Filming has quietly begun on upcoming KBS drama Descendants of the Sun, with the two leads Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki spotted filming in Seoul this week. The drama will be almost entirely set overseas, but the filming location will be a bit in Seoul (standing in for overseas) with mostly a location shoot that hasn’t yet been revealed to the public. The start of filming means the cast will be tied up until October as the entire production will be pre-filmed due to the high cost as well as to have a completed drama to submit to China’s SARFT for approval so that it can live air in China at the same time as it airs in Korea.
Song Hye Kyo was not my first choice for the leading lady but I’m slowly coming around to imagining her with Song Joong Ki. It certainly helps increase my excitement after seeing her latest photo spread for Elle Korea that dropped last week. She was shot in Paris modeling various fall couture outfits, a truly elegant and sophisticated pictorial that captures her doll-like beauty while correctly showcasing the city and the gorgeous threads. I can stare at some of the shots for days, it’s so evocative with so many details from her pose to expression to framing that tickles my artistic fancy.
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What a gorgeous woman. I'm always amazed by her beauty.
I was so surprised by them casting Song Hye Gyo not just because the character is supposed to be younger than Song Joong Ki but also cause of her tax evasion scandal.
She totally rocks that 60's- mod look.
Song Hye Kyo is absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait for the drama with Song Joong Ki to air.
C'est magnifique!
For some reason the photo of her lounging by the stairs reminds me of the one in Jisung and Lee Boyoung's Grazia pictorial
If Song Hye Gyo wasn't Koala's first choice for the lead actress,
who was it then?
As for me, I'll take Moon Chae Won in a heartbeat.
Yoon Eun Hye or Han Groo
This reminds me a lot of that photoshoot Han Hyo Joo did a(long) while back. I remember you did a post about it, unni:)
i like her jaw and lip so much. I always thought she is the prettiest and classic beauty in s.korea. Its hard to fine her flaw(skin,eyes,nose,curve) except she is a bit short. Her smaller petite frame may because her strength for acting alongside song joong ki who is always known as boyish. I think they would look beautifully together.
most beautiful korean woman