So close, but not quite there. The King 2 Hearts won’t make my top-10 favorites list, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. Ultimately enough hiccups here and there accumulated that it weighed down the story in parts and stretched credulity in others. But that is the only rub in an otherwise magnificent drama watching experienced. I laughed, I cried, I seethed, I swooned, and in the end, I smiled in sad contentment to see TK2H sign off with such satisfying sweetness. The story wasn’t about love or fairness, instead reminding us that love doesn’t conquer all and life can indeed be really (REALLY) unfair.
Its topic of national sovereignty and political divisions is built on the premise that relationships between countries isn’t fair. It’s about power, which comes from using wealth to accumulate strength, and that power isn’t based on which country is more right and more honorable. In the end, the love of a partner and the love from a family that our King Lee Jae Ha found, that doesn’t make his job easier or magically resolve the decades long separation of one ethnicity into two countries. All it does is make him stronger, and that is a strength that will help him walk each step of an always precarious journey. This drama might have been fantasy, but ultimately delivered a meaningful and sincere conclusion.
Episode 20 recap:
Hang Ah pleads with her father to let her stay, she doesn’t want to be apart from Jae Ha. Her father reminds her that the last time the Koreas were at war, families were separated and remained that way for decades. He’s getting old and he doesn’t want to be separated from his only daughter. But he lets her decide, and she chooses to leave with him.
Jae Ha calls Hang Ah, and her dad doesn’t want her to answer since the South Koreans betrayed the North by agreeing to help the US attack them. Hang Ah answers and tells Jae Ha that she is at the border but not yet crossed. What’s important is finding out what both the US and North Korea are really intending.
Jae Ha wants Hang Ah to come back, he’ll send a car to pick her up. She reluctantly tells him that she’s going back to the North. Right now communications have been cut between the two Koreas, so she’ll going back to convey to the North that the South does not want war. She will be the conduit for Jae Ha to send his message over and prevent this war.
Jae Ha worries once she goes they can’t communicate with each other. Hang Ah reminds him that their hearts are as one. Ah heck yeah. Going back to North Korea is so that she can one day see Jae Ha again. He agrees and asks her to please stop this war. She wants him to remember that their hearts are aligned, then they will meet again one day. She says “I love you” before hanging up the phone and they both cry.
The President of South Korea has agreed to allow the US to attack through the South Korean military base, with the date set for May 24th to invade Pyongyang. Bong Goo gets a call from the US official, who is clearly helping Bong Goo’s agenda, about the impending military intervention. He gets hold of the US attack order and sends it to Jae Ha to gloat.
Jae Ha gets a call from Bong Goo crowing about the news of the impending war. He blames Jae Ha for reporting him to the ICC so this is his punishment. It’s his punishment for not making the right choice when he was on the cliff. He chose himself over his country, so this is what the consequences look like. It’s Jae Ha’s fault for his citizens to die in the war. Jae Ha says that it will all be Bong Goo’s fault if anyone dies, Jae Ha merely followed the letter of the law to ensure Bong Goo was punished for his crimes. Jae Ha vows to stop this war while waiting for Bong Goo to be tried.
Jae Ha tells Secretary Eun that he got a copy of the US plans to attack Pyongyang on May 24th. He decides to raise the alert to Defcon 2 (impending war). The news of South Korea raising their battle alert status to Defcon 2 reaches Pyongyang and battleships begin readying.
The North Korean Prime Minister is trying to get information from Hang Ah about the South Korean military but she refuses to play ball and give the North any ammunition to use against the South.
The South Koreans continue to try and re-establish communications with the North until finally the North decides to respond to talks. The North Korean Prime Minister demands Jae Ha explain why the US is trying to attack the North. Jae Ha plays hardball and says that if the North attacks Seoul, then South Korea will retaliate as well and North Korea will pay the price.
Hang Ah’s dad wants to take Hang Ah overseas with him to Berlin where she can see Jae Ha again. Hang Ah doesn’t like knowing her dad is trying to run away until her dad reveals Jae Ha threatening North Korea despite knowing Hang Ah is there.
