To the surprise of no one, Kim Soo Hyun racked up another Daesang this weekend, taking home the top prize at the 4th annual APAN Star Awards for his performance in Producer. Kim Hee Sun won Top Excellence Female in a Mini-series for Angry Mom while Lee Sung Min took home male equivalent for Misaeng. Lee Joon‘s performance in Heard it Through the Grapevine netted him Excellence Male for a Long Drama and Kim Min Jung won the same for Merchant 2015: Innkeeper.
In the long drama category, Kim Hyun Joo won for her twins performance in I Have a Lover while Kim Sang Joong took the award for Jinbirok. Im Shi Wan received Excellence Actor for Misaeng and Park Bo Young won Excellence Actress for Oh My Ghost. Best Male Newcomer was given to Nam Joo Hyuk for School 2015 and Byun Yo Han in Misaeng, while Lim Ji Yeon took Best Female Newcomer in High Society along with Chae Soo Bin for Bluebird’s House. Finally, Yoo In Young and Son Ho Joon won the Popularity Award. Finally, Best Director went to PD Jo Soo Won for Pinocchio.
I feel like this awards show is as random as it comes since very buzzy 2015 dramas like Kill Me Heal Me or Yongpal had zero presence. Oh well, at least everyone looked nice and actually showed up!
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Predictable. But still.. I really didn't know KSH was this good in Producer. At least I can objectively say he was good and alhad a great character unlike Nam Joon Hyuk in School 2015. His character had the least stuff to do, so not really his fault but getting an award for that show.. I don't know anymore...
Eh, I think KMHM is extremely overrated by fans while critics and award organizers don't think much of it (and before rabid fangirls come at me, I don't give a rats ass because that's my opinion and it won't change so save your effort for someone else). Even the Baeksangs didn't really give it much and that's as prestigious as it gets for drama awards.
As for Yongpal, it's a shame but then again no one other than Joo Won deserves an award (the writing was terrible and the direction just passable). I don't see any of the award winners as random. In fact, they are verrrrry expected and predictable. Especially the top awards.
Just to clarify (since I feel like I might've given a wrong impression earlier), I think KSH and LSM are very deserving of their awards other than maybe it should have been switched. Not too bothered by it tbh /shrugs
(And KSH was always the biggest star in Producer despite other big names so him benefiting from its success is not a surprise to me. What's surprising is that GHJ isn't getting any attention because she's always a star of her own despite huge costars.)
Agree on your observation about KMHM - overrated by fans. Ive dropped it after a few ep. Pity Lee Sung Min not getting Daesang but well at least he has the Top excellence.
KSH acting was alright in Producers and MLFAS yet he has won almost nonstop accolades for over a year now. It was 100% obvious when JJH was practically ignored while KSH was raking in awards even though SHE stole the damn show and had the most memorable character.
The industry is seriously in love with KSH for whatever reasons (and I say this as someone who likes him on and off) and they seem to not care for JIS much. KMHM was not a masterpiece but neither was Producers or MLFAS, not even close. The difference is Ji Sung didn't just carry KMHM, he acted his ASS off playing 6-7 different characters. If that isn't deserving of accolades, tell me what the hell is. The guy is straight up being snubbed for whatever reason, it's undeniable at this point.
Anyway, this is nothing new in entertainment industries and I hope Ji Sung knows how much the public and his fans appreciate his talent. Also, his work speaks for itself!!!
**meant to say I like him on and off screen
I totally agree with Deb about Ji sung He brought the drama kill me heal e to a great elevated level. it it is truly amazing that Ji sung did it. So disappointing he didn't get an award for it
Yes why so adamant to give KSH awards? He's okay but not that outstanding to receive so many
Ji sung don't worry there's many of us who value your superb acting. I hope you're coming back fast with another drama. I am waiting eagerly to watch your dramas
First things first, I just adore KMHM. I'm quite open-minded, however, and ready to accept anyone's opinion as long as it's not "I hate JS", "I'd like this or that actor for that role", etc. So, could you elaborate please because that would lead to a more fruitful discussion?
First things first, I said nothing about Ji Sung. I said KMHM as a drama is overrated because the writer of this article claimed that it as-a-whole did not have presence. Rabid fans may think it's the best thing since sliced bread but award organizers think otherwise considering every award function (including the very prestigious Baeksangs) didn't really give a crap for it.
Second, I'm not trying to start what you call a fruitful discussion. I didn't think JS's acting was AS great as his fans claim it to be even if I think it was in fact, amazing. But that is an opinion I'm entiled to. I don't care to argue on who's more right and who isn't so I'm not can't be bothered to elaborate.
"Second, I’m not trying to start what you call a fruitful discussion. I didn’t think JS’s acting was AS great as his fans claim it to be even if I think it was in fact, amazing."
So KSH is?
KMHM as a drama may be overrated but this is an acting award we're talking about here. Plus, Producer didn't really do terribly well either. So with regard to the dramas, I don't think there's anything to separate them. On the other hand, I do think that JS was amazing in HMKM and KSH was dull in both YFAS and Producer. I'm not a fan of both of them, so I consider myself to be very objective. JS's performance may be overrated, but it's better than KSH's in Producer, and on that account I feel he deserves it over KSH.
Also, if we were to talk about the Baeksangs, Ji Sung did get nominated, so that counts as an acknowledgement. I think Producer didn't make it for the previous round thus there's no basis for comparison. Even if Producer does win something in the next Baeksang, it's not going up against Misaeng anyway.
To be honest, I think you're just a KSH fan. I get it, but yeah.
