Watching Missing You was a rather disjointed experience and took me a bit of time to process it all. I wasn’t quite sure of what to make of episode 1, which consisted solely of the child actors laying the foundation as well as revealing the parents generation story. Making good on its claim to fame of being a K-melodrama, Missing You hits it out of the park in terms of containing every conceivable makjang element under the sun. In essence, the story reminds me of what’s currently brewing over on the weekend dramas such as Five Fingers and May Queen. I shouldn’t be surprised since writer Moon Jung Hee got a big win with last year’s warm and well-received (but still makjang) Can You Heart My Heart. MY is decided more overwrought than CYHMY, and might even have surpassed the boatloads of crazy pain that was episodes 1 of MQ and FF. I was wondering what more crap could happen to these kids and how much more revolting some of the adult characters were. I’m only laying it out because its a fact – MY is Melo and Dramatic to the nth degree. What’s tempering the excess of woe is PD Lee Jae Dong‘s lyrical touch with the camera, though he could shorten his reaction shots considerably but overall he’s taking what’s there and making it better rather than worse.
Now the more important questions is – was it executed well and did I connect with it? I’ve loved plenty of melos with terribly stupid plots (*cough* Autumn in My Heart *cough*) for various reasons so MY is either going to elicit some emotion from me by making me care about its characters, or its going to leave me disconnected from all the pain and suffering akin to watching on the news about a horrible atrocity in another country. So far the jury is still out. I liked as many things as I didn’t like about it, so my general Koala sense tells me I’m going to have to wait until the adults show up to fully render a verdict. Unlike The Moon that Embraces the Sun, where the kid section was so amazingly acted and the story so thrilling I was hopped up on the awesome which deflated faster than a twice-popped balloon the moment the adults show up, I actually think I’ll like the adult section more in MY because hopefully it’ll be more nuanced and more emotionally delicate. I can’t discount that my reaction to MY is colored by having feasted on one of the best melodramas I’ve watched in years in Nice Guy, leaving me loathe to cut MY some slack because I know its story could be tighter and the directing even more exhilarating. So far MY is definitely not the trainwreck I worried it might be and that’s good enough to earn a solid “That’ll do, Pig, that’ll do” from me.
My favorite thing about MY so far is the performance by young Kim So Hyun playing the younger version of Yoon Eun Hye‘s character. Her resemblance to Yoon Eun Hye is uncanny, and best of all they even cry the exact same way! Kim Yoo Jung deservedly stole the thunder in MoonSun as far as young female leads went, not necessarily because she’s a better actress but because Kim So Hyun played the bitchy second female lead that was so easy for everyone to dislike and harder for the viewers to appreciate her performance in that role. I knew she had the chops and right now she’s firing on all cylinders in MY. Yoon Eun Hye has big shoes to fill, but I know she’ll rise up to the challenge. I think Kim So Hyun’s masterful portrayal of emotionally abused and tormented Lee Soo Yeon is making that character so much more viscerally alive than she’s written on paper and this will give Eun Hye a much broader canvas to play off of when its her time to take over.
Strangely I’m decidedly less enthused about Yeo Jin Goo‘s performance as Han Jung Woo, whereas I thought the boy was hands down the single best thing about MoonSun throughout the entire drama. Perhaps it’s his character that’s not really written as well as Soo Yeon, leaving Yeo Jin Gu coming off like an earnest puppy who appears to form quick attachments to people. The two youngsters have solid chemistry but its hard not to compare to the chariots on fire level of wow that Yeo Jin Gu had with Kim Yoo Jung in MoonSun, though Yeo Jin Gu having hit puberty in a very noticeable way between those two dramas does help widen the gap and lessen the similarities. When watching MY I found myself giggling at the thought that Yoo Seung Ho will be playing the adult version of the second male lead, when onscreen the child version of the first male lead looks more masculine and grown up than he does! Yoo Seung Ho is just 19 while Yeo Jin Gu is 15 going on 16, except he former is slight and lanky, while the latter is built like a running back and gives off considerably more testosterone vibes to me. I’m a tad worried to see my baby Seung Ho trying to believably romance Eun Hye.
