Categories: K-dramas

SBS Wins the Ratings with Mon-Tues Drama Doctors But Loses with Wed-Thurs Drama Wanted

SBS premiered two new prime time dramas this week to opposite spectrum results, and the one win greatly trumps the one loss if you ask me. Doctors with Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won burst out of the gate to fantastic ratings, garnering 12.9% AGB nationwide on Monday and the second episode rose 1.3% to bring in 14.2% AGB nationwide ratings. That’s an impressive success right off the bat and a big congrats to the two leads who radiate chemistry and wonderfully portray their characters.

My only quibble is that I hate hate the subtle hints that they like each other when he’s still her homeroom teacher and she’s still an underage high school senior. I’ll just pretend that aspect isn’t there and hope the early sequence ends soon so the adult romance that happens will no longer feel icky and wrong. Over on Wed-Thurs, new kidnapping thriller drama Wanted had the opposite fate of Doctors despite sharing the same three syllable one word type title – episode 1 aired to only 5.9% ratings, less than half of what Doctors brought in.

I think Mon-Tues are a lock for Doctors for the remainder of its run, and if it keeps doing well it could pass 20% ratings nationwide and that would be fantastic for Kim Rae Won, still rocking his post Punch comeback, as well as Park Shin Hye being the focal point headlining this drama. Wed-Thurs is pretty dead for ratings on all three dramas, with Lucky Romance not even breaking 10% still, so I think Uncontrollably Fond premiering the first week of July has a chance to make a ripple in the placid time slot.


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    • @skin IKR. Doctors, watched 2 and gonna give up. Avg predicate story. Beautiful Mind & Wanted so so good.

      • People love that romance lovely comedy stuff and I can't watch things like that too often ,beautiful mind and wanted have suspension, tension! Everything ! Such a different plot too ,the ratings will go up for sure

    • yes you are correct! They were entertaining but with just enough of a vibe to make me feel a bit less intrigued by the show. I have started watching BM on - it's a reliable site. But even though i watch BM after Doctors has aired because for me Doctors has the story line I want.
      So I'm saying everyone has the ability to watch what they find the most intriguing.

    • Beautiful Mind is so damn good, Jang Hyuk is creeping the hell out of me yet I am intrigued by his acting, there's a chance this will be second "I remember You" for KBS2, critically hit but with low ratings. I hope the numbers pick up though.

    • I know right, ratings don't tell everything. Beautiful Mind is way better than Doctors.

      Such an amazing drama, blows my mind away! Well done Beautiful Mind!

      • You is everywhere to replay then praise BM good but i dont think so.. haha, I see just you who always in side BM, my advice please looking for friends to think as same as you, you will be great haters, daebak hater then

        Even song hye kyo send coffee truck to support shinhye drama, so you dont influence anything to try downgrade doctors. Lol poor

  • doctors is SO good. it is predictable but honestly i don't care. i really like both of the main actors in anything they do but i do agree that the high school setting is kinda off putting. i hope they jump to the present and fast so i don't have to feel like a creep for shipping hye jung and ji hong together (i felt SO bad about squealing during the scene in the science lab)

    • same!! I caught myself grinning like an idiot while watching that scene and then I got angry at myself for enjoying it :/ lol

  • I love DOCTORS. The first 2 episodes are great and the drama seems promising. I am hoping it will continue to gain the ratings, given that the drama continue to be consistently good. Hopefully that will give a heads up when Scarlet Heart: Ryeo premiering after Doctors. I so badly want my Lee Jun Ki to be seriously recognized since he has been taken for granted after his comeback from Military Service.

    • can't give love to Wanted because I haven't watched yet but will solve that now by watching. I am still firmly entrenched in my fave Doctors. I have already devoted significant feelings to BM but if I had to rate them then Doctors earns a top grade from me with a slight lowering for BM. Not sure about wantedyet,

  • Fell asleep half way through the first episode ...that's how bad park shin hye's acting was plus she lost a lot of weight too ...I see the ratings falling further next week .

    • "I don’t see this drama doing well cos she can’t ride on the fame of an it k drama actor on this one ."
      I see you change your words since doctors is off with a great start lol. I bet the rating will rise next week and i do hope so for the sake of bitter fans

    • Though being you then, why not admit you simply can't watch one of her shows because you are afraid you will start liking her. She is a particularly unique young actress and once you get over the unreasonable dislike - who knows you might just like her drama. But you don't have to admit any satisfaction you get from watching her badass gangsta awesome.

    • Aiv seen ur comments spreading hate on PSH everywhere. U've hated her for so long, then why bother watching her show or giving comment in each of her articles? Save ur energy to spread love on your bias. It's better than showing ur hatred on PSH everywhere.

    • That is exactly what happened to me. I tried watching Doctors (thanks to Kim Rae Won, obviously) and had to give it up after the first half of the episode because I was repelled by Park Shin Hye's hungry dog expression and bad acting (she has also such an unpleasant nasal voice; really, I have never understood her popularity, but, well, everybody has different tastes after all).
      Anyway, Kim Rae Won deserves the ratings, so I don't mind the drama having been well received (unfortunately for me, I won't continue watching it - after all, it's nothing new when it comes to a Park Shin Hye's drama).

    • you will be great haters, daebak hater then.. congratulation! God safe you

      Even song hye kyo send coffee truck to support shinhye drama, so you dont influence anything to try downgrade doctors or shinhye. Lol poor

      • She sent coffee truck to "scarlet heart " team, not to "doctor" team , Pls make sure you check the fact before post it

      • No the truck wasn't from SHK it is from an actress who is in the same company SALT she us park shin hye 'friend.

