I think it’s clear that I really like newbie actor Ji Soo, writing about him immediately after watching the first episode of Angry Mom and being unexpectedly surprised with this fresh face talent. K-netizens feel the same way, as Ji Soo’s star has been rising exponentially fast with AM’s airing, even landing a bevy of news interviews with accompanying photo spreads (see below) that typically only happen after a drama wraps. I have no problem with K-ent acknowledging Ji Soo as a promising new acting talent, I’m just feeling unsettled with the narrative direction AM is taking along the same vein.
Anyone else think the last four episodes have had tons of unnecessary Bok Dong scenes, almost to the point of fanservicing because it doesn’t really advance the central school corruption investigation. Similarly, the supporting actor I thought would play a meaty role, namely Baro, has all but disappeared from the drama. What gives MBC? If Angry Mom sucked in either story or acting then the noticeable script focus on fan favorite Bok Dong wouldn’t bother me, but the story is tight and the acting is good all around, making this type of narrative pandering all the more annoying even if I get to see more of Ji Soo. I love seeing more of Ji Soo, but I was hoping that would be in the future when he got bigger roles, not here when he’s really just a side character in this drama and should stay that way.
Despite my annoyance with AM obviously increasing his screen time, he’s at least delivering solid acting to back it up so it’s not painful to watch. I also love all the photo spreads he’s doing recently, more pretty pictures of Ji Soo to add to everyone’s collection.
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Bok Dong amazing loved him and really happy for his success even he just a side character he make this attention that's amazing
I thing you're over thinking it - there were some recent episodes were he was hardly present and other characters were given a lot of screen time, it makes sense that now it;s his turn. I think Baro will get a lot more screen time in the final episodes with 'my father is a bas!@## it's time to break away from him' type of angst.
I disagree. It's not a matter of giving him screen time because it's "his turn". I think that the scriptwriter should quash this bit of crush Bokdong has on Kang-ja soon.
I'm just saying that they were a lot of unexplained about him, it makes sense that they would at least delve deeper into his angst and whatnot. I hope they quash his crush on Kang Ja too (I totally ship him with A Ran, but shhh :D ).
@kitai I agree with Smoogie here. His character much more complex than Baro's and just having a crush on Bang Wol/Kang Ja. What with witnessing his classmate's death, helping his brother, and protecting everyone around him.
I don't mind him having more screen time because like ockoala said, he always delivers his part.
I'm totally ready for his crush to end. It was funny at first, if a bit squicky, but any more and it will be too much.
He is very cute. I think monolid eyes are beautiful and i wish it was more of the norm with asian entertainers.
I'm planning to watch Angry Mom when it's done. I'm watching Punch right now (v. good drama!) and I don't think I can handle two intense shows at once. I hope it ends well too!
Monolid is actually the norm with most of the top korea actors - Yoo Seung Ho, So Ji Sub, Lee Seung Gi, Lee Jong Suk, Kim Soo Hyun, Kim Woobin - is it me or don't these actors all have/or appear to have monolids?
Oh, can't forget about Lee Junki hehe
I'm not just talking about actors, that's why I said entertainers. Also not just Koreans.
I have been very vocal on other sites about my fear of this rare well written drama being ruined by fanservice, but so far it hasn't crossed the line for me. Bokdong really only had a lot of scenes in episode 10, one big scene in episode nine, and basically zero scenes in episodes 7 & 8 (Baro's character Sangtae actually had a lot of scenes last week, although basically none this week). Actually, I think all his fans who keep talking about him to the exclusion of all else makes it seem like he has more screen time than he really does. So I'm hoping that, as Smogie said above, it's just that he was in focus in that particular episode (because his story does have a lot of parallels to Kangja's past, so they did plan a certain arc for him from the beginning), and another character will take the focus next week. If I'm wrong and they really elevate him to a main character to pander to the fans, I will lose my faith in humanity, or at least in kdramas.
I think Bok Dong is just the CUTEST thing since sliced bread & Gong Yoo in Biscuit Teacher!! Also that the outpouring of love for him is just 1) all the moms in the audience fantasizing they can still attract such strapping young uns and 2) all the other ladies finally getting an insight into how teenaged boys act when they're in lurrrrv cause we didn't get a camera zooming into our boys' swoony smelling faces when it was our turn hahaha. Whether's it healthy for Bok dong... well, he's a teenager. They do stupid things.
At this point I'm just about READY to give up plot & point for more Bokdongie <3 <3
His acting reminds me a lot of Jo In Sung
I don't mind more Bok Dong, he's the reason I'm watching this show.
Besides, his character has more layers than Baro's.
1- he has a connection to Yi Kyung(the girl who died)
2-he has a connection with Dong Shil
3-he has a connection with Ah Ran
4- He has a connection to Bang Wool
5-The teacher wants to save him from Dong Shil
To me his story is the most tragic...Besides, he can act and he's soooo cute.
In regards to his crush for Bang Wool, I believe the cliffhanger in episode 10 will end it. And it was only for 2 episodes, nothing to complain about.
I ship him with Ah Ran anyway, but his crush for Bang Wool is totally natural.
I mean students get crush even on their teachers, it doesn't mean that they actually go out with them. I cannot count how many of my teachers I use to dream about when I was in high school..lol!
I think the crush scene was not overdone. For someone like Bok Dong who is starved of love, and who pretend to be a tough guy, it's only natural that he will fall for someone who stands up to him and show him real affection like Bang Wool did.
So, I don't think any fan service complaint is justified in this case.
Anyway, If they give him less scenes, I'll be out. His story and how it will get resolved is the only reason I'm watching the drama. Everybody else is doing a great job, but their stories are boring to me.
I agree, Bok Dong has turned out to be actually a key character in the story: witness to the murder, reluctant underling of the villians, new-found protector of the heroine, and with the strongest - and riskiest - redemptive arc.
aside from the angry mom, bang wol, i guess he is one other character that practically interrelates with other main characters.
Does anybody know what is up with that wink and hand thing he is doing in the 5th picture (top to bottom)? I'm seeing a lot of people doing that recently. Is it a new thing?
the hand thing means love(heart sign)
Personally, I didn't feel that the increase of Bok Dong scenes in AM was for 'fan service'. Maybe it is but I enjoyed his increase scene especially since it's showing the depth of his character and his great chemistry with Kang Ja. Though I actually thought Baro was an important character, his scene is just lessening but I hope that the the next episode we can explore his personal story. I'll definitely keep my eyes out on Ji Soo's future projects because that guy can really act.
I love bong dok. So I really dont mind and I can still feel the connection between him with the lead roles, esp with kang ja dongchil bum, that is one crazy story right there. But Im just wondering, because before the premiere they keep talking about baro, so I thought he was gonna shows up a lot more than this. But perhaps in the end he will have a crucial moment as well? Who knows. I just wish this drama is getting even better and better!