Categories: K-dramas

The King 2 Hearts Episode 7 Preempted on Wednesday and MBC to Air 2 Episodes on Thursday

I’m selfish. At this point, I’d vote for South Korea to really be ruled by a constitutional monarchy if that meant no elections and I get my new episode of The King 2 Hearts. Next Wednesday there will be elections in South Korea hence MBC is preempting its Wednesday night drama, otherwise known as “Koala’s MUST HAVE/NEED/WANT episode 7 of TK2H”. Clearly life will not be pleasant around me that day. Just warning y’all.

Rather than just airing one episode on Thursday, MBC will air episodes 7 and 8 back-to-back that night. Oh hell, I can’t believe I have to do this again. How apropos that the same thing happened with Mary Stayed Out All Night, with the network airing two episodes back-to-back, requiring me to recap both episodes at once. I think I did it with the assistance of two Venti lattes plus a red bull. I don’t have my stamina that I did back then, so here’s the hoping I make it out alive. As for what the other two stations are doing, I have no clue, since I’m not following the other two dramas.

Aside from the recapping nightmare sure to come, I’m just sad I’ll have to wait another day to get my TK2H fix. Whatever shall I do? I’ve already re-watched episode 6 so many times I can recite the dialogue and mimic the cadence in each scene. Let’s think of fun TK2H games to play to while away the hours, shall we? Or we can all stare at the adorable bromances above and smile like loonies at the cuteness.


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  • Haha, Mz. Koala, you could always take your time summarizing the episodes. You don't need to do it right away. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the show and recap later. (=

    • But then again, I could totally picture your fingers just itching to type something up. I guess this would be the time where you either test your stamina or your patience. Regardless, I'm sure those who follow your page are always thankful for your recaps and insights despite when you post it. Thank you. (=

      • totally agree with you
        another option is baby recaps... this was she could satisfy her urges to type about it and share with us :D without exhausting herself too much ;)

  • Maybe this drama is a way to test citizens's opinion about a possible way of reunification?
    Anyway, thank you for the bromance(s) pic. Just adorable. And i agree with L. Health first! If we need to wait a bit for the recap of the second ep it's OK: I love my koalas fluffy and cuddly, not with killing glares. :)

  • This is the first time I've been writing on you wall Koala, and I have to say: you are awesome. I've been reading your post more than a year. Watching TK2H bring me the happy times when I watched LTM.., I have the same symptoms..can't wait to watch next episode. LSGi seems to have crush on HJW, and I don't mind, it makes him better man. I really don't know what that woman does, but she brings the best from the mans...God bless you.

    • yes, i also agree with u that LSG had some crush on HJW noona...At the K2H's press conference, once HJW enter the room, I catches that SG eyes directly goes to her and at the 1st BTS video he also can't take his eyes from HJW. Maybe he really had some crush on her and I don't mind about it, but I prefer LSG with Park Shin Hye, they look good together in LSG's MV Alone in Love (Japan version).

      Anyway, thanks Ms. Koala for ur craziness about K2H, love it when u really fall for a drama coz u'll post everything bout it and keep us update, hehehe :)

      • Yeee, I've watched MV..,they look good together, maybe they'll act together in drama soon. But it seems that HJW is "death" for Korean mans..,heee,hee

    • LSG has a crush on HJW? aww, puppy!! I saw HJW on Running Man and she's just too adorable....she's unimaginably giggly!! The 1 min BTS of the kiss: initially i thought her hiding her face was part of the scene....but after watching the Episode I thought it was adorable that she was embarrassed (also, the actor playing the hyung teased her by imitating her action, heh) and LSG blushed cutely as well!! So, him crushing on her is not too far-fetched!

    • Who doesn't have a crush on HJW? ;) I even have a girl crush on her, she's too adorbs! Just the right mix of tough and girly.

      And awwww...puppy, you just have to test my shipping tendencies don't you? Fear not, I won't start shipping you with HJW noona. But keep up the good work and congrats on being a true namja! Tehee.

