Categories: My Loves

Ha Ji Won Picks Lee Seung Gi as her Most Ideal Co-star and Most Memorable Kiss

On the heels of Lee Seung Gi picking Ha Ji Won as his ideal co-star (amongst the three leading ladies he’s worked with, the other two being Han Hyo Joo and Shin Mina), now its Ha Ji Won’s turn to set the tongues wagging once when she returns the favor. On the April 19th taping of the variety chat show Happy Together, Ha Ji Won made a surprise appearance to join her Korea (the movie) cast mates. During the interview, Ha Ji Won was asked about all the male stars she’s worked with and who she finds the most ideal. Unlike Lee Seung Gi, Ha Ji Won has easily worked with quadruple the number of co-stars he has, and some of them are quite famous for pairing up with her. Such as Jo In Sung and So Ji Sub in What Happened in Bali, and Hyun Bin in Secret Garden.

Of all her countless male leads, Ha Ji Won shocked the hosts by picking her current The King 2 Hearts leading man Lee Seung Gi as her ideal man of all her co-stars to date. But wait, she’s not done yet. When asked which of her onscreen kisses was the most memorable, Ji Won picked the refrigerator kiss with Seung Gi. Buh? This coming from the lady who kissed Binnie left, right, and upside down in SG and famously made out with Jo In Sung in WHIB? Thanks to all this juicy cuteness, I think the SeungWon ship is so close to setting sail. All it needs is one more little puff of smoke to send it hurtling towards the horizon.

I think Ha Ji Won has great chemistry with almost ALL her male leads, and many of her male leads have confessed to crushing on her when they worked together (innocently, of course). I’ve seen all of her dramas and I’ve always thought Jo In Sung had the best chemistry with her, bar none. For the first time in years, Lee Seung Gi is shaking my conviction in that belief, and I’ll wait until the TK2H is all done before rendering my verdict. I think Ha Ji Won makes all her male leads shine and better, so its no shock Seung Gi picks her as his ideal co-star. What’s really surprising is that she would pick him. Curious minds do wonder.


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  • She had great on screen chemistry with Jo In Sung, but that's a ship that will stay docked! I just assumed it was the usual series puffery that she chose Seung Gi. Nearly all of her male co-stars pick her. One impressive thing about both WHIB and Damo (Naeuri!!) was that you could pick either Team believably. I rewatched a bit of Hwang Jin Yi the other day, and boy was she remarkable in that as well.

    • Yes, both are smart, and maybe even encouraged, to say these things to bring up the interest in the drama. Not that I believe the ratings can increase that much with the competition, it may help.

      Memorable is a tricksy word, too. It could be true, of course, or she could be saying that it is the freshest in her memory!

      I am such a goner for this couple, it would be so awesome if she threw caution to the wind and the pair dated IRL. She has been able to resist up to this point, but maybe LSG is her kryptonite. He is so freaking charming with her and clearly adores her. Has she been matched up against someone like him before?

      Why not date? He has to go into MS soon anyway. Spend a coupla memorable (wink wink nudge nudge) years together and then move on.
      Not everything has to lead to marriage.

      • i have the same thoughts too jomo.. hahahaha. i hope she only said that for ratings sake *wink*. ilove her with hyun bin. their chemistry is the best!! :))))

    • OMG! I didn't read your comment until after I posted mine. I can sure say that I agree with the entirety of it! <3 Like minds think alike! :D

      Naeuri!!! I spent like 15 minutes trying to romanize the word (and did a crazy google search for how to translate "my lord" into romanized Hangul which turned out to be an epic fail, lol).

    • I've loved Ji Won forever, and I've never seen "her" so readily pick the same co-star when asked about such personal acting moments. Oh yeah, ALL her co-stars pick her (well, except for Binnie, but I'm of the minority who didn't see any good chemistry in SG and thought he carried the show).

      With HJW, she has a very open and kinda tomboyish personality. She seems easy to talk to, and very professional as an actress. I've given up forbidding ANY mention of Naeuri here since I immediately burst into tears (not joking), but for example, her and Lee Soo Jin do not appear to click AT ALL in real life. I thought her and SJS had very palable RL chemistry in the BTS for WHIB, but then she had much better onscreen chemistry with JIS in that drama.

