Who could have imagined that 2019 could have a bigger K-ent news story than the Burning Sun/Seungri/YG/Jung Joon Young collective scandal. Sadly we’re only halfway through the year and the shocking Soong Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo divorce could eclipse it, currently it’s the only thing K-ent news media is talking about. Some further updates: reportedly Song Joong Ki filed divorce papers without Song Hye Kyo’s knowledge and she was informed via a public announcement delivered to her side afterwards, and Song Joong Ki is seeking mediation because there are issues to be resolved but he’s not asking for any alimony hence it’s clear he wants the divorce to be finalized as quickly as possible and it could be done by August if there are no unresolved issues.
Song Joong Ki’s family home was transformed into a museum for his works and this week visitors noticed that all traces of the hit drama Descendants of the Sun have been removed when previously it was quite prominently displayed, and also Song Joong Ki’s older brother has cancelled his Insta following of Song Hye Kyo. Legal commentators are saying that Song Joong Ki’s divorce filing method and wording is a warning to Song Hye Kyo’s side to not spread any rumors otherwise his side will not keep quiet any longer, and in South Korea law there is an antiquated rule that the spouse who has committed a wrong in the marriage (adultery, violence, etc) is not allowed to file for divorce (see Hong Sang Soo case). Take it for what you will.
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Hmm him filing it without even informing her sounds fishy i feel like he was the one who is hiding something to the point he threaten her.
Do you read that under SK law, the wrong party cannot file a divorce? So it is very clear which party is at fault especially when they have lived in separate housings since September 2018. The truth is slowly revealing. How can he threaten her when she is the one with secrets to hide?
Is he really guiltless? We will never know tbh by how he filed it w/o even informing her.
And accrdg to the recent news them living apart in september is just a rumor they started living apart may a source close to Sjk stated. There is a picture september 19 2018 of shk and sjk celebrating his birthday and the fans got that picture from his father he showed shk private ig pictures to the fans. What kind of father will do that showing private pictures to the fans. His father doenst know the word privacy and respect?
I am not speaking for him. He is not a gentleman for not giving her the respect. But this does not mean he is threatening her as you are claiming. She can sue him if he is the wrong party which she is not doing so. Obviously they are not in good terms because he did not inform her. Who cares about his father? But if a parent is proud of the child, it is not a crime to show off a bit. She can sue if her privacy is violated which she hasn’t, why? Why is she so quiet?
She already gave a statement. That "the reason for divorce is differences in personality and because the two were unable to overcome their differences they were forced to come to this decision."
But by how the way sjk announce the divorce its give a lot of room to speculate for someone who wants a amicable divorce i just dont get it. Im not saying she is innocent but in marriage it takes two to tango but clearly sjk wants to put all the blame on her.
I can see your point. I don't read it as he "wants to put all the blame on her". From what I have read, he just wants out asap, to end it asap. Where is the blame? I can totally get it when someone is sick and tired and want out immediately. Her statement is typical PR stuff that any agency can spit out.
The wrong party can file a divorce. Just that if the other party does not agree with the divorce, the judge will not approve it.
The reason they filed for contested divorce is so that they do not have to file personally, i.e. the lawyers can settle the divorce for them.
I don’t think we can draw a conclusion here as to who wasn’t at fault because if both were at fault - either could have filed also. Especially since the rumours were on both side - him with her makeup assistant and she with PBG. So it may be a case of fastest hand wins!
Idk whether you have problem understanding or not. If he has something to hide, he won't be the one filing the divorce first cause that would put him at risk being outed as the guilty party (by being denied to file the divorce as what happened to Hong Sang Soo). And with that much money, I doubt SJK would employ a stupid lawyer who didn't advise him the repercussion.
From the way I see it, the fall out between them seems ugly till his family also remove all traces of her, and he wants out of the marriage desperately and soonest psb. And yes, SJK made it clear that he is the (more) injured party but I believe there must be a strong reason why he did it.
I think he is the guilty party.
If he was at disadvantage with law, he would not be able to pull the aggressive stunt of filing first for divorce....Whatever happened, it is 90% clear that Hye Kyo is not in a position to go on offense...for both there sake....I hope this gets resolved fast without more drama.
Song joong ki is immature but isn't it obvious who is a guilty party here. Seems like shk has a lot of dirt to hide. Why would he warned her if she isn't guilty? She can go
Sue his existence given how powerful her connection is, strange her agency is tightlipped about everything. They didn't even cleared about her cheating rumors.
How can filing for divorce be a warning? Doing it would be a bit stupid. Warning is threatening to do harm if the other side doesn't comply with your demands. Hurting the other side first, you likely are going to provoke the opposite, since the other side doesn't have so much to lose anymore.
Now that he did this, what else can he do to her? Do you think if she was going to spread any rumors or whatever, that this move would stop her? I think this story about him warning her doesn't make any sense.
We have no idea whatsoever of what's going on here. We just know that he filing for divorce in SK without a joint statement is going to imply that she's the one at fault, so the only sure thing is that he is likely very angry and he didn't care about hurting her. She as a woman divorcing in SK has a lot to lose, so likely she will keep quiet no matter what happened. There is no way we know who's guilty of anything here. It could also be that they married too fast and later realized that they are not compatible, it doesn't need to be anyone cheating o doing bad things to the other side.
