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Gu Hye Sun Refuses to Divorce Ahn Jae Hyun and He Breaks Silence to Claim Depression During Marriage

The reason why failed marriages almost always end up in a divorce is being refusing to get divorced cannot and does not repair what is failed in the marriage. It’s a band aid holding together a severed limb rather than a small cut. The latest on the Gu Hye SunAhn Jae Hyun divorce drama is that he has now broken his silence with a lengthy post on SNS where he claims he started getting treatment for depression and is on medication starting a year into the marriage, the couple tried to make it work but couldn’t, and divorce is the right path forward. He alleges Gu Hye Sun lied to the security guard at his new apartment to get a spare key and came inside acting like a wife while he was sleeping which freaked him out and is totally inappropriate. He claims to have given her the house to live with their pets and also offered whatever financial terms she asked for. Gu Hye Sun’s latest SNS updates claims Ahn Jae Hyun drank a lot, would text inappropriately with other women when he was drunk, and she is trying her best to hold their marriage together. She ended with a absurd statement asking what more she can do in their marriage and is the divorce only happening because she doesn’t have sexy nipples. Like, what? OMG, this is such a train wreck. I would look away but for them two posting everything on social media asking the public to be a part of it and take sides.


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  • The fact she paid for the wedding donation and he complained she asked him to payback half still has me should have stayed quiet about that fool. He moved to an apartment to "focus on acting" that SHE furnished. He can't act...aside from all the acting he was clearly doing on those reality shows just like those PDs and staff said he was doing behind the scenes. She basically wants to stay married until he goes to talk to her Mom right? He had time to go talk to the NJTTW crew about the divorce. He had time to go convince her Mom to let her marry him. Go talk to her Mom about the divorce coward and call it a day. Men these wonder everyone here in Korea just keeps calling him Jung Joon Young's Best Friend.

    • Those reality and variety show spots? Are things he got solely because of the 'devoted husband' image he gained by marrying her.

      This is like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, except messier. And thankfully no kids!

      • He got NJTTW via a recommendation from Lee SeungGi who'd labelled him as somthing like a variety-goldmine and it was before they got married.

        And admittedly, that was his biggest break. Didn't help that his debut was the mega-hit You Who Came From The Star.

        And I'll be honest. She kinda made me raise an eyebrow throwing that stink about wanting him to take responsibility for the failed marriage and insisting he assuage her sick mom as if she had no choice in marrying him and it's all his fault.

        Marriage takes 2 to work like it takes 2 hands to clap. Breakdowns like that don't happen all of a sudden. I'm not saying that she's 100% at fault, cos she can't be either. But can she have some introspection too please. And shut up. Seriously. Not for me, or any one else. For yourself and your family. Let your lawyer do the talking.

    • I never comment. BUT I wanted to chime in in this.
      YES!!! Finally someone lays out the facts as I understood it as well. Its so satifying to read your comment.
      This thing between them has been like a new crack to me. Its like a train wreck but I am too fascinated to look away. He needs to man up and do it properly, as what she had wanted. All this drama could've easily be prevented if he went and greet her family ie her mother. I saw some comments on other platforms saying he is young etc... Naaah...heck the man is in his 30s...thats not young.
      Speaking from a personal experience, I have a healthy respect for my ex now on hindsight, at least in this matter, for having the decency in meeting up with my parents before we divorced

      • Oh and the way she is doing things is NOT right either. Its like I'll burn you and I dont care if I burn myself as well. Thats not healthy...
        She needs to convey everything through her lawyer

      • They have the same agency...they had her move over to supress hee for the divorce clearly. She has a lawyer now but this was one of the only ways she could manage it press wise

    • Hahaha used to like him alot and very happy when they got married. Totally stunned by her comments but also feeling sad for her that she had to respond so after he portrayed her in such a manner...

      • She said that she has been seeing a psychiatrist, apparently for some time. It may well be that her mental state in this situation is so mixed up that she is throwing everything into the news. It is true that she is not helping herself or the marriage in doing this but maybe we can step back and leave them alone and allow her time to gather herself.

  • This is sad for all involved. I thought these two kooky people found their other half and had a decent shot of making it work. If all their newlywed articles/reality TV were real (at the time) it's hard going from treasured wife to what's being claimed in their back and forth statements. Sad to see folks airing dirty laundry so publicly.... I'd be too embarrassed and want to preserve some dignity. {sigh}

  • Wow. Way too much info when she mentioned her unsexy nipples. Lol by the end of this neither of them will have any work to go to really.