@Bwear - Who claimed KSH to be as great? His fans? No. That claim is reserved by JS fan girls who can't accept that he didn't get anything this whole year. Like honestly, your comment names zero sense. Jus' sayin.
@Kitai - YOU were talking about the acting award, and I wasn't. I was talking about the drama which the author of this article claimed to have been basically snubbed. Read my first comment again, and read it one more time in case you're confused.
"Producer didn't do terribly well either" uhmmm, lmao? As far as stats tell me, it's the first miniseries since KSH's previous drama to have even broken the 15% barrier. KMHM didn't even manage to break 12% nation wide so saying nothing separates them is a dumb joke. And don't even start with the no competition because Producer competed with Grandpas over Flowers and that is as huge a competition as you get for a new made time slot.
As for Baesangs, KSH also got nominated for MLFTS last year, so your point is...? Getting nominated is not the same as winning in case you didn't know. He got acknowledged just like KSH did last year but they both didn't win. "Even the Baesangs didn't really give it much" as in KMHM as a whole, and also JS as an actor. My claim remains exactly as it is.
Lastly, you're objective? To be honest, you sound just like a very pressed JS fan which I've seen very plenty of. I get it, but yeah.
Anywhooop, this is a waste of my time. I don't give a shiz about what JS fans think tbh. I just find you guys extremely amusing with all the baby rants and flailing of hands over him getting virtually nothing and the organizers of ALL awards thus far not giving a crap.
- 10000
JISUNG deserve the daesang this year
Kim Soo Hyun Wins Daesang at the 4th Annual APAN Star Awards - I guess they are adamant about giving this guy one undeserving award after another. What a shame.
Of course, your list is incomplete, but thank you for the lovely photos. (And I would have preferred it, if you had labeled them) I agree with some, and not with others, as can be expected.
Beatus corner has the complete list.
YES, please label the actors/actresses...
Chae Jung Ahn won the supporting actress award for her role in Yongpal. So Yongpal did not have zero presence.
Clearly, there are not enough awards to go around. This is the second time Ji Sung lost to Lee Sungmin after the Baeksangs.
With a more buzzy/breakthrough role as Do Minjoon last year, Kim Soohyun does not feel deserving of a Daesang with The Producers this year.
This APAN Star Awards is about the same 'level' as the Korea Drama Awards. But I like APAN's winners list much better. At least they have a separate category for webdramas.
Can't help but feel Kim So Hyun won based on popularity more than anything else. Producer wasn't that great and wasn't even a hit and he was average in it. But then i felt he wasn't great in You from another Star either.
The awards all seem to be the same thing over and over again.
I think i'm one of the few, but i liked him better in dream high and MTETS..the 2 recent role are too much overrated, and no i'm no an anti it's just my opinion.
Its a pity for seniors like Go Hyo Jin and Cha Tae Hyun (forgive me if I am wrong, not quite remember his actual name) because they were totally wasted in a Producer. At the end, Kim So Hyun the only who always got attention for Producer. Looks like he carried the whole show on his own. Sigh... If I were them, I will be completely regret to become a part of this drama.
I agree, Gong Hyo Jin and Cha Tae Hyun didn't get enough credit for what they did in Producer. But the drama did get IU a lot of praise for her acting, she was the best part of it for me.
I was so bummed by Producer because of how wasted Gong Hyo Jin and Cha Tae Hyun was. Knowing both to have a knack for comedy I was hoping for a fun filled drama.
What I got was two middle age people who really should have worked things out by now.
Kim So Hyun was basically Song Sam Dong with less earnest puppy and a vindictive streak in him.
My favourite was IU. She was the real break out star in the drama for me.
So meh..only glad for PBY, yoo in young and chae soo bin, they were really good in their dramas this year. no words for KSH (i watched 80% of producer but to give him daesang for that? hmm)
NJH receiving award over ji soo/yook sungjae? let me laugh..lucky he has cheese in the trap soon otherwise i would totaly dislike him(i know it's not his fault but still..too much praise for a bland role)
I agree about NJH. How did he beat out Ji Soo and Yook Sun Jae. They are both way better actors and had more buzz. *scratches head* He must have great promoters?
It seems like he has a great back up from YG. btw, i think he was petter in surpplus princess where he played the dorky big.
he beat them out with the help of yg money. it sure not his acting that got the award.
Kim So Hyun should be King of Award this year. Not hating him, it is not his fault. I only like him a bit in Producer and never liked him in anything.Anyway there are some winners that I agreed upon.
Kim Soo Hyun (Gim Su Hyeon), not Kim So Hyun. Kim So Hyun is a girl (Eun Bi and Eun Byeol in School 2015)
That is a way too common typo lol. 16 year old child actress =/= 27 year old Hallyu superstar actor of the opposite gender!
guess KMHL might not receiving any awards eventhough it was really a good piece of work from Ji Sung. I was expecting to see Joo Won to have at least 1 award though after Kim tae hee. He deserve it.
Man there is alot of corruption in korean awards and KSH winning two daesangs for Producer is a living proof. that was a shitty drama lets be honest and perhaps the worst KSH drama so far where all his 3 other like Dream High, The moon embracing the sun and My love from the stars were fairly epic tv-shows but this producer is a no no. KSH is definitely worthy of daesangs considering for his past works But just not for producer
I am glad Kim Hyun Joo won Top Excellence Actress for IHAL. She totally deserves for technically playing 4 personalities. BRAVO. As for Kim So Hyun, I didn't really like Producer, so I didn't understand how he won the Daesang award. Felt like Ji Sung should have won for Kill Me Heal Me IMO.