      So I have never ever once shipped HJW with any of her previous co-stars, because she's never shown anything more than professionalism with them. This is the first time that BTS scenes from TK2H is leading me astray. Since their first poster shoot video, which was so hot it got me excited about this drama I had already written off at that point, I've wondered how they have such good chemistry? It baffles me, but in a good way.

      • I want this ship to sail ! BAD ! But But..the 9 yrs gap is kinda obvious given LSG's babyboy looks ! How ?? Can Cougar & Cub b set to go ?

      • of course she will choose LSG. reason why? very simple, bring the ratings up and he is SAFE. love both of them but the 9 year gap can't be ignored specially when we are talking about korean culture (1 year gap is already a big deal to them let alone 9). can you imagine had she chosen one the following guys: Binnie, JIS, SJS, LSJ & etc... BIG News & chaos... she's very cautious with her private life hence play safe with the charming & adorable complain there....

  • Too bad there is something called enlistment in the way which have sank a thousand seaworthy ships.

    • Hahaha! true...but Seung Ki has some time before he sets sail...ii can already imagine the uproar the year he leaves....since its also going to be the same year a number of actors are going to be leaving like Lee Min Ho, Jang Geun Suk, Jung Il Woo, Ji Chang Wook..and that is only a few

      • Omg, after enjoying the younger actors while the more 'mature' ones are serving the army, now there's a reversal with all of them coming back out and the young ones going in. T.T? ^_^?

    • is it because they just acting?? they feel awkward in real life? huhuh .. ooits because sung gi iadores her so much that don't want any rumors for HJW? huhuhu

    • of course he would be awkward and careful there's like millions of cameras and people taking pictures,lol
      he's more comfy when its just inside the film set
      and happy that ockoala thinks HJW is acting differently towards LSG, given that she's acted with a lot of handsome costars in the past

  • awwww...that is right on the heels of Seung Gi picking her to!!!
    thing is I think most of these actors tend to pick the actors they ad their last project with too add some buzz to the show...but that doesn't stop me from fangirling

    • i agree...the logical part in me is saying this is to boost the drama, usual promo stuff
      but..this still makes me resisting the urge to ship them..but its so hard!! the 9 year age difference...the fact that there are rumors of her and Hyunbin..but when I see pics of them, like simply standing next to each other, my heart goes SQUEEE lol XD

  • I have read it yesterday, and I'm still amazed.
    Sparkles fly all over the set.
    And I have to say: LOVE IS THE AIR ;)

  • This show is all over the net and forums, international public, HJW and LSG tickle or brain and heart with interviews,
    but ratings are dropping :(

  • As much as I would want to believe what those actors are proclaiming its hard not to think this is all for their show's publicity.

    • That's what I was thinking too...but with all the behind the scenes promos it does look like they're having a lot of fun on set. I just figure that Seung Gi is just an awesome guy to work with...heck, I'm pretty sure ALL korean moms wouldn't mind their daughters bringing home LSG. He has such a homey, down to earth feel about him.

      But when it comes to chemistry department (not counting the movies she's been in), I'm with you on Jo In Sung (Jae Min!!!). And who can forget Naeuri in Damo?! But when it comes to the kissing I can't believe she didn't choose Hyun Bin in Secret Garden. That episode where she got all dolled up and made out...I mean kissed Hyun Bin in front of all those party goers had me swooning the entire episode.

      • That party kiss sure was the longest kiss she has can she not remember locking lips with Binnie for like a whole day?

      • It's probably for show's publicity, I've only rarely seen someone not choosing the person they are working with. But they do seem to be getting along pretty well in bts.

        And I know, I also thought Hyun Bin would be the memorable kiss.. I haven't seen her other dramas to comment on her chemistry. But for LSG, I think she could be his favorite co-star.

      • that's absolutely right. something fishy is going on here. LSG is the safest choice (i mean he seems so harmlessand oh boy the age gap). LSG is a pretty fine man but in my opinion HB and HJW hit off really well in SG. the fact that they kept in touch and shared some meals even after SG has ended is very much intriguing. :) IMO

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