Categories: Awards

Vic Zhou Wins Best Actor at the 2013 Golden Bell Awards in a Star-studded Ceremony

What is that you said? I can’t hear you over the ear splitting screaming still coming out of my mouth for the last 24 hours, give or take a few. I thought I had long since stopped caring whether deserving actors win awards or getting pissed over undeserving actors snatching a statuette. It’s a popularity context and a crap shoot, so its easier to sit back and just watch and move on. That being said, Vic Zhou getting majorly shafted in 2009 for the Best Actor Golden Bell Award for his role in Black & White by his very own buddy co-star Mark Zhao in the same drama still stings. I like Mark, make no mistake about it, but he did not deserve it and won only for his daddy’s power play lobbying. Zai Zai then went into a prolonged funk over it and their friendship never recovered, though things are apparently on the up and up since Zai Zai is currently filming the sequel to the hit rom-com Don’t Go Breaking My Heart with Mark’s real life girlfriend Gao Yuan Yuan. Zai Zai flew back to Taiwan last week from China during a break in filming to attend this past Friday’s Golden Bell Awards, and my beautiful man went home with the award this time for his performance in the cross-straits production period war drama Coming Home. Everyone and their mothers knew this awards was less for his performance there (which was fantastic if a bit too depressing) and more righting a wrong for B&W. Doesn’t matter, all I know is that Zai Zai was handed the award by presenters Sonia Sui and Bolin Chen and he was beaming with joy. So was everyone else, the audience was thrilled and that included his fellow nominees. Best part was Zai Zai’s biggest competition in the Best Actor category veteran actor Long Shao Hua ended up taking home his own Best Actor statue in the TV movie category where he was also nominated. It appeared this year was all about spreading the wealth and I’m happy for all the winners. The fashion walk of stars was also surprisingly gorgeous with only a few questionable dresses. Check it out below! Sadly Nikki Hsieh didn’t end up taking home the Best Actress award for her performance as a deaf-mute in Die Sterntaler, but she’s still young and will have many more opportunities ahead of her.

The 2013 Golden Bell Awards was Zai Zai’s night and he never looked happier. The suit is just okay, but the guy wearing it makes it look good.

An Xing Ya, she’s the Taiwan Jo Yeo Jung, except without acting ability. I think the dress is different but I don’t like the pattern on flesh colored mesh because the mesh part is so obvious.

Bolin Chen, love it all, even the facial hair. Best dressed male at the event, his tux fit perfectly.

Sonia Sui, anytime Sonia doesn’t cry or accidentally show her cootchie at the Golden Bell Awards is a good fashion outing for her. The dress is different and Sonia can wear it, but I haven’t figured out if I like it or not. Probably never will.

Leroy Yang and his lil co-star Le Le from the hit sitcom Two Fathers. Could they be any cuter? Little Le Le’s entire outfit is such a win, I’m jealous I’m not 7 years old so that I can wear it myself.

Stop trying to Vogue, Amber Kuo! You’re never going to be anything other than the cute type.

Ahhhh, much better. Her dress makes her look like a really old present, but the length rescues it a bit.

Liu Yi Hao and Li Wei Wei, these two walk the red carpet perfectly complementing each other. Win!

This, one the other hand, is the opposite of complementing. Janel Tsai looks scary, like she wants to start eating kids and kicking kittens with her harsh makeup, and James Wen looks all fuddy-duddy. These two are models before being actors, what gives on the fashion and make up fail?

Nikki Hsieh. I lub this girl and I love the red dress, the color looks great on her. The hair and make up is also lovely. Only thing missing is bringing Chris Wu as a date so I can imagine Terry and Da Hua’s night out. Heh.

Lene Lai. I can’t deny her figure is to-die-for, but the dress looks like a cross between a wedding dress and a performance dress where the outer layer can be ripped off on stage.

Selena Jen. She picked a great color in the bright blue satin to stand out from the sea of dresses, plus its always a relief to see her continuing with her recovery.

Two out of three Dream GirlsTia Li and Puff Guo. Their acting ability aside, they are both really beautiful and I think their dresses, hair, accessories, and make up was hands down the best of all the ladies at the event. And between the two of them, I give the slight edge to Puff.


