Oh Kim Eun Sook, please don’t make me smack you down early over what is really a lame attempt to be cool. The English title for the already unwieldy sounding Those Who Wear the Crown, Withstand the Weight: The Heirs has been revealed. It’s going to be called Heritors. No, that is not a typo or unintentionally misspelled Korglish. It’s Kim Eun Sook going back to an now-unused term from Middle English to show that she’s in-the-know. Or that she can flip through the Oxford English Dictionary. Or to show off that she has read plenty of romance novels set in the Middle Ages. Unless this K-drama is set during the Plantagenet era, then there is no reason for Kim Eun Sook to dig up unused Middle English for a title other than trying too hard to be different, akin to a teenager who just memorized the SAT vocab dictionary deciding to use as much as possible in an essay about what happened over the weekend. Plus she’s not even using it right! Heritor only refers to a male inheritor, the occasional female inheritor in that period is known as an Heritress or Heritrix. Since this drama has male and female rich heirs, the title ought to be Heritors and Heritresses.
I doubt Heirs (and that is what I’m going to keep calling it for now, Heritors bedamned) will be anywhere as bloody as the shenanigans the House of Plantagenet wrought during their reign. Now on to some less vexing things with respect to this drama, above is the first shot of Lee Min Ho as Kim Tan filming for Heirs. It was a scene shot at Incheon airport, which apparently has been the scene of a few days worth of filming already with many of the leads including also Park Shin Hye, Kim Woo Bin, and Kim Ji Won. We all know the main cast is headed to LA on September 3rd for 3 weeks worth of location shoots so clearly they are getting in as much of the domestic shoots as possible. All the female leads have long hair based on BTS pictures shot by fans, which is a relief since K-dramas so love making their poor plucky heroine sport unrealistically ugly hair. Just because someone is poor does not mean she is blind and has no fashion sense. I’m also fine with Lee Min Ho’s youthful red-tinted hair here, the farther away from Gu Jun Pyo’s perm he gets the better. Though his sneakers made me do a double take. What is that? The latest trend to sweep Korea? Tie-dyed sneakers? Following along with this drama production is amusing to no end. Read on for Lee Min Ho and Krystal posing with their scripts.
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I am going to fly to LA now! ! Do they need volunteer crew?!
i'll definitely join in on this then^^
that does make my wonder though how they actually handle logistics. do they use local contractors, or bring their own set PAs. or are korean crews so badass they just need the director, cam and lighting guys for oversee shoots.
What? They are going to change the tittle to Heritors ???? Instead of "The Heirs"??? I prefer The Heirs, rather than Heritors...,,please Ockoala tell me I read it wrong. I wi be sad...it they change it to "Heritors " the Tittle Heritors finds uncomfortable to me.TT-TT please don't change.
It has always been "Heritors". You could see it on SBS documents.
Nooo! I actually thought Lee Minho had made a mistake (specially since he made like 3 grammar errors in the entire title). I never imagined they'd actually use that extinct word for the drama! -__-
This whole drama is a train wreck. It all sounds so absurd that I can't believe it's real.
And such a step back in Lee Minho's career. After doing this drama, will he be able to do a serious role afterwards? =\
I also think is a step back... his agency seems to prefer him as a mass media product than an actor: "No serious roles anymore, they don't sell like teenager focused dramas"... that's how I see Starhaus feelings towards him, just remember the "global tour", this year has been a waste of his talent.
I also spotted the shoes first before the others.Poor LMH that have to use that ugly sneakers.
Still 100x better than The Perm he had in BOF! XD
Agreed! :)
There is nothing to do with the Shoe. As we all know that he plays the arrogant rich teenager. So it's obvious that now a days teenager loves to wear colorful bright fashionable shoes(he is rich he can wear any kind of shoe). Actually I like that shoe for his Character Kim Tan, that suits him perfectly❤❤❤❤
*trying to ignore the stupid title... Ugh. I can't. Heritors? Really?
Anyway, I'm so happy with Lee Min Ho's hair and especially the girls'. *happy dance
Heirs (I will also refer to it as Heirs, never Heritors) is as overrated as "The Conjuring". Bleh. Praying it wouldn't suck.
Thanks ockoala for the continuous update.
The conjuring is overrated ??? Does that mean it's not good ?? So should I or shouldn't I watch it ??
Have guys thought he wore the sneakers probably because this drama got sponsored by a certain sports company? Also, please don't say the drama is a train wreck meanwhile it's not even aired yet.
Yeah, I agree. Product placement is so big in K-dramas. I quite like his look here. Much better than the crazy perm in BOP and the pony tail in Faith.
I mean BOF
Well it sure is an unforgettable title
Can't wait, can't wait! Though I haven't watched Lee Min Ho in anything since BOF... I tried an episode of City Hunter and Faith but bleh. I need fluff!!
Big fan of PSH's dramas though. All those fans in LA are sooo lucky!
He he! I agree. BOF was pure fluff but so much fun! I kinda watched it in secrecy until I find someone else who was watching it too.
I did have lots of facepalm moments while watching BOF, but I cant deny that it's one of the most addicting dramas I've watched. Looking forward to heirs
I like gu jun pyo with his perm..haha..Actually bof is the first kdrama i ever watched and i'm falling in love from head to toe with lmh..So i can't wait to watc his drama again..whatever the title is...:-D
Plantagenet era! *snort* You are too funny, Koala.
I'm actually looking forward to this drama, if only for the snark possibilities here at the playground. If all the actors are playing a reprise of their previous roles, there's bound to be some inside jokes, right?