The weakest part for me was the script. I’m not talking about the elements of dramatic license where you know what’s happening can only happen on television, because a good melodrama has to have some of that to create the intensity to suck the viewers into it’s universe. MY is like a screenwriter going on a bender where she’s decided to throw the kitchen sink of multi-generational complexities mixed with poverty, injustice, and greed. I actually needed to refer back to the character chart when watching episode 1 to figure out who was who and how they were all related. Melodramas that have too many simultaneous issues going rarely end up being considered a good work because its too complicated to toggle all those threads so inevitably things fall by the wayside or are resolved haphazardly. Already MY has me rolling my eyes on the surfeit of coincidences required to get the two leads together and later to keep them apart. I feel torn about this. One one hand keeping two people apart for 14 years (seemingly by choice on the part of at least one of them) requires something truly drastic to have happened, and to get there likely requires tons of bad things all converging. On the other hand I can’t quite leave my brain at the door and I’m just shaking my head at how the writer is lining up all her ducks to create the big woe is me moment for the young lovers.
It hurts the drama that I find almost every other character that is not the three leads ridiculously one-dimensional. Soo Yeon’s abusive father who turned out to be a falsely accused murderer but is still a child beater and wife batterer, and she’s saddled with a mother who is just trying to survive but chooses her own protection over her daughter’s. Jung Woo’s greedy, cruel, and controlling father coupled with his distant cold stepmother. Hyun Joon’s protective and steely mother who doesn’t hesitate to harm another’s child for the sake of her own. The landscape of MY is littered with villains and schemers who behave in ways that shout out their vile traits. I guffawed when Jung Woo’s dad released the hounds in his pit bulls and then took a shotgun and blew one away. Nothing says evil man more than being a dog killer, and he’s the same cold MoFo who had his dead dad’s corpse wheeled right on out of his house like a piece of fish. The vibe I get from having these types of characters around is knowing the leads will have a hell of a time trying to break free of their toxic relations and leading normal, healthy, and happy lives.
I find myself looking forward to when the adults will show up just because I think the story will be much more interesting then. Right now I can already predict why another river of tears will be shed by many of the characters and how the fighting adults will create more harmful situations for the kids to suffer through. Unlike MoonSun, none of what’s happening to the kids or adults is very interesting since its just garden variety fighting over inheritance and dealing with broken families stuff. I read in the synopsis that Jung Woo becomes a cop, Soo Yeon a fashion designer, and Kyun Joon a asset manager. This means they all grow up just fine so I’m not terribly chomping at the bit to watch the next three obligatory set up episodes. With NG wrapping up shortly, I might just play catch up when the adults swan in and see how I like it then. The ratings for episode 1 was a rather low 7.7 but the domestic reviews were generally favorable so it’ll take a few episodes to see if the audience will warm up to it. Competition isn’t that fierce since NG is in the high teens and The Great Seer has thus far been a bust as far as sageuks go with its ratings for today hitting only 8.5. All in all this is a promising start for MY and I can see lots of Yoochun and Yoon Eun Hye fans thoroughly enjoying the ride. As far as recapping goes, I’m not doing two dramas in one day so MY is a no-go until NG finishes. But even then I make no promises, it’ll depend on how much I love it once Eun Hye and Seung Ho show up playing a couple with a lot of stashed away issues, the biggest of which is that she’s still in love with Yoochun’s character, who is the nephew of Seung ho’s character. Yeah, tell me about it. I can’t wait to watch that jealousy flag fly.
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View Comments
Thank you Ms. Koala for phoning in your first impressions on MY! :D
It reeks of makjang right now even with only this episode so I'm expecting even more makjang bits thrown as the drama progresses. I hope I get invested though seeing as NG ends next week so basically I have enough room for drama/angst in my life again. Kim Sohyun is just so good and I'm honestly hoping the childhood/setup part is longer so I could feel more for her and for Jungwoo. ;~;
I love your name. The cinematography for this drama is really pretty. Of course, I am forever an NG fan, but I will check out the next few episodes and see if I like it or not.
I also have my 1st impression toward this drama..and it was In 2012., there are no Melodrama better than Nice Guy..watching only 1st episode of MY.,KSH has show great acting..about the rating.,i've know this result about a month ago..This drama only have a big talk..when the fact they is the last among the 3..
too early to be so arrogant. Ratings for NG is not exactly stellar. Careful, you might be eating your words soon.
Yup, agreed with nice girl.
Quite premature conclusion for a drama that that aired the 1st episode....