If this news eclipses The Burning Sun scandal then it just tells us our moral compass is so off. A couple’s divorce which should have been a private affair is bigger news than sexual assault. This just proves the rich, powerful and famous are more important than the plebs, especially entertainment world.
Exactly! I bet those in Burning Sun are so happy they've been overshadowed by this TRIVIAL news
Well said @ABC ! Mad World . Divorce is a common thing and a private matter but SJK made it public . Not a gentleman and classy attitude but Sexual assault is a crime and it seems that burning sun is the tree that hides the forest.
For real! There's no crime in getting a divorce, the Songs can't help that they are public figures.
And no matter what speculation it generates about rumour-mongering and cheating, those are still not criminal activities or ANYWHERE near the level of horrors revealed by Burninb Sun. How is people's moral compass so easily skewed? And I bet Yang Hyun Suk and Seungri want to send flowers to SongSong right now.
I feel sorry for SHK. There was certainly an intention to hurt her. He knows that wif he goes with how he did, it will hurt her. For that, I am sorry for her. Because he absolutely did not care how it would be for her, no consideration whatsoever. He loved her once, at least. So some respect should have been afforded towards her.
Also, I keep going back to my thoughts a out his family. Were they mean to her? She doesn't look like an evil conniving person to me.
Their house turned into a museum of sort for him is outright creepy to me.
I think this is better for SHK. I wish her peace really. She deserves it after this.
Nope they weren't mean, Infact quite supportive. Both his father and brother posted about encounter on social media. His father was trending No.1 on naver due to his past interviews showing him in bad light about his strict family upbringing. Many Knetz believe it was media played by hk agency. Seem that pissed him to no end and he came out with stronger statements. Not much later all the articles were pulled down. Inetz have no idea about the gossip and media plays that goes on naver because not all articles are translated. We barely get like 30% of rumors. It seems like sjk has upper hand on this case. If she is the victim she should come out and expose him, but so far nothing.
But his dad sharing her private ig pictures to their fans is not right.
@Betty - nothing is private on IG. LOL. You are so naive.
@betty It could be anyone. What if his father shared the pic with Kyo after clicking it? Who knows her agency used it to show him in bad light about violating her privacy. Nobody is Saint here.
There was Chinese media reporting that his parents did not approve of her. His dad said she was too old for him but that you cant keep your own son from doing what he wants.
Also she comes from divorced parents which is not very well accepted in Asia let alone SK.
The post from his dad was in November 2018. A couple months after they supposedly moved out. So either his parents did not know or there was ulterior motives. He loves to talk to the media and even shares private photos send by SHK for friends and family to fans.
Tbh they sound like they could be suffocating. SHK strikes me as a very independent person. She's been working since her teenage years and buying property to prepare for her mom's retirement. I can see why a divorce could happen due to involved inlaws/personality differences.
It isn't creepy for celeb family members to do that actually because PSH parents have turned their restaraunt that she bought for them into a mini museum as well and fans often go there to not just eat but see all her images and everything.
They (SHK's fans) didn't find it creepy. Instead, they were proudful and so boastful about how SJK's family treated their unnie like a living Goddess Almighty. But now, of course they are singing different tunes :)
Agreed 100 percent. If he had ever lived her, he won’t do such a thing, serving her notice without her knowledge. Disgusting , unethical . I am happy for her to get out of it.
He should’ve known this was gonna happen if he divorced this way. Should’ve taken a quieter route and divorce amicably by releasing a statement together. That way, there’s no stories because it would still seems that they both are in friendly term and support each other.
But since he took this route, it’s obviously they can’t stand each other and something indeed happened.
Well to announce the divorce during the airing of his drama and putting everything at risk maybe SHK must have done some pretty shitty thing to really anger him .
He filed for the divorce without telling her but they did talk about it before. So it was not a big surprise neither.
But if she did wrong, I don't understand what she could have told to the public, so I'm not sure to understand his point of view...
I believe the divorce process was already on going privately but both parties are not coming to agreement. I think this has been going for awhile & must be in many months already. The long process is tedious which probably has prompted SJK to seek mediation by the court. Once the court is involved then whether they like it or not, it becomes public.
In short, SHK already knew about the divorce proceeding and I believe she has been informed about filing through the court but maybe she didn’t believe that SJK would actually do it. The filing of the divorce was a bold and brave move. That’s like a career suicide, a suicide on SJK side as he was the one who filed it and for SHK is a collateral damaged whether she likes it or not.