    • Hasn't all her stuff been funded by herself? Director, artist, whatever-it-is-as-long-as-it's-not-acting. I don't know even single piece of her work save her history as a (rather bad) actress. Pretty sure she can give herself work.

      But... what the... unsexy nipples is way TMI. Why is that even quoted as proof that he's a bad person? People say lots of terrible things when they're emotional but those one offs don't make them terrible. Nobody needs to know.

      But. What a trainwreck. The person I feel for the most is her poor sick mom. Divorce is bad enough. Now she's learning of her daughter's nipples via the media when her world is probably spinning. OMG. What. This is nuts.

      • Gu Hye Sun was on a break from acting work because of a health problem, as long as she hasn't squandered too much of her assets on the waster she married, she should be fine.

        And since they shared an agency that took AJH's side and dropped GHS/was preparing to put out statements makinh her sound like the bad person, I'm not surprised Gu Hye Sun wanted to get ahead of the story and nuke his attempt at media play.

        I mean, if it's a choice between revealing something embarrassing vs being wronged and smeared as the 'bad guy', it's not fair to focus on her disclosure as the 'wrong axt' vs the fact of what he actually said. And note he hasn't refuted it either, I'm inclined to believe he really said that.

      • @Royal

        I am inclined to believe nothing. This is not a conversation where replies are immediate and staying quiet does not equal consent and agreement or guilt.

        Frankly, I hope he doesn't engage because she's really acting batshit crazy and I want them both to stop instead of both descending into madness. If he'd refuted, who's actually qualified to judge who in this he-said-she-said situation is right? Only they know. My opinion and anyone else's in this situation does not matter.

        Also, she's nuking her poor mom right now. Not just him. I thought she was really protective of her mom. What happened.

        Any sane adult would shut up and hire a lawyer to deal with him, because that's the dignified way of saying "I'm fucking you right up" and still getting off with clean hands. Better than going into the mud to fight with a pig yourself and coming out with wet soil stuffed in your nostrils and getting into your eyes, looking pretty nuts yourself. All this just makes her look crazy.

        And who cares what the hell he said. Why is she so bothered by "unsexy nipples"? What is that.

        It's not the disclosure that's the problem, even if it's Too Much Information. It's her behaviour. She's choosing to hurt everybody - him, herself, their innocent families - when she could have done this the sane adult way. Now her mom is gonna be known as the lady whose daughter has unsexy nipples.

        Just shut the fuck up. Do it for your Mom whom you declared you cared so much for.

      • GHS is actually a good actress for melodrama type characters. She is very good in acting the serious roles.

        Her first drama Pure 19 was very good.

        You can't deny that Korea's Boys over Flowers was a Hallyu hit and she was the main character in it, along with the 4 handsome boys.

  • And I wonder what Eun JiWon thinks of this whole situation, being the one whom Ahn JaeHyun asked why he'd divorced when he and Gu HyeSun just got married.

    What an absolute shitshow.

  • Letting Emotions control you, rather than being calm and DETACHED (it's a lot more powerful a tool, than being reactive with He Said, She Said).

    IF it's broken then it's broken. Do NOT even bother to fix it.
    Having folks take sides about who's right or wrong ain't going to take away their overall Resentment.

    And IF they have enough in the pot to warrant Divorce Lawyers escalating this by throwing more pepper and salt (they can, and the only winners being the lawyers pocketing fees to drag it out - no justice is really served).

    A Common Problem is, taking the reticent higher road and downplaying it all ... doesn't set the cue for the other party to follow suit in respect and similar behaviour.

  • This is insane and heart breaking at the same time. Goo hye sun , just give him a divorce and move on to better things. He doesn’t deserve your presence : (

    Thank you, next. Just like your song, it’s time to date yourself for a little while.

    Even though he’s trash, I wish him good mental recovery as well and that they both grow to be stronger and better people at the end of this trial of sadness

  • .....I'm speechless to learn he stooped so low as to make that remark about the body of the person he loved (and built his whole image around as "loving bf/devoted husband"). She refuted every single claim he made and exposed him in just one ig post! (And to anyone saying 'she should have kept quiet and been dignified', please note she and AJH were under the same agency - which took his side, dumped her, and started releasing statements smearing her).

