Categories: Music

Lie to Me Releases Kang Ji Hwan and As One Version of “Lovin’ Ice-cream” for the Japan OST

It’s with a bittersweet feeling that I bring you the final released song from the Lie to Me OST – Kang Ji Hwan and As One‘s version of “Lovin’ Ice-cream”. This version is exclusively part of the Japanese OST for Lie to Me, which makes sense considering how insanely popular Kang Ji Hwan is over there.

While I love hearing Ji Hwan sing this song, it’s just not the same without Yoon Eun Hye‘s alto voice blending with his rare soprano. *wails, sniffle, sniffle, blows nose* I miss my Ki Joon-Ah Jung so much, sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever get over them. If anyone wants to rip this and upload it, feel free to drop the download link in the comments section for everyone.

“Lovin Ice-cream” with Kang Ji Hwan and As One:

Just for comparison sake, here’s the Ji Hwan-Eun Hye version below. Supposedly Eun Hye chose this song for their karaoke duet in episode 6, and the lyrics and her love of ice-cream (and his professed desire to open an ice-cream shop for the girl of his dreams) makes the song ever so fraught with underlying meaning for the HwanHye shipper in me.

“Lovin Ice-cream” with Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye:


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  • I'm sad that for whatever unsurmontable reason, our Cola ice-cream OTP version could not be released. Well, JH oppa's version will have to do, then. At least something is better than nothing. Anyhow, you've made my day. So, thanks once again, Captain K!

  • Waaaaaahhhhh.... miss my Hwan-Hye OTP. Where are they? Why are they so quiet? When are they finally coming out to tell us what we have been patiently waiting to hear?

    Thanks for this post, Cap. I know... you keep on telling us to rein in our fantasies. Might not be forthcoming at all. But this just made me miss the couple more... and revived my dream. Oh well...*sigh*

    • Link to d/l a ripped version (hopefully it works for you guys):


    • thanks for the link..u're the best!!!
      I prefer KJH n YEH 's "lovin Ice Cream" cause their voice really match n cute...huhuhu....I want that version...why they not release that???gggrrrrrr!!!

      • Me too! I prefer KJH & YEH version of "Lovin
        Ice Cream", cause its cute & lovely that their
        voices blend together... KJH one version is good
        as well... I really miss "HwanHye"... Any news
        from the two lovin Ice cream couple?... Please
        share it to us!... Thanks

      • same here I like the version with YEH but then again this is better than nothing...thank you madam K for always giving us goodies about our beloved OTP... oh dear miss them much!!!!

      • news bout them...only their professional works....
        mam the header..hope they can work together again sighhhh.....

  • thought of having a "blind test" of both versions with guests n predictably the Hwan-Eun Hye version came on top as preferred. their voices blended well. this 'Lovin ice cream' song is more meaningful n swoon worthy to us bcoz we know the story behind. Thanks a bundle Ockoala, you're the best captain.

  • thanks for this Captain! miss our OTP!

    the hwanhye version of lovin ice cream is still the best for me! :)

    maybe Japan would request for the hwanhye version too, who knows! hehehe

  • I just can't get enough of KJH & YEH... i keep wanting for more. I really wish they're together in real life (♥_♥)

  • ~ pouts ~

    why is it so hard to release the version with both of them singing together, aigoo!

    it's so weird hearing Kang Ji Hwan's voice and not Eun Hye's... but thanks for this, at least, I'll get to hear KJH singing over and over again.

  • woah! Thanks captain! :)

    I wish this was YEH-KJH's version of Lovin' Ice Cream. I prefer their version. Their version's still my phone's ringtone. I miss them so much. :'(

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