Categories: TW & C dramas

The Love Triangle of George Hu, Annie Chen, and Gui Gui Heat up Taiwan Media

Love triangles never get old in dramas, probably because every time it happens in real life one can’t help but be fascinated. Hot on the heels of the last love triangle in Taiwan entertainment (between Roy Qiu, his now-ex Tang Yan, and his maybe fling Tia Li) comes another trio that has been causing all sorts of heated speculation in the press. George Hu had two dramas airing simultaneously last year, his completed drama Summer Fever with Gui Gui and his live-airing drama Love, Now with Annie Chen. The two dramas aired on different networks and time slots so it was a double win for George to get double the exposure. Looks like it was also double the offscreen romance because this week new broke that George may have been dating Gui Gui (since they filmed their drama the prior year) and then cheated on her with Annie when they filmed LN. Gui Gui’s mom, who has been estranged from her daughter, gave an an exclusive to a tabloid magazine that her daughter has been dating George (and the relationship kept a secret), and Annie was the Xiao San (interloper) in that relationship. She gave the magazine pictures of a topless George posing with a make-up less Gui Gui in a selca and other at-home shots, which pretty much does confirm those two dated. That was the rumor all last year after George and Gui Gui did Summer Fever the prior year, but then his great chemistry with Annie in Love, Now caused the media to start speculating on that possible pairing. Gui Gui’s manager says she’s quite upset at her estranged mom for giving that interview while George and Annie attended a fashion show doing a couples endorsement (and wearing a couple’s outfit by the designer) and brushed aside the controversy. George didn’t confirm or deny the relationship with Gui Gui, while Annie also played coy and said her relationship with George could be more or less than just co-stars but that is up to them and not the fans to encourage. All I can say is…..uh, you’re the man, George? I can ship him with one or both of his great co-stars but honestly whatever goes on in real life with the celebrities is up to them to sort out. But in Taiwan, it’s harder to keep a lid on things but conversely fans are less ridiculous and accept these juicy scandal updates with a wink and a yawn.

Gui Gui’s mom’s scathing interview with Apple Daily also accused George of being a bad influence on his formerly filial daughter Gui Gui and turning mother-daughter against each other. The tabloids caught George driving Annie home during the filming of LN which really fanned the flames of the dating rumors between them. I think George is lucky to get either girl, but both girls are also well-known for having dating scandals with many of their former co-stars so who knows in this case what is truth and what is rumor. I thought he had equally great chemistry with both ladies in their respective dramas so I’m sure fans of either are pulling for one or the other.


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  • Actually that topless picture of George Hu and Gui Gui bare face selca looks fake and photoshopped, if you have a bigger picture, you can clearly see it's fake. But George Hu had confirmed that he and GG indeed dated before. GG also apologized on her mom's behalf for dragging George and Annie into this whole mess.

    I'm not sure what to feel about GG's mom, estranged or not.. it's a basic courtesy to not out someone's private life to a gossip tabloid. But she's her mom and still do that, I can imagine that their relationship will further worsen after this.

    • Both couples look cute anyway, I just finished watching the adorkable 真愛趁現在 and looking forward towards GG's global WGM episode. I don't care who they end up with, this gossip will eventually be forgotten anyways. I'll be looking forward toward their new works.

    • I was able to point out how fake that photo looks. Which makes it even sadder that Mom would use a fake photo to cause problems for her daughter.

      • I feel like the reason GG became "bad" according to the estranged mom is not because of George Hu but because of her mom. Outing her own daughter's private life to a tabloid clearly shows something is wrong with this mom.

    • I agree that it didn't look rwal. It certainly looked photoshopped. She looked like a posterboard next to him.

    • Aren’t dramas filled with scandalous, scheming, interfering parents n in-laws to thicken plots, true or not. It’s cultural…

      • I will try to explain how both women deserve better. Respect,is very hard to get and so easy to lose especially the respect a man will give a woman, When a man dates someone exclusively he sends a message to the world saying hands off, this is my woman she completes me 360. If a man is dating multiple women at the same time he also sends a message, I am passing time, this is just a fling an easy lay. Trust me that is also a message to other men-to try your luck,neither woman is of that great a value to me -That is disrespect. But of the kind that only you can accept or not accept. lastly for space constraints, Most times if a man has multiple dating partners and they are aware of each other, it stands to reason that the women has the same rights to have multiple dating partners. unless that's his thing, if a man tells you he do not care if you are seeing someone else. Run for the door, that man does not LOVE you. that is if you care that he does not love you or respects you. ( again we are speaking about the average male I am trying to be circumspect) because as doggish as men can be, they are just that possessive and most believe in the do as I say not as I do creed. Trust me, even in a pack,herd the alpha male have multiple partners but the female can mate with only one. it is so telling if a man is willing to piggy back behind someone else, you know what your purpose is in his life. Demand your respect and stand firm right around the corner there is another person just waiting and who knows, they may just be the right one. All women can do better by first respecting themselves and there is no man alive that is worth the price of a woman's self respect. and that was the very circumspect version not going into the fringes and definitely not as colorful as when my mother spoke to me when I suspected my boyfriend was cheating ( yes I left the dog) and that is the gist of what I will tell my daughter with all the color and the fringes if and when I have kids, it is true sometimes mother knows best.

