Categories: K-dramas

Flower Boy Sageuk Hwarang Premieres to 6.9% Ratings as Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim Continues to Dominate Ratings

The arrival of Hwarang this Monday night heralds the end of the 2016 K-drama cycle as the last major drama to premiere this year. It straddled many of the popular thematic elements in 2016 dramas – pre-filmed, flower boy packed cast, and sageuk trend. Now it’s also following in the footsteps of many such dramas in landing with a thud – the first episode of Hwarang got just 6.9% AGB nationwide ratings, far below time slot leader Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim which came in at 22.6% which was actually a drop of 1.2%, though poor Night Light remains mired in the low single digits at 3.8%. The pre-filmed dramas of 2016 have all been ratings duds except for Descendants of the Sun but this trend may not end anytime soon since China’s broadcasting requirement will only grant approvals for finished dramas It’ll be interesting to see what trends rise to the forefront in 2017.

I haven’t watched Hwarang’s first episode yet but I would be happy to place Park Seo Joon under a hat for the remainder of the show so his amazing cheekbones peek out with the awful hair hidden.


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  • I don't really care about other dramas in any stations except TVN. Though Romantic Doctor has high ratings, I don't see many buzz around it. Romantic Doctor just like weekday dramas in KBS that get high ratings without many people talks about it. Or maybe because all people are busy with Goblin LoL.

    • Lol! I actually like Romantic Doctor more than Goblin but yea, Goblin and LOBS get all the hype. Among all the currently airing dramas though, I love Weightlifting Fairt the most and this doesn't even have the ratings to boast about haha. Whatever floats people's boats. I'm just glad there's enough watchable current dramas for us.?

      • I have to admit of the dramas I'm watching now, I most look forward to Weightlifting. It's not drama crack or anything but just a nice slice of life drama. I want to love Goblin because the genre is a favorite of mine, and I like the set up....but I don't. Goshdarnit.

      • Out of all the dramas, weightlifting fairy is my recent fave, which surprises me because I wasn't even planning to watch it. It's such a sweet coming of age story with no frills or flashy effects. Just an interesting storyline and cast. As for Goblin, I like it, but it is kinda getting draggy and I am less excited every week. Hopefully we'll get more action in the storyline soon.

      • Weightlifting Fairy become my most look forward drama because of its simplicity, because how the drama never trying to be anything but just to tell its story. It's just so earnest and honest.
        Goblin is very climatic, stylish and cool from the get go. Yes, the bromance is wonderful but that has always been my concern, how long can I stay not for the central plot itself. The pace is getting draggy and tiring.
        LOTBS turns out better as its progresses and now that it has shifted gear to become more emotional, idk if it will keep me glued just when I have just started to warm up to its comedic offering.
        I have not watched Hwarang but it seems to generate quite a positive response for its debut episode. So, there's hope.

      • Just like me ! Romantic doctor and WFairy are my favs. I'm watching Goblin but it's not all that for me . I remember when the last dramas of hyun Bin han ji min and Yoon Eun Hye got this kind of bad ratings it was the talk of the town, now very low ratings are an habit. What's going on with korean viewers ? Shouldn't producers change something ? Even Soo Ae and Moon Chae Won who used to be in good ratings projects failed this year.

    • What I'm concerned about is that TVN dramas become so popular that it becomes the new mainstream. Its already happenning though, that's why you see dramas like K2 and The Good Wife being considered as minor flops in tvn's book even though they attain >4% ratings. tbh aside from SIgnal and Dear my friends, tvn dramas aren't as great in their quality as compared to last year. Instead jtbc is slowly rising up to become my new fav channel. Ms Temper and Nam Junggi is awesome, so is TTMWHAA and Age of Youth and MOTW.

  • I don't know but that rating actually sounds okay given that not a lotta people are gonna jump from Rom Dr at this point. It's getting those not invested in other M/T drama that Hwarang needs to do.

    Also, the concept that pre-production means anything other than the drama is done and can be shown in China as it is airing needs to sink in. It doesn't mean the writing/acting etc will be better or anything else. I actually hoped that pre-prod would mean the actors and staff would have an easier time of it during filming, but I actually have my doubts about that.

  • I had low expectations for this drama because of their hairstyle lol, then I watch the 1st episode and it's kinda fun tbh, it's not as cheesy as I thought it'll be, I'll be tuning for some more episodes I think...

  • How can you say lobts cannot beat RM when they are not airing the same day the most fun part is that RM is just like any other weekend drama no buzz around it

    • Lobs doesn't have a lot buzz too ! Watch all the buzz about Lee jun Ki drama despite bad ratings! We can't compare a fantasy romance with a medical drama !

      • That too dramas on Monday and Tuesday are usually less trendy compared on Wednesday and Thursday, not to mention medical.
        Kinda remind me of Doctors. Same time slot similar situations

    • Lmao with the initial hype LOBS barely have buzz either. Golbin is doing much better in term of buzz
      The LOBS OTP weren't even in best couple in Naver if I remember correctly, they must have so much buzz

  • 6,9% is not bad for a first episode, I was expecting way worse considering the fact they have to face Romantic Doctor which is a monster rating-wise(average 20%) I'm quite relieved I must say.

    Anyway, I don't care much about ratings, I'm watching Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo which has terrible ratings(4%)and it's by far my favorite drama at the moment (yeah,I prefer it over Goblin and LOTBS)

    Watching Hwarang mainly for Hyungsik and for the moment, I'm not disappointed, he delivers. Sam Maek Jong is the most intriguing and interesting character of the bunch. First episode was quite good, I'm ready for the ride.

  • I really don't like this trend of fully pre-produced dramas
    50% is better...since they can cater to audience tastes, etc

  • Ban Ryu is the primary reason why I'll even bother checking out the second episode. Do Ji Han has such little screentime but he's got REAL screen presence.

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