From Episode 1, certainly characters will be one-dimensional or flat. Given the next 19 episodes, we will give the scriptwriter a chance to make the characters grow and become multi-dimensional...
(long n loud)BOOH! @s'Hia Just BOOH!
Another Nostradamus wannabe.
Though a lot cockier than the real one.
Koala, thank you for this! I was waiting to see what you think about it before checking it out because as much as I love Yeo Jin Gu and Kim So Hyun, my love for them only goes so far. Plus, Nice Guy is kinda taking over my life right now (as you very well know).
I'll probably sit this out and maybe marathon it later. Big hugs to you for back-to-back melodrama recaps in one day! Whew, makes me emotionally drained just thinking about it.
I have to keep reminding myself that Yeo Jin Gu is just barely a teenager -__-
Thanks for your first impression of MY. I think this show is going to be good--as good as any melodramatic goes. I love all the actors but storywise, the angst and tearfest is just too much for me to handle. I'll stick to reading the recaps whereever I can find them and watch the happy, cheerful, and thriller dramas only.
When watching MY I found myself giggling at the thought that Yoo Seung Ho will be playing the adult version of the second male lead, when onscreen the child version of the first male lead looks more masculine and grown up than he does!
DUDE This! Its not even funny how nicely Yeo Jin Gu has grown I feel so wrong having to put it that way but its true....It will be really hard for me to believe that Yoo Sung Ho is older than 20 whereas I feel that Yeo Jin Gu can easily sell that
I have yet to see this episode but I've already heard tons of disappointment about the writing (inluding yours) and that makes sad cuz honestly that was the only thing that I was looking forward to since I loved CYHMH.
Really, cause I have opposite info from my friend (who can read Korean language) who said that the reviews for this drama is fantastic. Many articles are saying they haven't seen this quality in a long time. The lines are amazing and viewers really empathized with LSY's hardships and pain
I usually try to refrain from saying/writing something harsh (words) regarding someone/something because that's not my personality. But I think this time I have to because you guys starting to annoy me. I'm tired of reading or hearing "certain" people try to discredit the drama from every aspects even before it's aired. First the actors (their idol status), then the late casting, next the plot and now the writing. Don't you think it's a little bit to harsh to make a judgement that the drama has a bad writing while it still on the 1st epi ? And you said that some of you are K drama addict ??!!!
Just give this drama some slack will you.
PS : Even Nice Guy didn't have this kind of treatment...
i was ready to agree with you but then you started to sound a lil fan girlish.we really shouldn't judge thins on 1st looks but that's life many don't/won't get any second chances so make the most out of it while you can
The person didn't say anything bad about the show just what she read and about the male character. common sense tells you have different sources
and your 2nd post needed it's own fan girl mini rant post
Dissapointment from the english language bloggers who I follow and whose oppinions I value not just some random news articles... I haven't seen this episode like I have mentioned so I have nothing negative to say about of now...but if I do I wil state it regardless of what you or anyone else thinks..also you can have a bad opinion about a given drama from the very first minute of watching it if you dont like what you are seeing...being able evaluate and judge,things makes for better kdrama viewing and shows that,you're not just some no, i'm not going to give this show any darn slack if I don't like what I'm seeing
santaiah, we felt the same way.... but what do u expect from the recapper or the fans out here... well... oh well, ! MY is not their armor!
guys, i told you. you have to watch it first, and make a comment. if tge first episode isn't make you into it, give it some trial. and then, make a judgement. I experienced it in NG. When i see the synopsis and read some review of it, i think, this drama just a big talk, but when i watch the first episode, i find myself fall in its universe. so does in MY, i'll watch the first episode and make a comment about it as soon as NG ends.
So, respect each other's opinion..
I for one is very impartial to personal opinion but I feel this time your review has gone over the line . It is more a personal attack than an objective review and it is really a shame as this is only ep 1.Come on this is a bit unfair .
Actually I have read many korean reviews and they are very favorable .As a critic myself, I beg to differ as I do find the opening scene very intense and the storytelling and flow going at the right pace.
if you get any juvenile flaming
I'm sorry ockoala
i like the drama and i would totally watch Yoochun in a drama about hitting so I'm in this for the lang haul
i meant knitting*
That is funny - cause THIS is pretty much a drama about hitting.