I am totally wiped out from the marathon day of watching the final episode of a long-running drama and pounding out both a baby recap and a hella exhaustive recap proper. As I was getting ready to call it a day with anything drama related, suddenly my Lee Seung Gi radar pinged and wouldn’t you know it my baby boy is offing snogging a girl! Thankfully its a girl I approve of and seeing the stills from the upcoming kiss between Kang Chi and Yeol Wool in episode 17 of Gu Family Book definitely perked me back up from a combination of exhaustion and feeling down that a beloved drama ended. I don’t need to be watching GFB or even be liking the drama to enjoy a lovely nighttime kiss featuring Seung Gi and Suzy. Of course the stills only tell part of the story and I’m going to need to see the execution and the action to render a verdict on the actual kiss itself. Will it be passionate? Romantic? Sweet? From the stills I feel like only Seung Gi is into it and Suzy still had that stiff robotic-ness about her. She kissed Kim Soo Hyun and Taecyeon in Dream High but those were very chaste pecks that fit the high school genre and their characters. Here I can accept that Yeol Wool kisses very awkwardly, but part of me wishes the PD would let those two unleash some potent attraction for each other since its been so simmering and thwarted for so long. GFB has been all over the place in terms of its narrative that is all about extremes and symbolism, might as well buck the trend with sageuk restrained longing and let half man/half beast Kang Chi show off his rawr nature once he finally breaks through and declares his love for Yeol Wool. She can be raised a tomboy but thus far she certainly knows what she wants in a guy and I hope this kiss leads to even more kissing and romantic times ahead for the OTP.
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ooohhh i felt hot just lookin' at those pic. LSG should draw the carnal desire of suzy. cant wait to watch tonight's episode tomorrow.
LOLL! Sorry, but seeing the words "Suzy" and "carnal desire" in the same sentence made me laugh out loud. I'm sure it will be very cute and very sweet, but all on him - as have all their other interactions, really. Although I am pleased to see that she at least has a hand on his shoulder, a vast improvement over the usual stiff-arms-at-side stance of most kdrama heroines.
nope it was definitely both.... and the second kiss... omo...
ahhhh this makes me wanna rewatch LSG and HJW's kiss in K2H.......
that was some good kissing..
Tell me about it! That fridge kiss was worth all the tension that preceeded it. I may have stopped breathing for the entire duration ;)
MBC already posted the kiss on their youtube channel:
believe me, there is nothing chaste about this kiss, and suzy kissing seung gi back made me think of yoon eun hye!
I'm not watching this drama, but bravo for having a female lead who doesn't just stand there, eyes open and mouth closed, arms hanging at her sides. And double points for giving her the initiative with that last kiss. I don't see that happen nearly often enough.
Thanks for that link!
Hi Koala, You can view the whole kiss scene through this link :))http://t.co/v05fp3RL27 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQNgIER9N7k&feature=youtu.be
nothing chaste about the kiss (actually 2 kisses). Both LSG and Suzy put enough passion into it, though I see more lip movement from Suzy. No comparison to the fridge kiss in TK2H in terms of the buildup and feels though.
OMG the fridge kiss was THE BEST !
The most electrifying kiss from seung gi is the fridge kiss hands down. That's my opinion though.
Totally this kiss cannot beat the fridge kiss.
To me its because lack of chemistry between SGAndSuzy
At least no awkward body language. I can live with chaste or stiff kisses but when there is still fitting another person between them, it is ridiculous.
i was so surprised to see this post from you koala, certainly wasn't expecting it. that was one sageuk kiss & coming from suzy of all people. her wooden acting has always put me off but in gfb she has improved a little & her kissing puts her up there along with yeh. good for her!
Well, this is the director that brought us secret garden and city hall kisses.. So one can hope its not just stiff.
Saw the scene and surprised that it was as long as it was. Although it was more lengthy and less chaste than expected considering Suzy's national first love status it was still awkward as all heck. I am not sure if its because Suzy and Seungi have different kissing styles or that the filming was choppy but the scene was more awkward then passionate. It was like the director was off somewhere saying "one two three kiss" then "kiss again". Also I will applaud them for both seeming into it but I wish they seemed into it at the same time, when Seungi was into it, Suzy was a robot, when Suzy was into it, Seungi was a robot making for an awkward close up. Honestly it seemed Suzy was more into than Seungi which was surprising since Seungi had more onscreen kissing experience than Suzy.
Agree with your assessment that they seemed out of sync with each other... Seungi was better in the 1st one... Suzy did better in the 2nd... looks like she might have even slipped him some tongue there! LOL
lol this is so funny. Suzy's tongue really slipped out woah. :))
I didn't know Suzy can kiss like that such a shocker but in a good way. She was really into it.
I don't see any love or romanticism in a man who needs to grab his woman's neck to kiss her lips. Instead I see brutality and a lack of self-confidence. Thus yes I have cringed watching their smooching moments although I burst out laughing listening to ther "are you alright" which sounded so... fake. *bummer*
Well I disagree... I don't see brutality or lack of self-confidence in it at all if it's between two consenting parties who have a mutual goal. In my experience, things can get pretty passionate and hectic in the heat of the moment and a little guidance can be very helpful in preventing a sloppy nose or chin kiss!