Categories: Awards

Media Fixates on Han Hyo Joo Maybe Showing a Double Chin at Blue Dragon Handprint Event

When I came across multiple articles in various languages whether it’s the Korean media or the Chinese news portals or even the Japanese entertainment rags all focusing on one thing, I knew it was time to get my eyes checked. Either that or ask if anyone else thinks Han Hyo Joo got fat(ter) recently? Han Hyo Joo made a public appearance last week at a ceremony for the previous year winners of the Blue Dragon film awards for a hand print ceremony.

I found it bizarre and sets off all my sexist alarm bells that the biggest story to come out of that low key ceremony with lots of celebrated other award winners was how Han Hyo Joo was showing off a double chin. Seriously, that was the lead off article on many publications. I went and pulled up countless pictures of her at the event and not only is she not remotely fat, she doesn’t even look like she gained any weight from her usual svelte form! The only thing she evidenced for all the ladies to take note – a turtleneck is not flattering to the jawline.

I think Han Hyo Joo looks great, healthy and happy and my only suggestion is to matte down the overly shiny makeup. And if she is supposed to be fat to the media and netizens then 99.9% of the female population needs to go on a diet and go cry over a tub of Rocky Road.


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  • She look much lovelier than usual.
    Talk about sexist Koala, I recently read an article that compare how men and women are viewed. A small experience was taken with a man wearing the same suit to work for a year, and a woman doing the same. Not a blib was said about the man but the woman was the constant ridicule and a common water-cooler topic. People would make slight, sarcastic remark about her such as "wearing that again?" "seem like it's your favorite shirt". It's sad but true that women are often judged by what they wear, not how capable they are.

  • Her face is way too shiny and in some angles she looks almost plastic. I'm not sure how to feel about her anymore, what with the baggage of her brother's army abuse scandal.

    But for the media to fixate on her (nonexistent, IMO) double chin above everything else is pretty ridiculous.

  • By far my favorite Korean actress (and also the best cryer on the planet) ... I think she looks great here she is really shiny but that doesn't take away from her looking great ....

    On a side note I hope Korea keeps up with the repairing of couples and has her be lee seung gi's leading lady, she has been away from dramaland for way too long

  • Omg, first Kim Soo-Hyun, now Han Hyo-Joo?

    I don't find this incident particularly sexist, given how Kim Soo-hyun has been joked about for his slight weight gain, but I think there is something seriously wrong with a media that overly fixates on the slight changes in the weight and image of celebrities.

  • If she's fat then I must be Godzilla. Most of Korean female (and some males) are way to thin and almost look like they would collapse at any moment. I can't remember who but it was one actress who mentioned that she startves herself to keep her thin and she had kids. All I could think of is what kind of image is she showing her kids.
    I think she more deserves critique for what her family and management have done covering up for her brothers scandal.

  • She looks lovely, it's just that netizens are looking for a way to hate on her for a thing she didn't do!! How pitty of them!

  • I also think she's looking really pretty.. I think her face became a bit rounder (or more like she's not as thin as she was before) that's why they're kicking up a fuss. And the turtle neck is not really flattering. But really? I don't get why celebrities get so much criticism for looking normal. They don't have to be size 0...

  • The pressure these poor women in the public Asian media and netizen eye are suffering through must be awful.