    • I have to agree with you mtoh, HJW has something that made all of her male actors shine to the highest level , acting-wise, when being paired with her. Jo In Sung (memories of Bali, oh their chemistry there was like magic, it was so real!), then we have Jang Geun Suk (who admitted it openly that he had a crush on her, LOL), and then, how can you explain the suddenly so giddy Hyun Bin in Secret Garden? and now Lee Seung Gi , he's so HOT here, I mean I love him in MGIG but for me he was just the cute boy Seung Gi, and now, BAM, here, he is DA MAN! Waaaah....

  • LOVE the first pix of the 2 brothers, sooo cute!
    I totally couldn't stand the sight of the brother when he acted as
    that doc in BRAIN. But I simply adore him now. Such powerful
    transformation. As for Lee Seung Gi, HEART him big big!
    Thanks for all your K2H post, love reading all of them :)

    • I have seen Lee Sung Min (Lee Jae Kang) in Can You Hear My Heart, Brain, and King 2 Hearts and I must say he is a great actor. He was able to portray the characters well. But it is only in King 2 Hearts that his character is written and depicted in such a way that we care for him. I actually dread the coming episodes knowing that his character will be the target of Club M. =(

      Kudos to writernim and PDnim for portraying the supporting characters so well that we as viewers can get attached to them.

  • Koala, please don't stress yourself out about recapping!! I am JUST glad we'll be able to watch 2 episodes next's a given the subs & recaps will be affected....but having to wait an extra day with just one episode would've prolly killed me!!

    • * squeak *

      That's all I could say when I saw the puppies next to them. That is cuteness overload. Hope Ms Koala like it cos' it's one darn smile-inducing header you've got there.

    • I love the header you created. Great job. Hopefully there's another pix from MBC that will include their kid sister - Jae Shin :)

      • hi guys! thank you for all your feedback. I appreciate it a lot. ^_^

        Tk2H, I looooooooooooove you!

    • So well done!!!!! And so cute!!!! Love the puppies and the pun they imply, since LSG has been referred to as the puppy by many. I love how LSG tilts his head on the pix and how he touches the shoulder of his hyung (it's like you can sense that they trust each other and they can rely on each other, which I am sure they did, as the characters they play and in real life. They probably helped each other on the set). So much camaraderie and love without either one having to say a single word. It is all there in the pix. Sometimes, pictures ARE WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS. The chemistry among the cast members is palpable (whether they are portraying romance, bromance or tense moments such as confrontations and fights). I know they work hard, but they must be having a lot of fun as well filming and working together.

      Thank you so much! I wish I could have this as a screen on my computer. They look so peaceful. That banner looks very soothing and calming.

      • thank you so much. I've never been like this since MGIAG - obsession to the highest level. ^_^

  • Poor you, and all the other recappers and subbers.

    But at least we get our 2 episodes right? I was so worried we might get only one on Thursday.

    Take your time. I love reading your posts about TK2H, because your giddiness mirrors mine.

    Thank you!

  • Good luck to you Ms Koala. I plan to live stream and won't rest till I find out what happens on Thurs. There is no way I can sleep when even waiting for Wed nights are torture.

    Friday is a total write off cancelling all appointments. Like I have any brain cells left with 4 episodes of RP and K2H. Wow, the poor subbers, a few of the strongest subbers are on both dramas. Imagine having 4 episodes to sub. Yikes.

    I want Thur to come yet don't want to, after having seen the sad spoiler photos last week.

    • The subbers are my absolute heros this season. I have never seen anyone work that hard for other people. I love them.

      I am also taking Friday off so I can watch the second they are fully subbed.

  • Thks a zillion Mrs Koala!!
    You could pick out the best scenes and write stories about it ...
    He4x ... U r an amazing writer anyway - so it will be such a gem to read :)
    But like others - wish u have a good Heath and take yr time ... (not too long but ... Ha4x ...)

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