    • GH is so handsome, talented and super nice too (If you read his blog before he became famous like now, you will see how sincere he is). I know that we cannot judge a celebrity based on how they "present" themselves in the public, but at least, from the gesture, how they speak, how they react, you will have some clues on how their personalities are. He is not good at defense himself in the public coz his mandarin is not perfect. But he's a really talented actor and I am rooting for his next project!

  • I find that Gui Gui is more adorable compared to Annie Chen ... I like her personality more ...George already admitted that he dated GG?? so that means the relationship already ended ?? hurm .. it's ok. I guess GG deserves someone better then. I am definitely looking forward to see GG and Taecyeon in WGM global edition.

  • I think regardless of who he dates, its his personal life..He can do what he wants. I'll root him on regardless! I also think its interesting this news comes up now since the world version of WGM is going to air soon. Stirring up publicity?

    However, you go George! I mean both ladies are beautiful and I'm sure its not easy courting either one of these ladies..Im sure they both have plenty of men in the entertainment world wanting to date them! :)

  • This issue heated up few weeks ago. Gui2 was at Korea filming WGM and she personally called GH to apologize for the scandal caused by her mom (which is so embarrasing. I bet that her mom couldn't get the money from her daughter and use the media to get what she wanted.) If you guys watched Love Now, u will see the great chemistry GH-AC and how all the fans go crazy to ship these two. The impact is so huge that they got several product-endorsement together. They really are so compatible to each other from head to toe...I love GG too...but I'm definitely a GH-AC shipper. AC is known for her high EQ in handling the media and she speaks really well. GH is so talented and his acting skills improved a lot in "Love, now" ~no matter who they ended up with, I will always ship GH-AC, the perfect match!

    • i love your comment..!! i love the chemistry between GH and AC, well, i love AC with CW too (inborn pair), even CW is rumored to date Vivian Hsu.. i read about this rumor some days ago.. but i hope the best for them!

    • I totally agree with you, i just recently started watching LN (coz im not really into Tdrama but more of Kdrama & Kpop thing u know) but because of GH-AC chemistry, i can't get off my eyes of them... i fell in love with them (more on George, oh dear he's sooooo gorgeous), i loved him, the way he talks, his voice, he stands... & the way he smiles... soooo mesmerizing... Never realized that Taiwan has someone as George... i'll be rootingg on him from now on and onwards... oh by the way, their chemistry with annie chen is just so brilliant.. they actually looked perfectly wonderful together... and after watching Love,Now (as of this time they've got another project they did with its success) i'll continue watching them at Love around... Thats sooo wonderful... Oh one more thing, i've learned that George is working on with a new project again with annie chen... that would be Awesome!!!!

    • When I watched this 2 drama Love now and Love around they have a good chemistry and I think they have a new drama together this year and I think the good and love friendship was strong enough to be together again good luck both of you and let’s cross our fingers they are still single if one of them got a mistake from the past we are all human nobody’s perfect forget the past begins a new life

  • couldn't have said it any better preach it gui gui detailed issue^ i totally agree i've watched gui gui grow up in each show and interview, something very deep about one of her more recent interview is how she admits how much more she is growing each moment in her life. she knows she can be childish or didn't know any better while she was only 16 but she's growing up to be much more mature. she's very humble and adorable. full of life, for a person that has many scars in her life i wish media would go deeper other than skin deep. like everyone gui gui faces trials and what i love about her is that being in the entertainment industry she manages to put a smile on other people's face despite of her personal issues. you see that through the staff's smile<3 GUI GUI ADD OIL!

  • Rumors can destroy the personality of one person,like in showbiz,no private life.But I think its up to George Hu....Annie is the best for George Hu their loveteam are popular.We don’t care thier private life...But for me Annie & George meant for each other.I wish in real life they are lovers...I’m avid fans of Annie & George.

  • I think George can tell whoever the 2 ladies he loves...George say Gg his good friend I think he’s telling the truth.If he courting or dating with Annie,that is good news,if they are no relatinoship with others,go.....Love now thier tv drama they are sweet and they like a true lovers,I wish it will happen in real life. I love them both...I’m here to support you guys.

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