    • Didn't you said this drama will flop because no popular guy to carry?
      Seem like you need to eat your words and probably some more next week

  • I totally forgot about Doctors premiering this week!! Off to watch KRW's sunny smile lol

    And well.. some years of manga made me kind of ok with that set up, it's fiction and at least PSH is not underage in reality.

  • Correction Ms. Koala, LR premiered with 10.3% but didn't exceed 10% after that.

    Doctors didn't leave a huge impression to me for it's first 2 eps because it seems too cliche but then again it's only been 2 episodes, definitely room for improvements. The ratings though, seem to be very promising.

    Going to give BM a try, I did see some people more impressed with it's premier although it's the minority.

  • I didn't watch doctors but beautiful minds was absolutely fantastic. I thought the synopsis was cheesy but decided to take a look because of yoon hyun min and well, the execution was really different from what I thought would be a romance drama lol. It was very sleek and fast paced, and it feels more of a thriller that is set in the hospital. I highly recommend it.

    • Though I love Doctors, I watched the 1st episode of BM respectively. It's quite watchable until ep.2 it becomes so cringy due to the laughable dialogue and scripts.

    • Yoon Hyun Min is fantastic. I really wish he could headline a drama deserving of his talent one day. I fangirl so much whenever he shows up on the screen-- especially in this latest version as a glasses-wearing doctor. What a hottie. Basically if he was my doc, I'd choose to be chronically ill as well. Too bad because he's second lead, the show might make him evil for the sake of a twist. Since he did steal that heart right out of the cadever in ep 2. LOL I'm crying.

  • Doctors isn't very original or even quality material, but it's very successful in not objectively sucking in any aspect. I went in with low expectations, but came out pleasantly surprised by the show's watchability.

    Now Beautiful Mind.... Gahhh. I'm still suffering from the whiplash. Despite thinking the show is taking itself too seriously, I really enjoyed episode 1. I almost convinced myself the drama might be good if I shut down half my brain and not over think it. But episode 2 happened and was so cringy and awful that I sincerely feel sorry for the talented and supremely likable cast. I'm saddened by what could have been. BM had the potential to be an awesome drama... But too bad its writer has the psyche and mentality of a teenager who has no business pretending she can craft a 'sophisticated' thriller. Everyone in the show is making overdramatic gestures and acting as if they're geniuses, except the characters are largely incompetent and can't seem to make logical deductions. Lots of telling instead of showing as well. The OTP chemistry would have worked fine, except within days of meeting, the writer has to force the heroine to spout lines like "why is he making my heart beat so fast?" while she's supposed to be investigating him for murder. LOL. Also she TELLs him she believes he killed a patient, while they're alone in an isolated area. And he's like "it's a good time to kill you right now." No duh Sherlock. She'd be loooong dead if she investigated every murder case this way.

    • Also in the span of two episodes, we've been treated with not just an open heart surgery but an open brain surgery as well. Except in this show Korean genius doctors don't know how to do anything except walk into surgery with their arms raised dramatically and yell "irrigation! suction! irrigation!" in English.

      • Thanks for this, the other comments praising BM almost convinced me to watch it. Its no wonder so many actors rejected it and networks and it kept getting delayed. It sounds like Doctor stranger X100 and not in a good way. I mean DS showed promise until half ways or it still had hope. And the only thing that got me through it was Jong suk and Kang sora but i'm not going through that again...

    • I agree with the fact that there are some severe tonal shifts and editing problems with BM but the scene where the heroine felt her heartbeat wasn't because she was falling for him but because she'd just saved his ass from a would-be stabber and was wondering why when her heart was beating so fast (due to adrenaline) that his wasn't (because of his disorder but she doesn't know that yet). It definitely wasn't a romance thing.

      • Thanks for the context. Sometimes I wonder if people are watching the same drama with the different interpretations of the same scenes.

      • @ Shalini

        Thanks for that. I watched episode 2 while simultaneously packing a suitcase, so I definitely would've missed things. I just went back and checked out the scene, and agree with your interpretation.

        The direction is a mess here though. I wish they'd just stick to their guns and continue the thriller/suspense vibe from episode 1. Except they presented this scene as a comedic rom-com moment to force OTP chemistry down our throats (when it's completely unnecessary-- chemistry was way stronger when she arrested him like a boss in ep. 1).

        I mean, talk about wasted material: a cop sees a mentally derailing patient charge at a surgeon with a scalpel; instincts take over and she tackles the surgeon out of harm's way. Meanwhile the adrenaline-charged situation fires up her system and sends her heart pounding. They land on the floor and the side of her head crashes against his chest-- and boom. She hears a perfectly calm heartbeat. Said surgeon = possible stone-cold sociopath.

        I wish the director played up the spook factor here. Because her past encounters with this surgeon has given her every reason to be suspicious of him. They could have kept background music to a minimum, with some suspenseful beats playing while the patient takes the scalpel. But then drop to silence as we switch to her perspective-- things slow a little and we hear her furious breathing and heart palpitations as she dives to save the surgeon ... only to encounter something as cold as the heartbeat of a sociopath. The sheer contrast between her emotional-physical response and his would have been stark enough to be interesting.

        But what the show gave us instead is THIS: awkward comedic/fun-house background music, she's sprawled awkwardly on top him for too long, and he's like "uh can you get this patience off of me." People stare. He goes, "come meet me. alone." And she's like "uhhh guys, don't misunderstand. This isn't what it looks like hahaha." He saunters off, and she kabedons some random doctor and goes "why is my heart beating so much?".. etc etc. Basically it was as cringy and awkward as a teen fanfic. I was too busy making faces to notice there was a cut showing her listening against his chest. But man .. the direction. WAE.

        Also, to follow your top murder suspect to an isolated staircase ... smh. I liked her better when she was a no-nonsense hardcore traffic cop in ep. 1.

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