Hang Ah is sent as the representative of North Korea in a meeting with Jae Ha representing South Korea. They want her to confirm whether the US has decided to attack Pyongyang on May 24th. To use as leverage, the North wants Hang Ah to hand over contract between the two Koreas agreeing to the royal engagement so it can be torn up. Plus Hang Ah’s dad is detained until she returns from the meeting. The North will be listening in on the talk.
Hang Ah walks into the meeting with Jae Ha. He asks what she is doing on May 24th? She asks if he’s wondering if she’s going into battle perhaps? Jae Ha asks her to attend a wedding… him. Since they are planning to get married anyways, he just moved the date up. Hang Ah asks why the South is planning to attack the North, but Jae Ha says it’s not the South, it’s the US. It’s because the North carried out a terrorist attack on the US, but Hang Ah retorts that they didn’t do any such thing.
Jae Ha tells Hang Ah that their wedding is the only way to stop the impending war. It will prevent the US from attacking North Korea, and both Koreas can survive. Her father is currently convincing the North Korean Prime Minister of this plan. Jae Ha is on the phone with the North Korean Prime minister, who is reluctant, so Jae Ha presses a red alert button.
The alarm sends both North and South guards rushing into the room with their guns drawn. Jae Ha tells Young Bae to shoot him right between the eyes, since if the North doesn’t agree they might as well kill him since the war is inevitable anyway.
Hang Ah grabs the gun and walks over to point it at Jae Ha. OMG. She tells him that she will kill him herself. Because she loves him so she will kill him and follow right behind him. Young Bae looks all weepy, while Dong Ha has his gun trained on her. When she cocks her weapon, the North Korean Prime Minister folds and agrees.
Hang Ah and Jae Ha hug each other. He says that today, they used the same willingness to die to prevent a war.
A North Korean news report announces that the North and South will be holding a wedding ceremony at the DMZ, and Bong Goo watches this news report at the hospital. Bong Goo calls his contact, the horrid US official, who finally wises up and refuses to play ball anymore. He tells Bong Goo to do whatever he wants as the US guy is about to lose his job for this.
Jae Ha and Secretary Eun try to cross the DMZ but a US soldier refuses to let him pass since the army is at a Def Con 2 status right now. But the South Korean soldiers open the barricade and let his car pass through.
Hang Ah, wearing a traditional hanbok and her hair in a simple plait, is getting made up while her dad watches beaming in happiness. He worries that this isn’t lavish enough for her since it’s an once-in-a-lifetime experience. Hang Ah pulls him in for a hug and apologizes for being a bad daughter. He tells her that as long as she lives a happy life then he’s happy for her. He looks at her, wishing her mother was here, before turning around and wiping his tears away.
Jae Ha watches an announcement by the White House spokesperson, who sends the US’s congratulations to South Korea on this historic marriage and reveals the US never intended any military intervention in North Korea. The marriage begins and Jae Ha and Hang Ah walk towards each other and meet at the yellow demarcation line.
He crosses over the line and they turn to bow towards the South. Then he holds her hand and they step over the line together before turning around and bowing towards the North. Jae Ha picks Hang Ah up and twirls her around a few times.
Boong Goo faces the judgment of a three-panel judges of the ICC and is convicted of murder and terrorism and sentenced to life in prison. Jae Ha goes to visit him in maximum security prison and thanks Bong Goo for willing to see him. Bong Goo thinks Jae Ha is here to gloat, and crows that he won in the end anyways. War almost broke out and Jae Ha was frightened of that possibility. He thinks Jae Ha will always jump when there is a shadow or a spark, he will never be at peace.
Jae Ha tells him that war was averted, and there is nothing scarier in this world than a war. They managed to prevent a war, what else would they be afraid of? He thanks Bong Goo for making them stronger. As Jae is walking away, Bong Goo shouts out that Club M continues to exist even if he’s in jail, with a different name and a different leader.
It’s four years later and the North-South Korea team is assembling for the 5th WOC. Jae Ha greets the three new North Korean members, while Kang Seok, Young Bae and Dong Ha are there supervising the training. Young Bae is teased for falling in love with a South Korean military instructor during the joint training. Aww, so cute.
