Categories: K-dramas

Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub Elevate their Chemistry with an Upcoming Kiss for The Master’s Sun

A kiss is a-coming in The Master’s Sun. Does a kiss make everything better? If the participants are So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin, then the answer would be “oh you betcha!” I actually think TMS is getting comparatively better, but all my initial opinions stand and my gripes are merely lessened somewhat as the story glides on a narrative momentum. This really is a drama tethered to the chemistry of the two leads, because fundamentally the characters aren’t all that interesting and the storyline coasts on easy-to-milk emotions. Who wouldn’t feel sad for dead dogs and poor abused kid ghosts? It’s like shoving a puppy in my face – of course I’m going to say its cute! Similarly, the ghost stories are so superficial but effective in drawing out the emotions from the audience and providing the backdrop to get the OTP closer together as they spend time solving phantom mysteries. It’s like Scooby Doo, except Daphne can see ghosts, Fred has a childhood trauma, and Scooby and Shaggy (Kang Woo and Yi Ryung) are off to the side with their own little storyline bubbling. I knew a kiss was coming right about now for TMS, the Hong Sisters are anything but unpredictable, but they sure know how to stage scenes. Lately I’ve been watching casually with TMS because some stuff is just so pretty. I hope this kiss is sexy and tender, and I’m a sucker for formal wear so having Joogun in his trademark suit while Taeyang is all dolled up (LOVE the dress) makes for extra juicy eye candy when they kiss. Also coming up are two guest star appearances, first being Jung Chan as a famous pianist still grieving over the death of his wife. He’s no stranger to the Hong Sisters after being one of the few adult characters in You’re Beautiful. Seo Hyo Rim is also swinging by the drama, she’ll be playing Joogun’s fiancée and she excels at playing the rich bitch character so this cameo is a total typecast. TMS is still not my cup of tea but it’s definitely watchable with lowered expectations. On a side note, does anything else think L is a terrible actor? Even his good looks fade into the woodwork when I watch his awful line delivery and facial expressions. He needs to stop squinting and trying to look cool. Aish.


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  • Yeah, I was thinking it was about time since Joogun is barely holding in his emotions. Ditto about L, that flashback when he was talking to his dad was painful to watch.

    • Okay, I'm glad I'm not harshing on L, but dude CANNOT act. At all. That scene with his dad had me staring in shock and horror because rarely have I seen such level of bad acting. On par with Yunho and Changmin level bad.

      • I don't like the look of this kiss, Ms. Koala!!!

        Taeyang looks like she is not herself!!! Asi in not herself because she's posses by the crazy ex!!! Hope I'm wrong!

      • hahaha. L is comparatively better than changmin.
        that guy cant act even if a gun was pointed to his head.
        He can be adorable in show but I hope he stirs clear from dramas.

      • oh sorry for L fans but I hate his scenes too :( and he is doing some things with his mouth and lips to look meaner, totally looks artificial on him. There was another rumored guy to play that role idk who was it. Yeah L has very pretty face but I would like to see Beast's Doojoon as SJS's younger self, i think he resembles him a bit especially the eyes^^ well hope we would not see L scenes so much till drama finishes :D

      • At least L was only given a small part in this show. I watched the first 4 episodes of Paradise Ranch. Who gave Changmin the lead role in a 16 episode drama anyway?? I was cringing everytime he was on screen.

      • OMG yes he voice was so grating. I was in actual pain because I had headphones on. I literally stopped the show to google Infinite intreviews to see what he sounds like. That's actually his voice. So there a reason why he doesn't EVER. Knetz always talk about actors having a look or aura, but it has more to do with voices.

      • His voice. HOMG its like a horror movie - pretty face.....BAM tries to act and talk and it morphs into something where you want to scream "go away, go away!"

      • Typical idol acting issues. He did fine when he was well within his wheelhouse - in Shut Up Flower Boy Band he was quite tolerable, because he was basically playing himself as an ambitious, angsty rocker, but force him to stretch beyond that and his limitations are glaringly obvious.
        Acting does require a great deal of voice control and voice training, which is why singers have a slight advantage when they are attempting to act. But you can't assume that an idol has had voice training - or, actually, can even sing (because if you have ever heard some of them without the support of their bandmates and the evil genius of the recording studio, you are in for a nasty shock!).

  • As much as I looooooove for that to be a kiss scene between GS and JW, I feel like GS is possessed there (her eyes are a different color, similar to when she was possessed by that ballerina) and JW is trying to get the ghost out of her.

    But hey, I'm not complaining because it's still a kiss scene between Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub! Haha. Hopefully this won't just be a mere lifeless peck because I hate those.

    • I was having the same thoughts!
      She looks somewhat out of it (not like her usual giggly, swoony self)

    • When she was sitting there she might have returned to herself after the wife passed on her message. She looks like she was thinking about whatever went down between the husband &wife (parallel b/w her relationship/feelings for him). He might end up kissing her thinking she possessed lol. Looks like a total fakeout, but not really. Can't wait to see what happens.

  • Yaaaay I'm not the only one that thinks L just wants to look cool all the time!! I've said this comment before already in another one of your posts xD.

    I do like this solely for So Jisub and Gong hyojin. I can't stop because I just think they're so hot together.

    I think Kim Yoori is over acting. I know it's the type of character, but I honestly think she tries too hard to play such a simplistic role. I hope she tones it down a bit because I've been forwarding all her parts, and sadly I miss Seo Inguk's performance as well.

  • WOAHHH, Really these two rock, if you guys have seen the BTS of their scenes together you will understand what I mean. They should date in Real Life or better: marry already :D

  • i dunno, i kinda like the idea that Joo Won is doing that to exorcise Taeyang. at least i haven't seen something like that before. when i saw the firt kiss picture posted on soompi, i immediately noticed some similarities with the first kiss scene from Best Love, what with the pose, GHJ eyes wide open and the guy holding her face. but yeah, having her possessed and him scrambling to get the spirit out of her, and not just with a mere touch, but a (possibly unnecessary but a "because-he-likes-Gongshil") kiss, then it sort of elevates the impact and not to mention, ties in with the general basis of their relationship.

    and btw, may i just say i'm glad koala decided to post again about TMS. i've been regularly checking your blog just in case. hehe

    • What was actually nice about the "open eyes" was it actually makes sense in the context that she's possessed. It's more of a a release mechanism for the spirit (and then she closes her eyes), unlike the usual kiss scenes where the girl looks like she just got hit by a car.

  • Yup L does it all the time. I'm acting but cannot let the cool act be dropped. Have to make it cool... and he fails.

    He did it all the time on Shut up! Flower boy band, always with that smirk and this ''look I'm so angry'' forced look lol.

    • LOL.
      I didn't watch the show, but I remember the gifs on tumblr everywhere with the lopsided smirk. He is goodlooking, but he can't sing or act. He should just model.

  • I am watching this solely for GHJ and SJS. :) They are totally rocking this, even if the story is a little meh for me. It is the only kdrama that I am actually watching.

    It really does look like she has been possessed by either the ex-gf or some other ghost. I can't imagine that JW is actually kissing TY. He's in way too much denial so he needs an excuse. :)

  • I can not wait for the kiss between GHJ/SJS. =) As for me, I think L is okay as a newbie actor in this drama. My unnis/dongsengs like Infinite so they are happy to see him in this drama.

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