    I hear he's being dropped from his endorsements now. Not sorry to hear it, he basically built his entire career off the 'in love with GHS' image (because god knows he had no talent lol). And without his image, what draw does he even have?

    • Royal We, agreeing with you.

      Sob sob ... It's sad the agency is taking side. The agency should not interfere.

      I think he should be more gracious after her first heartbreaking post. If he had not said so many things about the house-break etc, she would have let go the matter and the backlash would not happen

  • People forget that Gu Hye Sun was in the same agency as her husband soon to be ex.... she said that once she leaves the agency, there will be no work for her...meaning her livelihood is in jeopardy.

    This is within 3 months, in which her agency was about to drop her and promote Anh Jae Hyun. Do you think her agency would paint a good picture of GHS if they were to keep Anh Jae Hyun and want to make money off him?

    The divorce or rumors of it would have taken center stage anyways, once GHS leave the agency..since she just signed up 3 months ago to the same agency.

    Anh Jae Huyn her "loving" husband who has name dropped her on every single variety show, interview, PR event that he has been in. He basically used her name to build up his career in K-Entertainment.

    I am pretty sure GHS will get a divorce, but on her terms. Right now, he is owing her money and he should man up and talk to her Parents/Mom. Stop acting like a child hiding behind "Mommy" (His agency) and be a adult and talk to her mom. If he really wanted a divorce, this is what he should do.

    Her refuting him in public has to be done, since she no longer have a whole PR department to finesse her rebuttals. After building up her star status in K-Entertainment all by herself and through hard work, why should she let AJH who treated her pretty awful to get everything he wants.
    He basically just treated the marriage as dating. To claim depression 1 year into the marriage, but then go on pretending to be the devoted loving husband in the variety show? Then that is a lot of pretending, and shows how trustworthy he is.
    I stand by GHS. I am surprised that there are women out there who would be defending AJH through this debacle.

    • Very astute comments.
      If he had felt that way, he should have not joined the variety show.
      And he even treated her as a maid.
      I know some people find it ridiculous for her to ask for wages but the poor girl is probably reacting out of hurt.
      I don't think her asking for the house is wrong coz the way he and the agency are dumping her is wrong. At least let her have a roof over her head.

  • AJH is such a jerk leeching off GHS fame and fortune. Claiming depression one year into marriage is such a lame excuse for a divorce. He is an alcoholic and an useless piece of dirt. What is his agency thinking? I hope he is dropped from that drama with OHY, he cannot act. Directors should take this opportunity and cast GHS in female centric drama (e.g. a character like Song Ga Kyeong in Search WWW), it will be a hit :-)

    • Oh hell no.

      Do not taint my WWW.

      Her acting is so bad I get horrified. Please do anything else other than acting. Sing, dance, paint, write, direct... ANYTHING else. She can sing her anger about this divorce, go ahead. She can dance her frustrations away, no problem. Paint a traitor. She can write a bestseller about her most recent ex-to-be and the hellish road there. Do a movie about unsexy nipples.

      But DO NOT ACT PLEASE. Spare us all.

      • hahaha... at least GHS acts better than AJH, he is worse. Chill :-) What I meant to say is I hope GHS career will not end with this mess, and I hope AJH will vanish, evaporate, disappear (I won't watch him anyways).

      • Lol. My sentiments exactly. Her “acting” is so bad that it’s painful to watch. His acting on all the variety shows though should merit a top drama award. I don’t recall ever seeing him in a drama, but do recall article headlines after their marriage re how moved variety show hosts were by his devoted remarks for her.

  • I think both are at fault. We can never know who is the biggest jerk in this marriage. But it is rather clear that he said unkind words to his wife often and had his own apartment to stay away from his wife and their married life and clearly didnt give spare key to his wife. And startled at wife coming their apartment given they are married couple. Him saying she has unsexy nipples means he is looking at tons of other nipples in screen or in real life, no? Also it is very stupid thing to say to the loved one. Would she fake that he chatted with women in drunken state? i think not. Also built his image around doting husband and earned some jobs and now time to divorce, what a funny little shit. I wish she divorced him with her dignity intact, but he really makes it hard with siding with his agency and she is fighting back however she can in my eyes. Not really fan of either one, just wanted to add my 2 cents as married woman and dramafan.

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