Princess Jae Shin is sitting on the fortress wall in Seoul where she went with Shi Kyung once. She has her bird besides her as she talks on the phone. The camera pans over and we see Shi Kyung sitting next to her. She reveals that she’s got a matchmaking date tomorrow, asking him if she should go. She heard the guy is quite handsome and wonders if Shi Kyung is angry but memory Shi Kyung smiles and tells her to go.
Jae Shin says she can’t live her entire life thinking of Shi Kyung, but he’ll always reside in a place in her heart like her shadow. The camera pulls away and we see Jae Shin sitting on her wheelchair looking at the wall. She smiles and wheels away.
Hang Ah’s dad is happily looking through pictures and video on his TV with Hang Ah and a little Crown Prince.
Hang Ah goes to a ribbon cutting ceremony and Jae Ha is late but makes it on time. They cut the ribbon and the little Crown Prince comes running out. Jae Ha picks him up and the cute tyke reaches for his mom, calling her “omani” (North Korean slang) instead of “omunim”. Hang Ah quickly covers his mouth but its too late.
The royal family gathers to watch news reports worried that the Crown Prince is speaking in North Korean slang, wondering about his royal education. The Queen Mother isn’t worried, saying he’ll grow up just fine.
The drama ends with Hang Ah and Jae Ha, standing side-by-side as they prepare to walk into a news conference. He grabs her hand and says “I love you”. She turns and smiles at him. He says “let’s go”, and they walk forward together.
Thoughts of Mine:
The final episode of TH2H disappointed me in some ways while delivering in others. I felt like the final arc – impending war between North and South Korea – was delivered in such a rushed fashion so late in the game, then resolved in a truly fairytale way. The execution and resolution was laughably silly, but then this story was never about a realistic gritty look at international politics, was it? Bong Goo pulled off so many of his maniacal schemes it was ridiculous, and he only got his piddling comeuppance at the end in such a low key way it lacks the catharsis we all need. After he shot and killed Shi Kyung (who sadly really is dead), I wanted him steamed alive and then fed to the sharks. Life in prison is too good for pond scum like him.
But then the final 15 minutes brought this drama home for me. Ultimately it’s about how life goes on even having gone through the most devastating and seemingly unfair of circumstances. Jae Shin didn’t miraculously get the use of her legs back, but she seemed happy, didn’t she? And why shouldn’t she? She’s got a loving family, she’s still a princess, and being confined to a wheelchair doesn’t mean her life is over. I loved the moment she pictured Shi Kyung beside, asking if she could go on a matchmaking date, but then confessing he’ll always have a special place in her heart. I’m already at peace with Shi Kyung’s passing, so for her to reach that point was poignant. I don’t think she got a bittersweet ending, I found Jae Shin’s strength and acceptance of her life so moving and realistic.
While the final episode was choppy and a bit like adding a final mile onto the run right as the runners could see the original finish line, ultimately it was satisfying to see Hang Ah and Jae Ha once again trust in each other to resolve even the most dire of situations. This story was about bridging things formerly seen as impossible, and everything starts with the first little step. Their marriage at the DMZ was wonderfully low key but amazingly high on the historic symbolism. The way they met at the yellow line, the way it was he who stepped across first (like Jae Kang making the first move with the joint WOC team idea), the way they made their bows to both sides of the political divide.
It was cute to see an ending showing their little son, and how politics will continue to dog them despite making such huge strides in bringing North and South Korea together. I really loved TH2K a lot, and the love remained consistent from beginning to end. I saw all its weaknesses and flaws, but appreciated its willingness to reach for more and attempt quite a hefty story load. This drama has quite the budget and every penny was shown onscreen, with far-reaching set pieces and a camera that never lingered on any moment to milk it dry. Happiness and sadness were both fleeting, but left a strong impression behind.