I used to be SJK's biggest fan especially after innocent man. But my impression of him started changing when he got famous and shunned the cast and mention of running man. Then there was the Yoo Hee Cheol sketchbook saga which he wanted the room cleared out to accommodate his interview which led to a falling out between him and the talk host. Yoo implied someone's got celebrity disease obviously and since then I have found him fake as heck. SHG might have princess disease and "hard to live with" but the shit his side is putting out the last 3 days have been nothing but disgusting. Determined for a complete burial of her image and career. My personal belief? Both cheated. He probably earlier than her and latest from china tabloids is that shes pregnant and the child is not his but an old boyfriend's and this is the chip he is using against her. True or false... im sure this divorce will just get uglier and uglier. And nope im not on his side at all. He seems too calculated and manipulative and loud. The fact that filed publicly for the divorce, got the lawyer to say the shit he did, did not once speak up for poor park bo gum who got dragged into it... chose to do it when SHG was overseas and let the shit storm hit her on the way back says alot about his vindictiveness. Man's got no balls. If you have truly loved someone before... no matter how bad how angry... it should have been managed privately. And telling her to shut up about lies... its not her that is revealing him shagging kim ok bin. That sighting and news was already making it's rounds March this year. She maybe no angel but the guy is definitely pot calling kettle black. Just as his family is now doing things throw further mud at her... seems like they have forgotten- she too is someone's precious daughter and no... your son is not above the law amd everything he does might not be so clean after all
...isn't Lee Kwang Soo one of his best friends though? And I thought he did an appearance on Running Man right after coming back from the military? Like, that's already 3-4 years after Innocent Man...
Yoo Hee Yeol Sketchbook? SJK has be guest is that show? Which episode????
a silent reader, want to add my thoughts on this. Having been married for 15 years, I kinda can understand SHK. sometimes husband's family makes life very difficult (you ve seen it in dramas) and they often somehow make the husband hate his wife. It is so common that you wonder has he lost his brain cells. and in those cases if a wife a mature person, she would not make it bigger than it already is even if she is a victim and has not done wrong. I have absolute trust that SHK couldnt cheat simply because even if she wanted she would not do it considering her image , public persona and etc. With regards, to her being quiet, every word of hers will be blown out of proportions and used against her( I can see it by how SJK's side being agressive), so it is better to be quiet and resolve it asap. The mature person trusts that the truth will come out eventually, so resepct to her for being the way she is. (PS in my case life was intolerable and the only thing we held onto was the fact we had children. it took us 2 years to start having a life resembling somewhat normal!
Do you think an ordinary family like SJK's can harass a larger than life, super successful, well-connected, independent and super gorgreous woman like Hye Kyo?
There must have been something really big though it may not be cheating.
They are anything but ordinary. Very powerful and wealthy family in Daejeon with businesses in multiple fields. Thats why he is known as Prince when he debuted. Good looking and a influential background.
I agree with you 100%
I don’t know, years of working with humans has shown me that we are complicated. It’s absolutely possible to do things out of character when we are in some sort of state of mind. I’m not saying SHK did it but i wouldn’t rule out cheating because she has an image to protect or the fact that it’s out of character. You can’t be 100% sure of anything.
I agree, just because she is super successful that doesn't mean there are no possibility. Lee byung hun is top chungmoro actor yet his personal life is scandalous because of his adultery.
I totally agree with you.
I totally agree. SJK dad said he did not like that she is older. That's not something you say about your future daughter in law. She is 4 yrs old. If she was 10 yrs younger than SJK I bet he would not have said that
My guess is news is about to come out about SJK and Kim Ok Bin either from dispatch or Chinese media, so he decided to strike first with the divorce. Then he can say they got to know each other after the separation.
I share the same thoughts. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Sorry, but this entire thing makes me think that all those rumors of SJK cheating on his wife with stylist and Kim Ok Bin are real. He’s ungentlemanly, ugly and he’s flopping hard so he needs attention somehow. He once loved SHK, he used to be her fanboy apparently too but for him to do dirty mediaplay in the middle of his drama, throw SHK under the bus in a misogynistic patriarchal country, tarnish even PBG’s reputation by not clearing any rumors, his personality must be really obsessive, controlling and trash. Also, his family is really shady, bunch of moochers and leeches. That’s the picture I’m getting and usually my instincts are right, especially after molka chat scandal and I was right about the shitty vibes Lee Jonghyun, Jung Joon Young and Seungri especially gave me. SHK cheating doesn’t make any sense since they haven’t worn the rings since last year on off so they had these ’’personality differences’’ quite a long time. SJK is disgusting and this is just a publicity stunt for that flopping actor to pull.
Please publish this lmao
Her stylist is her best friend. Check out jeniejang ig, there is recent group pic girl who is right beside hk in that pic is her stylist. So I don't think those rumors about him and her stylist are true. Not sure about kob.
Irony 2: dude gave an interview yesterday stating 1. Song Hye Gyo DID NOT CHEAT. 2. Park Bo Gum is NOT involved. 3 days elapsed before he chose to clear their names and this interview did not get picked up for publishing by many. So whats with the multiple insider crap throwing her under the bus. Way i see it... PBG must have confronted him and SHG side as well.
There is no sight sought of interview. Media is having a feast with all those fake rumors.
@lydia There is no such sought of interview. Media is having a feast with all those fake rumors.
So glad you wrote this. @prettyautumn. I so feel that she was bullied. If people dont see the real SJK behind his action, then they are blind. We all should rally behind SHK and drop this excuse of a man. He knows what it would do to her. He choose to hurt her than way. What a poc.