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Vanness Wu Ties the Knot in Newport Beach with Long-time Girlfriend Arissa

Last week C-ent was rocking and rolling with dating, engagement, and wedding news. Everywhere you turn couples were outing themselves or showing their love to the world (slang for such behavior is “sunning their syrupy love”). So it’s rather apropos that in this current environment of stars in love that triple talented singer-rapper-actor Vanness Wu finally tied the knot this weekend with his long time love Arissa. Theirs was a five long year dating relationship, during which Vanness found God and embraced abstinence and his girlfriend likely dug her heel in for the long haul. I’m so happy for them to cross the finish line together, and there is no prettier location to get married in Southern California that the ritzy Resort at Pelican Hill in Newport Beach. The wedding was a glamorous but relatively small scale affair with only close friends and family. Vanness’ good friend songstress Elva Hsiao attended and serenaded the newlyweds. None of the other three F4 members Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou, or Ken Zhu attended but I wouldn’t read anything into it. All three were busy with their red hot filming schedules but apparently sent very personal wedding presents in advance of the ceremony. Vanness posted the above picture from the ceremony on his Weibo page and it’s the only public image from a wedding where the guests were banned from using cameras or snapping pictures with their phones. Vanness and Arissa reportedly paid for the entire wedding, including flying all their guests in and paying for the lodgings. Despite the wedding being a closed-to-media affair, the happy and quirky couple released pictures from their sepia-tinted engagement photos (posted below) that reflect their eclectic, edgy, and oddball style. Not sure what to make of the posing with a white horse or the one where they are wearing headdresses. I’m just happy those two seemed to have found a kindred spirit in each other so felicitations on their marriage and best wishes for a lifetime of happiness!


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  • They actually both posted a few more pictures on both their instagrams including this really sweet one of them having what I'm assuming to be the first dance. I also follow a couple of their friends (somewhat famous but not really) on instagram and they didn't post any pictures of the couple themselves but of other guests and the GORGEOUS tableware and decorations (they had this fairytale theme going on and omg it's freaking beautiful).

    Actually I just checked instagram again and wow, Arissa's post-ceremony dress is crazy beautiful. And whenever whenever you can see her hands my I just see THAT GIANT RING (or is it rings?). Like it takes up almost the entire bottom part of her finger.

    They seem like such a great couple and it's great to see them finally getting married :)

    • I saw some other pictures that Vaness Wu posted on his facebook page as well that were just lovely beyond compare. They really are too gorgeous for words, and I am very happy for them.

      P.S.--I cannot believe that I follow vaness Wu on facebook. Never too old to be a fangirl I guess.

  • Awww they're so much love! I adore the other pictures floating all over tumblr. The one with them dancing. But everything seems to be working out for them both after all the rumors around for so many year.

    I really like Vanness, and I'm super happy for the couple. I also find their rather unique engagement photos adorable. They're both really hip, fun and out-going in real life, so going against the usual is something I totally expected. Specially with Vanness who always has some pretty cool ideas up his sleeve.

    Contrats to the new weds! Hope you guys have an awesome, blissful, long and happy life together!

  • This article shocked me, cause I heard they got married back in August. It is Chinese style/tradition (however you want to say it) to sign the marriage license months before you hold the ceremony, and maybe thats what they did?

  • Lol..... I'm so embarrass for them, what kind of photo is this, arnt they a little too old to dress up like bunch of high school kid ??? Lol.... Or should I say middle school kid.

    But over all... I'm happy for them .

    First photo looks SUPER amaZing but the rest is just ridiculous !!!! Lol...Lol...

    • It's their wedding, so they should be able to do/dress however they want. I think their engagement pictures look more like a modeling photoshoot instead of the more traditional variety but they still look great :)

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