I was wary of this drama from the get to, when it kept changing its named and ended with the clunky The King 2 Hearts. I was disappointed when Lee Seung Gi was cast opposite Ha Ji Won, and second leads Jo Jung Seok and Lee Yoon Ji were lovely choices but nothing that made me sit up and go “Wow, I must watch this.” But you know what? I was won over by this drama fair and square. Not by a bias for the leads or a predilection for its story, but by how much the acting, story, and directing all came together in a fantastic way to create a truly compelling 20 hours of entertainment. What a wild and thrilling ride it was. Thank you, TK2H, for making me fall in love with K-dramas all over again.
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View Comments
wow! an early recap.. Thank You.
This drama won't make my top 10 list as well, but will surely remember the story fondly.
I love this drama. I actually think this drama will get better on re-watch and age quite well. It has an ambitious scope and steady cadence that isn't predicated on hooks that lose its impact once you know what to expect.
i do love this drama as well.. and i'll definitely re-watch this drama... i thought this drama would be the best drama of the year..until shinkyung's death and everything changed!!! sorry, it just failed becuz of ep.19, i felt so disappointed... but i understood why the script writer did it, s/he wanted to give a 'unforgettable' moment...
well.. this drama would be on my list.. but not the number one...
ps : i felt sad for shinkyung's death much more than the prince in the moon that embraces the sun... :(
Thanks for wonderful recaps the end this fabulous drama. I am listing K2H as my number 1 kdrama. I am wondering ,if this did not make it to your top ten, I would like to know what is in your top ten drama list. I have watched a few kdramas by now and I am starting my top ten list with K2H, I have yet to decide which
to put put in 2-10.
hi Koala unni, by your recap and comments it looked like u love this drama, so why won't it make your top 10 list? care to share?
For my top-10 best list, it's neigh impossible for any dramas to squeeze in. It would take near flawlessness to edge in there, because I would have to take another drama off, and that's quite a feat. The most recent addition was Resurrection/Rebirth/Revenge, which was an older K-drama but I watched it last year and HOMG is it perfect perfect perfect. Anyways, the list speaks for itself, but it has to be stupendous all around.
My top-10 faves list is different. It can suck donkey balls but if I LOVE it soooo much, then its on. Ultimately there are one too many hiccups in TK2H for me to love it that much to bump off another drama that owns my heart. But if I expanded the list to 15 dramas, then I would definitely add TK2H.
I feel like I have learned something from watching K2H and I am really interested in what you rated as your top ten - i like your recaps and analysis and i trust that your list could be trusted-
After K2H, I learned to be more discriminate and prioritize my kdrama watching- after all I don`t have all the time in the world. So if there are dramas that are worth my time - i would like to watch them, instead of wasting my hours finding a gem. Thanks
LOL i found your list - sorry for redundancy, but i am new to this-- anyway, i realized i have a long way to catch up with kdramas. i may find time to sample your list later - but then new dramas keeps cropping up - i can`t live my life just watching dramas LOL.
I have to read a good book once in awhile - the last good read was The Kite Runner.
Wow so fast!! Thank you so much!! YES! :D
But... I have officially lost interest in this show after Shi Kyung's death.
I am really heartbroken. Yes, blah blah, story of life moving on and lah-di-dah, but Shi Kyung's death really was the deal breaker for me. I am so, so disappointed in this ending. I am just going to crawl into a corner and sob now.
I know right? I'm usually a type of person who can watch one episode in 10 minutes because i skip too much. This was one drama that didnt make me do that, all cause i didnt want to miss the parts with shi kyung and jae shin. But after he died the only parts i wanted to watch in the last episode was the heartbreaking "reunion" scene. I didnt really care hang ah and jae ha got their happy ending..
I totally agree with you. My heart is in pieces and I wasn't really interested after that. Gonna knock off of dramas for a while....
same here ... i just can't bring myself to watch the last 2 episodes right now. i'm still hurting for my cutiepuppyguard Shi Kyung *sniff*
thanks Koala, this won't make my top-10 favorite list either
i miss shi kyung and jae shin love story..they've just started :)
me too actually I wanted the end to be sad like they can't achieve the reunification between both korea .. maybe like that I will accept the end :/ .. I just can't feel happy after SK died .. I'm a fan of lsg for long time and i wanted him to have a happy ending but I was disappointed in this fairytale ending :/ .. I just can't accept it T______T
me too..the death of shi kyung made me lost interest to watch the rest of the episode...