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  • I can barely type this because I am recovering from jumping up and down with glee since I saw the news on your twitter account (hours ago--so now I am getting a little sick from all the jumping--great cardio though). He looks fantastic. He LOOKS FANTASTIC!! Oh, did I say HE LOOKS FANTASTIC!?!?! What is it about this man that makes me turn into a 12-year old girl? I could look at him kissing that trophy all day. Yup just might do that. (off to get a snack--need to reload after the workout--and just munch and stare.)

    • On the topic of kissing, holy shit his kissing scene in Wish to See You Again ...... DAYUM. Such a contrast to some of the chaste kissing I've been watching in K-dramas. Bring on the kissing!

  • OMG! FINALLY! That was looooong overdue! I'm so extremely happy and thrilled for Vic Zhou! And he really does look radiant! XD Thanks for sharing the news!

  • My god!!! It's really a long-due win and I'm so happy for him!! He used to seem moody and in a state of depression a few years back but now he seems genuinely beaming with happiness, winning is just like an add-on to his happy state. I think maybe his love life, career and mind state is currently stable. I watched his interview earlier this year and It really seems he've grown to be a great guy with improved conversational-skills. Haha.

    Too bad for Mo Zi Yi but I'm sure he will have more chance next time.

    • I love his interviews - he is always really witty and charming, unlike when you read news from the media about him where it always makes him seem really withdrawn. And omfg, his giggles and fits of laughter and humour is just too cute.

  • Congrats to Vic!!!

    But the suit really bother me, as much as the STATUS had been rightfully his for a long time, that suit is really not.
    After seeing Lee DongGun for a few weeks in a suit, I have been subliminally reminded that THIS IS HOW YOU WEAR A SUIT as Kim SHIn flies over my head.

    But Bolen looks GORGEOUS....

  • Vic Zhou looks great except his tailor needs to be shot! He is swimming in his suit and his pants are too long....Bolin's suit is the best tailored.

  • Wowzers. Didn't know Vic and Mark had a fall out because of an award (!?!). Maybe I was living under a rock or something. I dont wanna judge but that's a little too small a reason to lose a friend. Or maybe they do take it too seriously. Anyway - good for Vic. Not in love with his acting but he's the best out of the bunch - so very deserving.

    I lurveee Puff's whole attire and look. She looks like a princess with that hair. So much love. LYH and LWW look ahmazing! Sooo cute together. Bolin looks hot and sexy but my god I do not dig that facial hair. He's the best in Taiwan (in my opinion) to carry it off - yet I still prefer my Li Da Ren.

    • Zaizai have said it too many times ago, that although he and mark shared a good relationship during B&W filming, they were never really FRIENDS to begin with. So with what those pesky reporters saying that they had a fall out is basically stupid. As they weren't "friends" to begin with. And to be consistent, 4 years after, with zaizai's win this time, of course the media did not forget about this falling out thingy and asked whether he and mark could be friends again. And zaizai simply responded that to him "friendship goes beyond having good relationship during filming. It involves continuous contact with each other even after the filming has long ended. And for that matter, they really do not have contact with one another". Zaizai has always been like this, his introvert personality makes it difficult for him to easily make friends.

  • After Black and White it was obvious to viewers that Vic's character had the most impact throughout the drama. His acting has improve tremendously and it definitely show in Black and White. I'm still surprise how Mark Chao had won for Golden Bell Awards. I'm happy he finally won, but really is the award and indication of Best Actor? After the incident with Mark, I think the awards are given to ones with the most connection not real talent.

    • But at least, zaizai won even if he almost had zero connection and does not actually care with the play of power that's happening to the industry he belonged. Goes to show that this time, it was his talent that is worth the award and not anything else.

  • I have to say he deserves it. And also that he has the best pair of eyebrows in the Asian entertainment industry. And cute. Have to say I become a big fan after In Time With You! Love them both!

  • I never quite understood the OUTRAGE over him not winning the award back then. It was my first time seeing him act and I personally was not too impressed as I found him to be overacting a lot.

  • I was so happy for Vic...but his suit still looks terrible.

    I never finished watching 2 Fathers...I should probably.

    Bolin...looking fab dear

    I didn't like Nikki's dress because of the top...and the (I think) Charlotte Olympia shoes were a bit off

    I agree with most of the rest...that green/mesh thing was a no

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