Categories: K-dramas

Ji Sung’s Popularity Skyrockets in China Even Before Kill Me Heal Me Officially Airs There

This latest career success couldn’t have happened to a nicer actor, not to mention the accolades are all well-deserved. With Kill Me Heal Me wrapping up next week with the final two episodes, it’s nice to understand the extent of the drama’s popularity in major K-drama markets as well as who is getting all the buzz. That would be Ji Sung, and one can argue that his leading lady Hwang Jung Eum did her part as well with equal intensity, but this drama was always about leading man Cha Do Hyun and his 6 other personalities so the focus on the male lead is understandable.

Ji Sung’s agency has confirmed that offers for projects and CFs have started coming in from China for Ji Sung, made all the more amazing since KMHM isn’t even officially airing there yet whether online or on television. The drama won’t air in China until 6 months after it’s done in Korea thanks to the restrictive new guidelines put in place by SARFT for all overseas shows, but that hasn’t stopped the buzz from growing for both the drama and Ji Sung’s performance thanks to bootleg streams of live-aired episodes. The Chinese media is dubbing him “The Man of Wed-Thurs” referring to his back-to-back ratings successes in the Wed-Thurs time slot, first with Secret and now with KMHM.

I don’t actually think Ji Sung was working towards conquering the Chinese market when he was growing his career, whether early on or even now. He appears to pick dramas that look like total fails from the synopsis (Secret, KMHM, and even Protect the Boss), yet somehow making it work by his acting captivating the screen. In the past he was most well-known in China for Save the Last Dance for Me but that’s clearly been eclipsed now by his breakthrough performance in KMHM. My favorite Ji Sung drama remains New Heart and sadly KMHM doesn’t dethrone it. It would have been PtB had the drama not spectacularly crash-and-burned in the second half thanks to a very ill-advised extension to milk the ratings.

Ji Sung’s epic popularity surge in China isn’t just limited to offers from Chinese advertisers and productions, his weibo has also doubled in followers in a short two months since KMHM started airing. I don’t think he’s going to give Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Seok, Lee Min Ho, or Kim Woo Bin a run for their money in terms of popularity in China, but he’s in a different career bracket and age group then the pretty flower boys so doing this well is a feat already. I’m so happy that his risk-taking to do KMHM has been widely acknowledged and lauded, though the love calls coming from China may have to wait since he’s hinted that after KMHM he’ll be back to being a family man to await the arrival of his first child with wife Lee Bo Young. Talk about have a really really good 2015 so far!


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  • He totally deserve it. As much as I want him back on screen. But congrats, enjoy your family time !!

  • Same here!!! PtB supposed to dethrone my love for Save the last dance for me but the next half turn of Protect the boss drama literally crashes and burnt. The last two episodes is like a caramel that tasted so so bland. Sighs.

  • I don't think he can beat pretty boys LJS, KSH, KWB and LMH. Because their success is not a joke.

    • maybe he can't beat them in terms of popularity , but in terms of acting skills, , Ji Sung is too far ahead those pretty boys .

      • I know Ji sung is far older and more experienced in acting. KMHM is not so good of him. In my opinion, KSH and LJS are already shown us their own acting ways. They also can act 7 personalities even better than him.

      • Daisy, why can't Ji Sung get some acclaim and glory without it turning into a competition with other actors? Yes, in all probability, it can't compete with the success of the younger guys, but maybe, everyone is just glad to see good work being recognized.

        Carolina, it's a bit unfair to detract from the good work of one actor by immediately citing other actors who could have done a better job. Especially since KSH and LJS have not done a role remotely similar to Ji Sung's in KMHM. Maybe they would have, maybe they wouldn't have but a comparison can't be made right now.

        Anyway, there is space enough for everyone. I certainly don't want to see 30 something actors playing college kids (oh, the horrors I live through from watching Bollywood movies) but likewise, the 30 something actors are more convincing in roles that call for some maturity.

        We need to stop this ridiculous ageism argument in every thread.

      • What popularity wise JS can definitely top LJS because Jong suk is not that popular. He has only 2 chinese endorsement deals and 1 of them being small and the other is semir and his not even the star in semir stores his basically the supporting role guy. cause they have LMH AND KSH in semir who gets to be on all of there brands.