Kuri et al,
but don`t you think because SK is killed in the drama - he will forever live as a HERO. This drama requires a hero - and SK fits the bill. it is not an implausible scenario given the story. He was not killed by a random stranger - so died on duty, and it was a dramatic, painful loss esp for Jae Shin and Jae Ha. Did you know even Seung Gi cried so much while filming this scene..even after the director yelled CUT....
The reason we all ache for SK is because he is dead - therefore he will be more memorable this way. I console myself with this thought and I thank them for giving us a character as pure and noble as SK.
(Example, why does Romeo and Juliet so well known and still remembered - every generation knows that name -- because they died young! In a Shakesperean way - it evokes romanticism. )
I totally agreeeeee!! :)
Well said! :)
Again, I watched this when it aired but am just reading these recaps and comments now. I totally agree with what you said. In fact I even feel Shi Kyung's death was necessary for the overall meaning of the drama. What they were fighting for wasn't easy and came at a high cost. Shi Kyung's death was an example of this. He fought and died for what he believed in and for the greater good. He put his country and millions of others before himself. That's what made him so admirable. People die in real life for these exact purposes and people also die for other reasons we can't control, but that is life. Tragic, yes, but IT HAPPENS! Life is not a fairytale with happy endings for everyone. Shi Kyung's tragic death is just an example of the consequences of people's actions. It should not be a reason for people to stop watching this drama, when CLEARLY it is NOT just about the love-lines, but has a far greater meaning beyond them. Honestly I get so tired of drama watchers only caring about the love-lines.
This drama IS in my top ten for the following reasons:
1) It was different and refreshing from usual plots we get
2) It wasn't filled with clichés that made it all too easy to predict, in fact it was unpredictable and had me on the edge of my seat each episode
3) It had a far deeper meaning and morals than any drama I've seen. It wasn't just about some cheesy love story. The love story in this was much more complex and played a different role than the usual drama.
4) The acting was superb (minus the foreign actors, but seriously they are never good in any dramas---> that can be attributed to language and cultural difference too)
5) It had the ability to make you feel all sorts of emotions, ponder greater issues at hand (ex. Greed for power and how every country is shady when it comes to their own interests, therefore not necessarily doing what's considered morally right ---> yes, this does actually happen).
"So close, but not quite there. The King 2 Hearts won’t make my top-10 favorites list.."
oh noesss!! Have been restraining myself from watching until the subs are out.
Thank you again for your wonderful recaps and tidbits!! Much appreciated!!
As for SK's death what helped me get over it was BG being successful yet again in getting back at JH. Yes, it wasn't justified to us.
Reading this recap enabled me to understand that JH grew into a King who could make calculated decisions w/o letting his emotions play mayhem with him. JH lost SO much but yet found the strength to continue w/o having his friend & confidante. In epi 16 he was THIS close to abdicating his throne but it was SK and HA who prevented him from doing so. Again, in epi 20 we see him turn a grave situation around w/o the help of the two most important people to him in regards to him being a ruler and King! Ultimately, he emerged victorious despite facing many a hurdles.
With the evil forces out there he will continue to forge on but now he's earned the respect and is no longer in his view 'trash'. What a growth and what a bumpy ride!!
Thank you TK2H for everything....after reading this recap I will tell were not everyone's cup of tea but it was a thrilling ride!! You'll forever be one of my faves for not taking the easy way out, trying your darned best, and for providing us with these beautiful indelible characters!! The royal family and those associated with them made me experience the myriad of emotions they were experiencing!! <3
Congratulations Ms K! that was one great recap of the whole TK2H, which i've been reading week after week and enjoying the story immensely. will marathon watch it once the eng subs are complete. your comments and insights helped to understand all of it, and i also appreciate the leads and second leads of this drama - this is the first time i will watch them and will probably follow their next works. thanks for sharing, and good job!'s over. As much as I rabidly loved K2H, I'm suprisingly nonplussed at the finale. It's like all the action & drama were used up in ep. 19 and this 20th episode was more like an epilogue. I'm okay with the low-key wedding, but I would have liked one more look at the romance that is Jae Ha and Hang Ah.
