Every year the three major Korean networks hold its own year end drama awards, not exactly what could be deemed objective but is certainly their own prerogative to do so. The K-ent pundits enjoy speculating as to who will watch away with the Daesang (Big Prize) of the night, and the first wave is here as one news report is calling the MBC race as a three-way fight between veteran actress Jeon In Hwa and twice costars Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum. Jeon In Hwa is the least buzzy of the three, playing the mom in weekend drama My Daughter Geum Sa Wol, and her presence here plays up the role of established respected veterans getting a nod when it comes to network awards time.
Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum are the expected contenders, him for Kill Me Heal Me, and her for both KMHM and the surprise hit She Was Pretty. If Hwang Jung Eum wins for She Was Pretty imma toss a table, but for KMHM she was incredibly solid. But compared to Ji Sung, I can’t in good faith say she ought to get it over him even for that drama, unless MBC is going by quantity over quality and giving her two dramas the weighted preference. We’ll know who wins come December 31st, but if Ji Sung doesn’t it’ll be one more in the long list of disappointing snubs of his transformative unforgettable performance in KMHM.
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I like hwang jung eum but Ji Sung totally deserves this for his heart-wrenching performance in Kill Me Heal Me. I was so disappointed when he didnt win that other award and Kim soo hyun won instead.
Same here. I like HJE and think she did a good job in both of her dramas this year, but Ji Sung's performance in KMHM was really outstanding. He definitely deserves way more recognition than he has received.
kim soo hyung was so average in the producers. not one of his better performances. proved that it's more about popularity.
Imagine what will happen if Daesang goes to someone else, not for JS.. People will so so so hmmmm ??
I guess MBC will split the Daesang...just like in 2010
I don't know anyone else who would deserve it more than Ji Sung
Except leonardo dicaprio. he desperately needs an award from SOMEWHERE
Haha! This made me laugh out loud, thanks!
They could split it among the co-stars...
MBC better not ruin the ceremony and new year for me!! Daesang should be jisung's this time. If he doesn't get recognition for his hard work in KMHM i'll personally go there and bitch slap the jury a la yoona style.
Oh Lord help us. Not Ji Sung with Hwang Jung Eum AGAIN! Sigh.. No wonder Korean actors go to China. Korean Entertainment seems to be out of fresh ideas. Hwang Jung Eum is one of the worst Korean actresses, and pretty disgusting to look at too. How she ever makes it in entertainment industry is a testament to low standards. And please do not throw the beautiful and talented Jeaon In-Hwa into this hot pot
What do you think about lee min ho and his relation to ent and beauty standards? XD
I know i might sound like i'm trolling but i'm genuinely curious, because of the phrasing you used in describing hje. Just don't tell me you hold him in high regard :P
I for one think she's pretty. And she's a very good actress, compared to Kim Tae Hee. I guess for me their acting is more important than their faces, eventho I enjoy pretty faces like Lee Min Ho, Seo In Guk, etc.
I just watched yongpal and kim tae hee was so brilliant in it. I stick till the end because of her. I don't know why you have to drag her name here. Tbh HJE is overacting in SWP
KTH was really good in Yongpal. She suited antagonist character more than protagonist one. she was big from antagonist character... but HJE was actually good in KMHM, but in SWP emm.. kinda overacting but not bad. HJE was good in Secret Lover, secret something with Jisung.
to compare this both actresses, emm... i personally think that HJE is a lil bit better than KTH. sorry, no offense... just my opinion tho.
I do agreed, HJE is good actress, she is great Secret Love and Endless Love. KMHM on the other hand was almost belong to Ji Sung.In SWP, she quite overacted but still enjoyable. However, I don't know why KTH has been dragged here. She is not even mentioned by Koala and not in the competition of this award too.
I can get your dislike/ hatred whatever it is towards her, but this article not even for KTH.
Why? because you want ppl to stop talking about the bad things about HJE. Just justify HJW good acting, rather than dragging someone's else name. If you are brave enough, why not dragging some other names? For eg PSH, SHK and so on. :)
How did Hwang Jung-eum make it in the Korean entertainment industry? By sheer talent and hard work, of course. I'm guaranteed at least of quality acting when I watch her.
And no person on this earth is ever disgusting to look at. The only disgusting thing here are the words that spew out of your mouth.
Well she's a good and talented actress. I enjoy both KMHM and SWP. Although i can't say that she's one of the prettiest korean actress, she's an actress whose work i really love and enjoy.
And btw
chill out, ajumma
I bet you're such a great person who can act and the most pretty person too, so you could write such comments like above.
I really hope they can split the Daesang between Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum! If not, I do think Ji Sung really deserves it for KMHM.
p.s. Can't stand people who describe others using words like "disgusting to look at".... No matter how "unflattering" the appearance.... I would never use describe someone's looks as disgusting.... Jesus christ this world...
This is so random call out and didn't even expect to see LMH into this discussion out of the blue.. LMAO I find this quite hilarious and irony at the same time. pretty faces? LMH is by no means the most handsome in the k-ent. Can he act? is he the peoples actor? The answer is big Yes.. just travel from the east to west to know that and ask people of him then you will know how high his regarded as an actor?
HJE is one of my favourite actresses and she was really awesome in her 2 dramas but no doubt the daesung should go to JS for killing it in KMHM. i do hope very much he'll get it after he was left behind in other award ceremonies..JS FTW!
No split. JiSung all the way. He was spectacular in that role! HJE for top excellence