Categories: K-dramas

Won Jin Ah in Talks for Female Lead of K-drama Sunbae, Please Don’t Put on That Lipstick Opposite Ro Woon

Hoo baby can I get a veto? Like, I would straight up nix her and not even give a reason why. K-actress Won Jin Ah is in talks for the female lead of rom-com Sunbae, Please Don’t Put on That Lipstick which has male lead as idol-actor Ro Woon coming off a promising male lead role in fantasy high school MBC drama Extraordinary You. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think he’s a better actor than her, in EY Ro Woon coasted on good looks and a calm onscreen presence coupled with getting a good character to play. That means my impression of him is positive and my current impression of Won Jin Ah is like the opposite of that. She’s not bad but she and her character in her last drama Melting Me Softly was horrendous. The stuff she should delete from her resume and ask to start from scratch type of past performance. It does sound like she’s going to do Sunbae so imma start deciding whether it’s even worth giving this one a go. At this point I’m so glad baby boy Jang Dong Yoon passed on this one.


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  • well Ive seen her in MMS. and I think its quit unfair of me to judge her with that drama. but one thing I can say is that she is too shy. so RW should definitly warm up with her behinde the scene. if not, their chemistry will feel so akward.
    Im giving this a go anyway, and if WJA rejects, I hope they offer Kwon Nara or Kim Ji won maybe

  • I hope that the both of them will pass this one. WJA doesn't look confortable in rom-com. She was pretty awkward in Melting Me Softly. For Rowoon, I think it will better that he doesn't choose a role from a manhwa after EY. He should take a different kind of drama. This one rest a lot on his appearance too like EY (tall and handsome).

  • Come on koala, she's definitely not that bad. I don't think MMS failing was her fault, not that she did particularly well either but don't judge her because of that as it would be unfair to judge her or Ji Chang Wool with that drama. I for one liked her in Just Between Lovers and am willing to give her another chance. Ji Chang Wool is getting another chance, why can't she?.

    • I was really hoping for Jang Dong Yoon to get a BAEKSANG nomination for new actor category. Is he not applicable for that?? I don't know. But if it is true then I m disappointed cause he is far better than Ahn Hyo Seop in RDK2.Lee Jae Wook was good in EY but his role was mediocre where he always needed to wear that jealous and bratty expression.Don't get me wrong cause I think EY did have a unique premise . However as I m one of those who prefer Baek Kyung more than Haru,I couldn't bring myself to watch it having suffered Second Lead Syndrome just by watching short clips and reviews of EY.Even from those I think Nokdu is a difficult character than BK having wide range and emotions. JDY freaking played a lady and he nailed that role in terms of versatility.

      • Well, LJW has a great agency behind him. So, getting a nomination is quite easy job for them. It's all about connections at the end of the day.

    • Oops the previous comment got posted at the wrong place..?
      But I do think WJA deserves another chance. I heard she was great in Just Between Lovers. However I don't know but the title of this drama puts me off, every time I hear its name. Honestly speaking I would want the makers to change to a different webtoon. Many good Manwha are there. This sounds soo yucky ?

    • agree.
      not fair to judge them based on that drama. unfortunatly some blame FL for bad dramas.

  • But then again she was excellent in Just Between Lovers, so really she’s 1-1 (I have yet to see Life).

    • She wasn’t bad in Life. It wasn’t a memorable performance like in Just Between Lovers, but she held her own beside Cho Seung Woo and Lee Dong Wook, and did a good job. So I’ll give it a 2-1. I think every actor has duds in their career now and again, so I won’t judge her if one of her dramas is a dud. As far as I’m concerned, Melting Me Softly had issues from the directing, script, editing and acting. To blame all that mess on the female lead is unfair. If that’s the case Ji Chang Wook who is the more seasoned actor, should be blamed as well.

  • Yeah, Won Jin Ah was great at Just Between Lovers. The chemistry between her and the lead actor was great. I never watched MMS because I didn't consider the concept appealing, but from what I know, it seems like MMS failed at a lot more levels than just the acting quality.

  • WJA was excellent in both Just Between Lovers and Life. She in no way is horrible lol. Melting me softly was terrible as a script but I do wonder if WJA can pull off rom com too or not. She does serious very well though.

  • She is decent but if you look back, lacks charisma. It could in theory still work though.

  • She was excellent in just between lovers and was decent in a supporting role in Life. I like her and will give her a chance.

  • Won Jin Ah was good in Just Between Lovers, I think she deserves another chance. Hopefully this won't be a godawful drama like MMS, I cringed through that one.

    As for Rowoon....boy is cute but Extraordinary You was carried by Kim Hye Yoon, at least they had good chemistry together though.

  • I think I will pass on this drama unless review is excellent after few episodes in but I highly doubt it with these two as leads. I am glad JDY passed on this, he has bigger fish to fry.

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