The K-version of Bu Bu Jing Xin hit the halfway mark this week so there’s been more than enough acting and story to gauge the audience preferences. By midway through BBJX it was clear who was firmly on Team 4th Prince versus Team 8th Prince, or was like me who appreciated both men for their love of Ruo Xi but was unequivocally certain that the one who she loved more in the end was 4. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo (Bobogyungsim: Ryeo) has taken enough liberties and deviations from the story that most of each episode is spent watching something that feels fresh and different for me, and the same goes with the romance development between Hae Soo and 4 and 8. I am a billion perfect on Team 4, mostly because his character is way more interesting than 8 and also because he’s played by Lee Jun Ki. On the chemistry side I think IU has better chemistry with Kang Ha Neul‘s 8, but that’s mostly because Lee Jun Ki is acting circles around her so she always looks disconcerted in a scene with him. What’s your take – Team 4 or Team 8?
I’m so happy the K-version kept the iconic cape in the rain scene, and poor IU definitely looked completely wiped out emotionally and physically, making the moment feel more visceral in how 4 is the one willing to step up and protect his girl.
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On Team 4!! Foso! \\(^_^)// Lee Jun Ki <3!
I'll be a fool not to say '4' because whatever LJK want he gets. He deserve a little happiness before the big storm right?!
After the ending of episode 10, I couldn't help but be Team 4 100%! That was the biggest demonstration of noble love for me, and LJK played that scene too incredibly well!
LJK is doing such an amazing job, he is just blowing everyone else off the screen. His acting here is just incredible, no matter what this character has done you can't help but root for him.
Team 4....for sure!
Team 4 since day 1 haha!
Oh Koala, Thank you! Thank you! I thought you are never going to write about K-BBJX and I am so glad that you did. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Without a doubt, I am full onboard Team 4. Wang So is the man right from the get go and LJK is perfection.
i am always on 4th prince side. nothing will change that...
The same goes for me . Team 4th all the way.
After this epidsode, Everyone will be on Team #4..I like this 4th prince! At least this time K-drama did not ruin the change by using amnesia ad they actuakly wrote a plausible explanation as to why Soo will stop loving 8th and start loving 4th. The C-version did not do this part justice. But I still think C-version reign supreme...If Lee Jun Ki was the 4th peince the C-drama would have been perfect. But then Nicky Wu did a great job as 4th too....
The difference between the K-version and the original version is that in the K-version, female lead character lives under the halo of the protagonist, so 8th must be the douchbag first in order to justify female lead's change in love. Same goes with his wife in the beginning, she MUST die in order for 8th to be together with our female lead, because our female lead cannot be a home wrecker or a concubine. In the original version however, the plot was written from female lead's perspective, so she made her own choices regardless of whether they will look good on her or not. Ruoxi decided to put her self above others. She initiated the break up herself. She had enough reasons why to break up with 8th though IMO (which includes the fact that ultimately deep down her heart, she didn't love him enough to be ready to take his downfall together with him, also his household with Minghui and her jiejie was refraining her as well.). It was a choice made by a girl from the 21st century, because this man just wasn't the guy she was looking for. She wanted someone who would be completely honest with her. Many people tend to forget that BBJX's time spam lasted for more than 20 years, so things don't happen right after other. There was a two year gap between the break up with 8th and when she started to actually FEEL something for 4th in a romantic way. I can write a whole essay on WHY Ruoxi broke up with 8th and WHY she started loving 4th. But I will spare you that, haha.
I understood why Rouxi did not choose 8th in the C-version. The C-version just made Rouxi moved on to 4th pretty quickly in the drama. Kang Ha Neul and Keven has the same aura as 8th prince to me.
I remember that in the c version Ruoxi was aware that he would die according to history. So she wanted him to live if she is to stays with him. So she asked him to make a choice; choose the throne or give up the throne to be with her. Of course 8th didn't know she came from the future. Obviously 8th chose the throne. I think it was s compelling reason why she broke up with 8th.
The bottom line of this is whether 4th and 8th battled out for the throne was because of Ruoxi's warning to 8th to guard against 4th. So was it because of her warning that made them sworn enemies? Perhaps if she didn't, 8th might not turned out this way and tried to take him down, while 4th was forced to defend himself as the outcome of their battle is either death or the throne.
Ultimately, the bottom line is the same isn't it? In both versions, 8th prince chose the throne over her. And please, 8th isn't a douchbag. Imagine if he sacrificed his mother, sister and his whole clan for love, then he would truly be a worthless chap!
As for who's going to initiate the breakup, we will only know next week. But Haesoo was already questioning her love for 8th in earlier episodes. I don't think she was really in love with him, (they don't really talk to each other), but rather he was her way out of the palace.
BBJX's time span lasted more than 20 years, but based on Goryeo history, SHR can last only around 8 years, so things have to happen differently and at a different pace.
@Livi - I'm not judging the choice 8th made in picking his family above our female lead, as I've pointed out earlier, I actually like how he struggles. I'm talking about how he was deliberately portrayed as a douchebag (the last 10 minutes of episode 11) in order to justify the reason for our heroine to stop loving him and for us, audience to turn our back against him and jump ship over to Team 4th without tainting our hero and heroine's image and morals. I'm talking about Wook literally turning his back towards her when our heroine is already on the edge of being beaten to death, in her weakest and most fragile state covered with blood and wounds yet still kneeling in the heavy rain, pleading for the King's mercy regarding Lady Oh. On the contrast we have a glorified hero who would give up his entire world for the girl, yes, even as far as taking poison for her. Like commenter D has pointed out below, what we are merely stating is that it is a pity that drama is painting 4th Prince as Prince Perfect-Swoony-Sacrificial-Hero so far, on top of that, he has some extra scars + wounds, a scattered past with bad memories and a terrible develish mother. Tadaa, enough reasons for heroine to pick him and "heal" him, and for female audience to be completely smitten by him and cry buckets of tears for this poor, great guy. Ultimately, there is nothing wrong with this, just a very typical K-drama hero set-up (BTW, I wonder why our K-drama male leads almost always have to suffer from a scarred past or any other trauma, in order to give room to the female lead to heal his wounds and pain?? LOL). Some people like it, some people don't.
BTW, you made a great point with the time span! I guess I have to keep in mind that K-version has a shorter time span (almost less than a half of the original version!). It explains why IU's character doesn't seem to mature or grow up "throughout the years" unlike Ruoxi. Thanks for reminding me!
I'm a sucker for scholars and strategists so I like the characterisation of 4th prince in the C-drama. LJK's character would defo feel out of place there for me, but I think he fits perfectly in the world of Goryeo. I'm therefore kind of glad that there are two versions to suit two distinctive camps of viewers' tastes :P
4th prince all the way til the end of course
Lee Jun Ki all the way
Im not a fan of IU, so I wasn't watching but Lee Jun Ki has this power. I just started watching because the previews look so awesome.....OMG! Team 4!!!!