        Koala and LJS fans have been trying to force LJS down our throats and to be honest his not popular at all.

      • As A JS fan I know definitely what he can and what he can't but ljs and kwb are reachable

      • @Carolina&Daisy.
        That comment was really ridiculous I thought you guys were being sarcastic. Oh, were you not?
        Nothing against KSH, LJS, KWB, or LMH. They have potential and talent, but seriously? 'They also can act 7 personalities even better than him'? How do you know? That was so degrading when pretty boys you mention haven't even got a role as challenging as that.
        'KSH and LJS are already shown us their own acting ways'. Sure, 'their own acting ways', that's exactly what JS has done. No need to compare here. They have their own acting ways.

      • Dal, i'm sorry but I just don't like people coming to a post related to an actor in order to praise others. I don't get it. Saying JS is not good in KMHM, this or that one could have done it better. What's the point? This is not a post about KSH or whoever. Don't like it when they have to bring up other actors that have nothing to do with this post just to praise your favourites. They should have some respect for JS fans

      • @Lea Why Delusional ?? she is actually right, LJS & KSH are very promising actors especially Jong Suk despite his young age he is showing great acting skills & keep getting better and better. Good acting has nothing to do with age. I am actually keeping an eye on that young man and expecting a lot from him.

        OT question anybody knows where is Kim Sun-a these days?? i really miss her on screen

    • I don't think he needs to beat them in the popularity stakes.

      Just because Ji Sung is no longer a young pretty boy doesn't mean he won't be appreciated for his acting skills.

      • I so agree,
        Any actor could probably pull of a 7 persona character role but but the one playing this role is Ji sung and he is killing it... FTW........

    • Yeah, JS can compete with the flower boys, since no one but your oppas are the most talented and popular, lol

      • Koala and the LJS fans are truely delusional fanbase no surprise at all here. we will see them trying to jump LJS to a stage he hasen't reached yet.

        Both LJS and KWB have not reached that stage people are setting them up to be especially from people like Koala who is LJS fan.

        JS can definitely reached and smash LJS popularity who is not so popular in weibo. LJS is heavily being promoted on the back of other guys who have done it and seen it all. LJS fans should seriously humble themselves and battle up ways.

        There guy is basically non-existing right now to be labelled successful

      • @Mrs are the same sick person linda blinda who hates LJS and try to bash him in every conv. in this blog ?? seriously get a life :D why are you so insecure?? is your oppa or perhaps ship threaten by him or something so u trying to bring him down in every conv? hahah.. & please stop bring the weibo thingy every time... he opened his weibo acc less than 1 & a half year ago and he rarely active there despite that he will soon reach 4 millions followers .. while other names you mentioned has their weibos more than 9, 10 & 11 years ago..

        hhahahah seriously i show your message to my Chinese friends and laugh hard at you..especially at your sentence "JS can definitely reached and smash LJS popularity who is not so popular in weibo. LJS is heavily being promoted on the back of other guys who have done it and seen it all. "

        are freakin kiddin me??? hahahahahaahah please allow me to say you are so ignorant.. just sit there and watch him becoming more and more popular and burn with you jealousy :D

        wohahaha evil laugh :D

        Now Back to our topic..

        I am happy that Ji sung is getting the recognition he deserves.. he is a very talented actor and deserves all the best

  • "couldn't have happened to a nicer actor" I agree completely Ms. Koala! From what I've seen in interviews, variety shows and the KMHM bts, he seems like a genuine hardworking man who loves his family. It's really great to see such a good actor (and person!) getting the recognition he deserves

  • Great news...but Hwang Jung Eum should be the Lady of Wed-Thur too if we're basing it of Secret and KMHM

  • Ji sung I hope nothing but the best for him. I want him to be a star and more. He is an amazing actor and he deserves all the good things coming to him. Fighting Ji sung!

  • On a completely unrelated note, I love the new web layout koala. This is very mobile-friendly and it's no longer acting weird anymore because of it. Good job.

    • Thanks! Took me foreeeeeever to do all the changes. Now only the first post will be full-sized and everything else will be easy to read excerpts~

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