Much as I loathe to be the etiquette police, I’ll probably end up doing it every few months anyways despite always hoping I didn’t have to. I’ve seen my preview translations and other Rich Man, Poor Woman stuff being lifted wholesale and reposted elsewhere without ever asking me. That’s a big no-no in bloggyland, and I would hate to lock my posts from copying to everyone. No need to take those past posts down, but kindly cut it out from now on, m’kay? So back to RMPW, which feels like its flown by in how quickly this story has unfurled. Feels like yesterday I was watching episode 1 due to mild curiosity and finding myself inexplicably hooked.
Next week is the penultimate episode, and from the gist of the written preview, I sense a lot of issues will be set up for resolution. I appreciate how fast-paced this story is, but I worry a bit that the whole entire Asahina-turns-to-the-dark-side arc may get packaged up too easily and a bunch of emotional threads brushed aside. Asahina may be a turd but I know a part of him really cares about Hyuga and did enjoy the company building process with him, and I hope the two men can openly address that they had a functionally dysfunctional relationship that was equal parts good and bad. As for Makoto and Hyuga, forget kissing and skinship, I just want them to truly step towards their respective professional futures while finding a new normal together as a couple.
Written preview for episode 10:
The Tokyo Prosecutor’s Office have arrested Asahina and asks to speak with Hyuga, who testifies that he doesn’t have any knowledge that Asahina directed the leak of the personal files. The Prosecutor tells him that it was Tono who leaked the personal files. Yoko is overwhelmed by the media who have tracked her down at the restaurant wanting to ask about her brother. Nogi suggests that she take some time off.
Makoto happily welcomes Hyuga back to Wonder Wall. But when Hyuga learns that Next Innovation is being further investigated and risks bankruptcy, he can’t help but feel heartache. To help the new company quickly get on track, he works hard with Makoto beside him. But Makoto feels this sadness as she watches Hyuga maturing to run his own business. Yamagami finds Hyuga and begs him to return to Next Innovation. Hyuga says there is something else he wants to protect now, but…..
Hyuga goes to the jail to visit Asahina but Asahina refuses to see him. Not just Hyuga, Asahina also refuses to meet with Yoko or their parents. At this time, Hyuga receives an email from Makoto asking to take some time off. Hyuga senses something is wrong and he calls Makoto but she doesn’t answer her phone. He is worried and rushes to her apartment, but Makoto is already gone……..
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View Comments
Hehe.. don't think I haven't noticed that most of your RMPW ep preview pictures are of the OTP *almost* kissing! :P
Plz dont laugh ok... what is OTP? (:
One True Pairing. :)
I didn't get it at first too, haha.
thanks Lemon :) now a new acronym learnt today! ta
Girl, how could I laugh? I had to spend hours backreading pages of comments to get what OTP and ICOMYM meant too. :)
Aaah... the things us kdrama-addicts have to keep up with. All for the love of Oppa/not-quite-legal-pretty-boys
He he! thanks. now I know I have to catch up quite a bit with these jargons... This RMPW had this madness effect on me...!
This defines ICOMYM for me!
Thanks, Ms. Koala!!! I've been checking and waiting for the preview the next episode all day. I can't believe RMPW is almost coming to an end *cries*. THanks for introducing me (and I know many others) to this drama.
I can't believe we're a ep 10 already!! It feels like RMPW just started and now it's almos over?! As much as I would like to watch our OTP for 16 or 20 episodes, maybe 11 is a good place for the story to end, because, much more of the Asahinas can we take? I don't want the final ep to come, but on the other hand I do want it to come --as long as Huyga & Makato are riding off into the sunset together. 8-)
Like Koala, I started watching this on a whim (mostly for Oguri) and am so glad I stuck around!
:( why give us an almost kiss!? I could choke the writers!! :/
OMG the part where he's waiting for her and they see each other!! Awwwwww ;)
Ok, thank you soooo much for your previews!
Ps, I also found this JDrama by accident and I'm so glad I did. (my 1st JDrama :)
Rich Man, Poor Woman has been one of the best J-dramas I've watched in a while and I'm glad I picked it up right from the start (mainly for the Oguri Shun factor...he rarely disappoints me). I'll be sad when RMPW ends, but I always feel that J-dramas never over tell a story or give us more episodes (for the sake of ratings) than what is necessary that are full of filler. I am sad to see the Makoto/Hyuga story end, but as long as they get their happy ending (both romantically and professionally) I'll be happy!
Those bloggers seriously shouldn't have done so. I mean, you were the one who translated it, so you should have at least been credited, yunno. Anyway, if you do want to lock the posts from being copied, I will totally support that. Although, I must say, if they really were that desperate, they would probably just type it word by word. Thanks for the translation!
Ah, I forget how short J-doramas are. What am I going to do without Hyuga and Makoto to swoon over? Honestly, I've been turned off by all the K-dramas that I've tried to watch lately and RMPW is my only addiction these days. Can't believe it is almost over. :(
RMPW couldn't have come at a better time. After K2H ended I was in a drama rut....watching some of the K-dramas airing at the time dispassionately. I had even re-watched my fave J-doramas when this drama happened upon me. <3 it SO much.
Same here! I used to love K-dramas, but they always seems to go through, like, a year long cycle of REcycling. Only seen one or two other good J-dramas that weren't procedurals or scary (>_< Eeep! Chicken: "Hai!!"), so after finding this... I am tempted to look that way for my drama-fix. Other than that, I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to watch until some country's writers get their act together. Romance, people; it cannot be faked! <3 RMPW 4Ev-Ar!!
Thanks for the translation Ms. K! Now, I am getting more anxious about episode 10 as the preview doesn't really tell us that much unlike the other earlier previews.
I am kinda sad that it will be ending in 2 episodes. I hope they will make a special, 3 special episodes will do. hahahha! I can't get over Makoto and Hyuga's chemistry. Mondays will never be the same without them. sigggghhhhh.......
Honestly kissing is an afterthought.. what I want is for Hyuga to do something to show that he loves her. Words are enough! I hate when the girls (in dramas coughISWAKcough) are all over the guy, who doesn't do anything!! We can see it but that doesn't count.. I really liked how he held her hand (sort of) on the bike.
As for ep 10, I am curious to see what is Makoto's issue...
Jail? That was fast.
P.S.--Yoko and Nogi need to date already.