Categories: TW & C dramas

Liu Yi Hao and Mandy Wei’s New Drama Takes Over SETTV Sunday Nights from Someone Like You

With SETTV wrapping up Someone Like You (Hearing Happiness) in three weeks at the end of May, I was wondering when the network would trot out the leads of the follow up drama and who it might be. The curtains have been pulled back now and the result could be a lot worse – up next for SETTV Sunday nights is the drama When I See You Again (他看她的第2眼 The Second Time He Looked At Her) starring Liu Yi Hao and Mandy Wei. He’s moving up from Friday night male lead after Pleasantly Surprised while she’s returning to Sunday nights after Say Yes Again I Do.

Despite the looking reference in the drama title, no one is blind in this drama and the story is about a male lead who excels at correctly assessing someone at first glance falling for a female lead who requires a second look to really understand her. Someone Like You male lead Kingone Wang will apparently be making a cameo appearance in the first episode as his SLY character Fang Zhan Cheng, who really is the bestest best thing about SLY by miles and miles. While I love Liu Yi Hao (that smile! those dimples!), I’m supremely indifferent to Mandy’s acting, but this new long hair look on her is the first time she actually looks attractive to me so bonus points for that.

Does anyone else get the vibe of a noona cougar pouncing/luring her fresh meat prey in all these pictures? Poor Liu Yi Hao actually looks kinda scared of Mandy LOL. With that said, I loooooooove Mandy’s outfit at the press junket, the simple white sleeveless top with the quilted red-and-white below the knee billowed skirt is supremely gorgeous and modern, especially paired with the patent gunmetal grey Louboutin pumps. Too bad Yi Hao was dressed like a grandpa out for a board meeting with his rotary club, but then again, he still looks cute to me. Maybe my eyes are just wired to ignore whatever he’s wearing, considering how terribly he was dressed in Pleasantly Surprised.


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  • And the cringeworthy terrible acting of Kingone Wang in Someone Like You is the reason I dropped that drama.Thanks to him, this drama will be an automatic pass for me.I don't think I have the guts to watch his 'acting' even in a cameo!

    • such hate!
      I thought Kingone did a wonderful job in SLY. He was the actual reason I continued watching the drama.

    • Disagree. IMO, there really isn't any TW male actors who are any better. He's the main reason why I can continue the drama. Kristen was doing fine until she went on the noble idiot route. I really think she should've cut out the pouting and cutesy scenes if they were to portray her as more mature. I couldn't watch ep17 but I'm glad they resolved it in ep18.

      • i agree with u. I also dont understand why there is no one sponsoring her clothes. She dressed shabbily. I guess taiwan drama looses to korean n china drama as lead is quite often dress well even when they are poor.

    • I thought Kirsten is the one questionable "acting." Her cry scenes literally make me cringe.

      And ughhhhhh. I miss my weekly doses of Liu Yi Hao. He's the friggin cutest. He and Aaron Yan are my fave Taiwanese male leads right now. But Wei Man is SO SO SO meh, I cannot see myself liking this drama at all. Her acting aside, she really doesn't have the charms either.

    • I disagree too. Kingone's acting is one of the better ones among the Taiwanese actors in my opinion. That's why a lot of people got really happy for him when he landed this male lead role as it has been way overdue.

      As for Rong Rong I actually like her performance here as both Luo Han and Yu Xi. I also think her crying has improved a lot since In A Good Way.

      • @Uj

        Hate?? If you mean his acting then,yes,I did hate it.But if you mean any personal antagonism against him,then no, I don't know enough about him to have any opinion against his personal self.

        @chaeki @Marie @ilikehim @Susan

        To be fair,I haven't watched many TW dramas so may be you are right that he's 'one of the better TW actors'.But I disagree that he's the best one out there.I personally found both Lego Li from In a Good Way and Roy from Office Girls better than him.Moreover, I wasn't evaluating him as a TW actor but as an actor in general.

        As for Kirsten,I have no defense.She's really bad.Just that I was mentally prepared for her bad acting but wasn't for Kingone as I never saw him before.
        I dropped SLY after ep3 so may be he had better acting moments.But among the episodes I watched, there were many moments, specially the crying scenes, where his acting ruined the fun for me.I could share some screenshots or give detailed examples where I though he was terrible, but what's the point? I'm not here to change the opinion of other but just to share mine.It's ok if yours differ from mine but it's a pity if you can't stand opinion of other but your own.

  • Don't know any of the two, just came to check out the outfits!! Gotta say that i noticed that, while i almost always agree with koala whenever she says that someone is dressed nicely, 9/10 times when she doesn't like someone's outfit i m like, what? He/she looks good! Like here, the guy looks pretty dapper to me.. If i saw someone dressed like that guy i would definitely not say: wow, he looks like a grandpa out for a board meeting with his rotary club!

    • Haha, I agree with you! Totally thought the outfit was pretty dapper. Perhaps I live in a hipster dominant city, where vintage is back, or perhaps I'm just biased after Pleasantly Surprised (which I loved! But where Jasper was dressed in terrible florals...)but I think this is pretty standard business-smart.

  • hm, yeah, he does not look comfortable. I will catch the first episode since he is so cute with 'em dimples. I dropped Pleasantly Surprised somewhere a third of the way in; I may pick it up again... we will see.

  • I watched Pleasantly Surprised for Liu Yi Hao and stayed for the cute cast and sweet story. I've only seen Mandy in second/third lead roles and she was serviceable, but I don't know how she'll do leading a show.

  • Well, you obviously picked the more uncomfortable pictures. There are way cuter press images from nownews and wownews and also drama's facebook page. I'm pretty okay about Mandy Wei, I find her pretty but not really drawn to the dramas she chose. They seem pretty sweet judging on the interview videos but the chemistry is more quiet than Puff X Jasper.

    But with Jasper, I'm in, totally. I'll even endure SETTV's bad script quality for him. Being a fangirl makes me so desperate.

  • Haha, I'm just happy Jasper will be on screen so soon! I was wondering when that ghost drama would be on though :S I don't know how I feel about Mandy Wei either though...I had no interest in "Say yes I do Again" and I feel like they could have paired Jasper up with other stars for better ratings. But I'm willing to give it a go, maybe she could have an awesome character in this? Anyway, I have some more Jasper and Mandy pictures in my post from some of the other Chinese/Taiwanese newspapers and they look ok:

  • I personally really like Mandy Wei (and Jasper Liu, but that's a given of course), so I'll definitely be tuning in. I find Mandy quite natural—her crying scenes in particular are on point—whereas Jasper's acting is honestly questionable in every aspect but he does have a very delightful screen presence. I Do^2 was a joke so if this upcoming drama can surpass ID2 in quality by even just a bit I'd call it a success, considering the terrible track record for SETTV's Sunday slot. Someone Like You is a rare exception, though not without flaws.

    Also, has Mandy grown out her hair or is she just wearing extensions? Time really flies if she actually grew it out!

    • It's reported that she's wearing extensions. She's still sporting short hair look in real life.

      • Ahhh, I knew it! I remember her saying that short hair was a better fit for her real-life personality, so there's no way she could've dropped the hairdo so quickly, even if it was only for a drama.

        Extensions are fine by me, since at least I get to see her sporting beautiful long locks again. :)

  • I like Mandy and Liu Yi Hao despite that they are both a bit green but what makes me worried is that the production team of this drama is the same as Pleasantly Surprised which started out pretty good but got extremely frustrating and lame to watch towards the other half of the drama. Since this drama will take over Someone Like You I'd prefer if the production team and scriptwriters would be the same too as I think SLY is one of the better T-dramas lately.

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