Categories: J-doramas

Ishihara Satomi and Oguri Shun in Rich Man, Poor Woman BTS Pictures

I’m sorry, did anyone order a serving of cute? With a side order of adorable? That’s easy to whip up. A hard-to-find-but-I-found-it pictures of the two leads of Rich Man, Poor Woman in behind-the-scenes shots is coming right up! It’s a testament to Oguri Shun’s hotness that he manages to rock that weird haircut, but that’s probably because 99% of the time we’re staring at his broad shoulders, smirky lips, sleek jaw line, and a whole smorgasboard of beautiful man features. Plus he’s not the only one with an unfortunate haircut in RMPW, part of Yoko’s ugh factor is her all-forehead hairstyle. Thank god Ishihara Satomi avoided the curse of the bad hair, because that allows her to be as cuddleworthy as a kitten crossed with a panda and then shrunken into pocket-sized to carry around. Still twiddling my thumbs waiting for episode 6 to arrive, and while I love this dorama to pieces, imma going to need some Shachou to Makoto kissing face soon before I Hulk out.


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  • Sooooooo cute.

    I am afeared we will wait until the bitter end for the kissing.
    He's kissing the YUKKA now, so there are a few spacer episodes needed first...hmmm OK maybe ep 8.

    I am now hoping for a season deux.
    What do you all think?

    • I agree. Season 2 would be awesome. Or at the very least some Nodame action where there are 2 specials and a movie. (But PLEASE don't make us wait that long for some kissing!)

      I'm imploding from the cuteness.

      • NO that would be the worst. I had to wait far, far too long for Chiaki and Nodame to kiss. Seriously when I got the back hug at the end of season 1 I was jumping out of my chair squeeing...

  • I am waiting for the kiss between his hotness and Makoto it better happen soon and that Yoko better just stick to her cooking and leave my boy alone.

  • Whoa...Shun's sexy back!!! He's not conventionally handsome in a Johnny-idol sort of way but my God, the boy is hot. And Ishihara is just a bundle of adorableness.

    Oh, and I'm just pretending that Yoko doesn't exist. She's inconsequential to me. Haha.

  • Ms. Koala...thank you!! i am so addicted to this drama!!! lOoooOove your recaps!!! keep up the wonderful work!!!

  • Thank you so much Ms. Koala! He is soooo manly even with those messy hair, his presence is on fire. Yay!

  • thanks Ms. Koala! Haay! Can't wait for episode 6! It is a sad thing that we can't watch it live. siggghh!

    As much as I love Shun in his business suit, I think I am loving him more in his relaxed, capri + white shirt with vest and messy hair. hehehhe!

  • Now that we're halfway through the drama, THEY BETTER up their game and show more touchy-kissy scenes! If that useless/annoying/ugly cook can kiss Hyuga, WHYYYYYYYY can't Makoto?!