The Best Choice for me. Her au naturale sweetness transcends print.
    If we're talking Sexy only, as mag front page suggest....hmm, I could think of quite a horde of doctored faces & bodies as suggestions.

  • They are so pretty..... but the sexiness of oneself maybe the title is for MGY only..... her sexiness is within herself, not her physical appearance but the pureness of herself which you can see by just looking in her eyes... a full package of a LOVELY LADY. Nice choice of the magazine cover.

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