Anyway, it was a good 20 hours of entertainment. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a solid 9.
P.S. Thank you Ms. Koala for recaping this one! Now that it's over, I'm starting Queen In Hyun's Man. --really looking forward to it! :-D
I'll be taking a 'lil break from K-dramas for now. The heightened love and passion that I had for this drama took a lot out of me emotionally. I have nothing to give to another drama for now.
Thank you for your awesome recap inspite of your crazy busy schedule, ms Koala! I always enjoy the Kdrama ride with you!
I enjoy it more because of all of you guys as well. :-)
what is next drama recap by you..??
thank you for you fast recap.
i agree ! =D on to the next journey together <3
Very bittersweet ending for me. I haven't come to terms with these two episodes....everything after Shi Kyung's death was kind of anti-climatic. You are so right about the choppy feel of the editing which I thought would be better but I guess part of the blame lies with the writing which tried to wrap up things too fast. I guess the sticking point for me is that so many unrealistic plot devices were used, even though some excellent points were made, I still don't understand why JS/SK couldn't have been allowed their happy ending. Crazy BG manipulating the US and China to stupidity while possible certainly wasn't probable and was a just too convenient plot device yet he lived after murdering five people that we witnessed.
Loved the acting all the way across the board. Some of the most sublime moments were by supporting cast! I give the writer credit for trying to tackle such large sensitive issues and for giving us moments on the edge of our seats. But over all, this won't be in my top fell just a little short.
Thank you, Ms Koala for all that you do for us crazed drama fans. You have been my lifeline throughout this entire wild ride.
Crap ending. I don't care about whether or not hang ah and jae ha get a happy ending but for the love of god can't shi kyung be alive and with jae shin. I guess i am just saying this because i am a huge jae shin and shi kyung shipper and didnt care much about the main couple as the drama progressed. I guess you can say it got sort of boring. If shi kyung and jae shin ended up together it would be the best drama ever!
This drama almost became a masterpiece to me, before they kill SK and I suddenly lost my interst. I still hope for the last episode, but the last episode just make me more dissapoint. The issue are really to late. Crap ending.
But I still appreciate this drama for giving us very unpredictable storyline, keep us wondering and predicting. Good drama with bad execution.
I agree with u chubby cutie...i was so enthusiastic into the drama before the death of shi kyung but after he died i lost my interest..I want to see the love story between shi kyung and jae shin to be me it's already anti climax..
I agree
Thanks for the recap!!
I loved this drama with my whole heart and now seeing it end it's so devastating!! Can't believe there won't be another wednesday and thursday watching K2H/
There are many new dramas that look promising but .. really can't bear to begin something new right now.
I know that they packed much stuff in the last two episodes but still! I loved seeing how HA and JH evolved .. ! I LOVEEEEEEEEEED the negotiation scene..! Even if it's supposedly too fairytaly, I really liked it. I think that maybe it could seem more realistic to others if it was stretched ? But actually I didn't find it so unrealistic.. North korea doesn't want war with the South [talking in this drama vision, not aware enough of the real situation], they are reacting to what they see and hear from the US and the South. And when JH comes personally to show his feelings about the situation and then show them his determination.. I think it was to force the North to not jump on the war like that!
Anyway! Just wanted to say, I found the finale satisfying enough. It's a pity we didn't get more scenes with the family being happy but that's how K2H is.. Never too much sweetness.. :)
I loved the final scene where HA and JH comes in hand in hand.. We see them walk away.. It made me feel like they are just going on their path and somewhere they are still living their life to the fullest, handling problems together!
Very well said. I agree. :)
Very well said.
Thanks Koala. I can't believe it's over. Its like breaking up w someone who was your right kind of wrong. :-( tk2h was a good drama coz it always made think, laugh,cry, excited and giddy. I'm so going to miss lsg n hjw. Wish there was part 2.
Sad, sad, sad, coz this drama have officially ended, nevertheless happy they ended up together!!! Hoping they will also end with each other in real life!!!