Categories: K-dramas

The Master’s Sun with So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin Start Filming for August Premiere

Now that I Hear Your Voice is well underway in its airing, its followup drama The Master’s Sun has quietly started filming without much fanfare. Either the Hong Sisters are keeping it low key this time after all the hullaballoo surrounding Big that never panned out, or they want to keep the entire drama concept under wraps for as long as possible. Since I liked their last drama Big, I’m willing to give their new “I see dead people” gimmick an open mind, especially since they have gotten back their Best Love leading lady Gong Hyo Jin and paired her with So Ji Sub, who has not done a rom-com or light K-drama probably in forever. This is an intriguing pairing actually and one that can either fall flat because their acting styles don’t mesh, or shoot sparks to Mars because they are unexpectedly perfect together. Above is the official drama logo and I love it, the imagery is strong and memorable with the dark sun/watermark motif. The Hong Sisters always do very distinctive and unique drama-related concepts and this one will probably skew dark and melancholy due to the subject matter at hand. So Ji Sub plays a rich materialistic president of a shopping mall and hotel and Gong Hyo Jin is his quick-to-tears emotional assistant. An incident causes her to start seeing ghosts and that in turn leads to him starting to grow a heart.

Rounding out the main cast is fast rising young actor-singer Seo In Guk, still riding the high from last year’s surprise hit Answer Me 1997. Sleek and stylish Kim Yoo Ri, last seen and totally wasted in Cheongdamdong Alice, plays the model face of So Ji Sub’s shopping mall and she starts to loath Gong Hyo Jin for being the inadvertent cause for her wedding to be ruined. Relative newbie Jeong Ga Eun, who looks like a cross between Song Hye Kyo and Kim So Eun, plays a young manager working for So Ji Sub who resents how much Gong Hyo Jin starts to change him. The drama is purportedly going to deftly balance romance and horror, and that I’ll have to see it to believe it. Aside from the (in)famous Hong Sisters writing this drama, I’m quite pleased with their choice of PD to work with this time. Behind the camera is PD Jin Hyuk, who directed City Hunter, Prosecutor Princess, Shining Inheritance/Brilliant Legacy, and the gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous Painter of the Wind. He’s equally capable in both the modern and sageuk setting and of all his previous dramas I’ve enjoyed the directing in each while having issues only with either the writing or acting. With the Hong Sisters inconsistent track record, I’m keeping my eye on this one while keeping my expectations low.

Above is the first look at So Ji Sub on the set of the Master’s Sun in character. Looking snappy, dude. Below are the three added cast members, and overall I like the entire cast. I don’t love it, but no one actively sucks or annoys me. In this day and age, I’ll take what little victories I can get. Plus its nice to see some different combinations rather than have dramas keep casting the same few folks over and over.


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  • You liked Big? Is that even possible? That drama was probably the worst drama i ever watched!

  • Jeong Ga Eun is not a new face. She's been around for quite sometime but never got noticed. I think she was in 1000 kisses n her character was quite annoying. I saw in 2006 in Star king n she said that she got plastic surgery to look more like Song Hye Gyo n boy she does really look like her now.

  • why you are not talking about ( I hear your voice ) this show is friggin awesome so far cross finger it stays so

    • Maybe it's not her cup of tea? I thought it was a decent drama but there was nothing eye-catching for me - but that's just my own personal taste.

    • OMG I hear your voice is an epic drama so far , I love it so much , but I hate what the relation ships are going for I would love to see some noon romance instead there is the geek love ! I hope that changes ! Regardless it would hurt so good ! Ha
      Srry not the subject ,just got carried away ! Im so expecting this ! And I love hong sisters ! And actually liked big ( only Kkj) Hhhh but my main expectation is still hiers and min ho oppa ! Why isn't there any talks about it ! ?

  • Jeong Ga Eun was also the hateful older sister who ends up getting exactly what she dished out to one of the heroines in 'Thousand Kisses'...but her variety persona seems to be less grating than the roles she has chosen. Hopefully she won't be written as the passive-aggressive type

  • Aww... Finally, I see a beacon at the end of the tunnel. I'm on the drama and so look forward for August to come. I'm bored to dead as there isn't any shows I like right now. Thanks cap K.
    I really like SJS & GHJ.

    Oh, aside from this, what happen to PSH? Wuan Dan Le ma? Is he convicted the rape case or still waiting to testified.

  • I have loved all Hong Sisters' dramas except Big of I'm definitely looking forward to Gong Hyo Jin is one of my favorites.....

  • Oh the Hong Sisters. I need to go into this drama with a clear head. That way if it sucks I won't be disappointed and if it's good I will be pleasantly surprised.

  • PD Jin Hyuk directed Painter of the Wind? I thought it is well known that POTW PD was Jang Tae Yoo?

  • The gorgeous Painter of the Wind was primarily the work of Jang Tae-Yoo, who was the main PD. I have my issues with him, but you only have to look at his other sageuk, Tree With Deep Roots, to know the aesthetic was all PD Jang. Not to say Jin Hyuk isn't a capable PD, just not sure of his abilities with period productions (yet).

  • Big was a big no for me too, but i like the Hong Sisters brand. Crossing my fingers! Please please please!

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