The press conference for Faith looked all sorts of boring (from a sartorial standpoint since everyone was just okay but no hot messes), but goodness gracious the six-minute trailer that was released at the press conference certainly does not look boring in the slightest. This time-traveling/fantasy sageuk may still turn out to be all glam with no substance, but at least it can’t be accused of doing the same old thing. I’ve made it clear that I find leading lady Kim Hee Sun a generally blah actress, and her looking much older than Lee Min Ho in this drama certainly doesn’t help me grow to like her character. In the long trailer she appears rather superficial and ditzy, therefore will likely have a transformative arc whereby her character develops gravitas commensurate with her journey in the middle of Goryeo political warfare. What I saw of her in the long trailer still rubs me the wrong way (too obviously screechy and spastic), but I’m loving Lee Min Ho’s General Choi Young. Love his character, his delivery, and his story line, therefore I’m in come next Monday when it premieres. What can I say? I love me a hot guy in all-black.
6-minute trailer for Faith:
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LMH is an absolute darling here <3 <3 <3 can any1 temme where to see the eng-subbed version of this 6-min preview???
"screechy and spastic" ?
You're being nice...I don't think any actress has made me cringe this badly since Geum Jandi...I've never seen Kim Hee Sun in anything before but she sure leaves a bad first impression (didn't help that I can't help comparing her with what little I've seen of the wonderful SMA in Arang)...o well.. here's to hoping that the trailer just put together her worst bits....either that or LMH just has really bad luck with the other half of his OTP's....everyone else I'm pretty much neutral on....what I did love was how well this drama seems to be playing up the fantasy....and I kinda love the evil trio a bit too much
"LMH just has really bad luck with the other half of his OTP’s…"
100% true ... i don't know what to think about this OTP so true.
goo hye sun was really annoying as jandi.
park min young...she is a perfect example of an overhyped actress who can't act to save her life.
and now..this kim hee sun looks old as heck next to lee minho. i guess people were expecting them to have the awesome chemistry of lee seunggi-ha ji won, but my god, she looks aging.
the only costar i liked was son ye jin.
Nice.. but, still... She looks so OLD for my baby Min Ho..
He is too young, that is the problem.
no, she is too old ... she is just lucky to have LMH ... :-)
Weep sob sniffle wail!! Unni- I thought we agreed Min Hot is in early military service. Why do you keep talking about him? She does call to mind his BoF costar, except she looks OLD on top of it. Wah!!
I have to say I don't know if like the trailer... I was so excited to see more than just a few seconds and overall the long trailer looked promising but it didn't convince me entirely. So now I need to wait for the first episode to see of Faith is really good or not. :-)
I like trailer, It shows different elements of drama. Think I'll like connection between LMH and King.
Haha, she calls him Psycho.
The fan wielding doctor, the lazy warrior and the flute blowing brooder sure tower above all their co stars in that group photo..
and off-topic- 'm asking this here since i dunno where or who else to ask, but when do korean high-schoolers finish high-school, like at what age??? cuz, 'm assuming schooling starts a bit late in korea???
They start and finish school at about the same ages that Western kids do; that is to say, they start their first year of school about age 5 (by Western count) and graduate from high school at about 17 or 18 (again, by Western count).
I heard that Korean's leave school at age 19, not 18? Cuz 19 is the legal age.
I heard that Korean's leave school at age 19, not 18?
I really hope you will come to like this drama! I love your recaps and it will be JUST GREAT if you come to like it enough for full recaps!!!
Crossing my fingers!!!!
I usually dont watch Historical Dramas, but, what can I say, I am soo in love of Lee MInho that I will watch it!!!!!!
Agree. I love pretty much everything in the trailer except for the female lead. On a cuter actress, the ditzy act would be hilarious, but Kim Hee Sun just can't pull it off. Let's hope that those screechy/spastic scenes will only last for a few episodes.