Categories: K-dramas

Park Hae Jin Confirmed as the Male Lead of Drama Adaptation of Cheese in the Trap

This is most excellent casting news, especially on the suitability factor alone to the role in question. Park Hae Jin will be making his drama land return in 2015 with the webtoon adaptation of Cheese in the Trap. This casting isn’t a surprise since his name has been attached to this project since the beginning, but he was also courted for other dramas including the now filming Scholar Who Walks the Night. I can see him as a Joseon vampire but not as perfectly cast having Lee Jun Ki do it.

I like the way the casting shook out since Park Hae Jin looks ridiculously identical to the webtoon male lead. Looking identical to the drawn version isn’t a prerequisite to doing an adaptation but certainly doesn’t hurt. Even better is Park Hae Jin can act and is long overdue for a straight up romance drama. His recent works include the dark Bad Guys and the crazy Dr. Stranger, neither of which play up his swoony leading man side. Hopefully the wait for his return with Cheese in the Trap will be worth it, starting with the production getting him a worthy leading lady. I’m starting to get casting excitement again with the possibilities.

Cheese in the Trap is a college-era story, which is a bit of a stretch for over-30 Park Hae Jin to go back school, involving a coming-of-age story with the requisite love triangle. Park Hae Jin’s male lead is described as picture perfect, nice guy from a rich family, except underneath his seemingly perfect exterior is somewhat darker depths. The drama currently doesn’t have a network or time slot yet but the production plans to go forward with finalizing the casting soon.


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  • The name of the webroon sounds very familiar but I can't place where I heard it... not a fan but he does look the part, let's hope the rest of the cast holds up.

  • I love it when he plays cheerful characters, he should do it more often, I love the female lead looks like the webtoon character as well, I'm fine with anyone as long as I get to see this fine man on my screen again

  • Oh yeah! i love him! he was awesome in bad guys and very cute in MLFTS. i'm so going to watch it. hoping he'll have a great leading lady beside him and no idol please! or at least someone who can act cause it'll be his first leading role and i so want him to shine!

  • Oh this is exciting! The character always gave me the creeps - there's something weird behind that smile - so I'm really happy they chose a good actor to play him.
    I think the main girl won't end up with him because of the foreshadowing in the first chapter. Let's see how the writers work with that.

  • I tried to read this webtoon, but couldn't even finish the first few chapters. It was that bad. I don't understand why it is so popular or why it is now being developed into a drama. If you want to read it, check out

    Surely there are other webtoons that should have been considered (altered) for film instead. ..

    • Bad??Really??I don't read books/manga/webtoon but this one is really good maybe you haven't read that far yet??You should read more chapters and you will know why it is popular..

    • Please don't read it there. Read it from Odd Squad translations. The dialogue makes SO much more sense and you support the webtoon artist by giving them views directly on Naver (you'll see how it works).

      It's really good but the true story doesn't really kick in until around the middle of that first arc I think; then it's super intriguing. It starts out one way's really not what you think. It's kind of a bait and switch; it's a bit comical how smoothly it changes up on you. It's slow going but it's really good imo.

    • this is one of the best weebtoon i ever read... i think you shoul read more and then u can say something about it, only a few chapters arent enought

    • Well, the first time I was reading it, I thought that way as well. But I kept reading it until at least 20 chapters and it got better ^^

  • I started reading the webtoon and it's that chessy college love story. It's an easy read and Park HaeJin is really suitable as JungYu. I hope the leading lady is someone who's good at acting. This drama has very high potential to do well with all the eye candies I will be seeing as supporting casts. This will make already pouplar Park HaeJin even more popular if the scripts and directing go well. Well, i am looking forward to it.

  • Oh my gaaawd this webtoon! Goong, Orange Marmalade, and now this >///<
    Truthfully, I don't see him having a face of sweet-innocent-guy-who-is-actually-dark-hearted (it implies so in the webtoon..though it isn't clear yet if that guy is truly evil. Definitely have darkness inside him though).
    Still, so excited~ hopefully it will be a good, if not better, adaptation of the webtoon.

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