Categories: K-dramas

Song Joong Ki Shows Smiley and Serious Sides in History D&C Hi High Teaser

It feels like K-actor Song Joong Ki is gearing up for a K-ent return, not that he left but he’s definitely been in prep mode for the past year. He left long time agency Blossom and formed his new agency History D&C and has been focused more on movies filming Bogota (paused during COVID-19) and upcoming Space Sweepers which was originally slated for a summer 2020 release but has now been pushed back to fall again. The filming for season 2 of K-drama Arthdal Chronicles has also officially been postponed and I have doubts it will ever happen. I think picking the right project keeps getting harder these days especially one that suits an actor or actress so sometimes one has to take chances. For now I’m glad to see him even in a short teaser snipper, love the black shirt white suit combo and the warm energy.


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  • I don't mean to be mean but I just don't care for him anymore. It is like when I see him I just think "How could you?!"

    • Yeah same here . After seeing this article I had the same tot. As if does anyone even care abt him anymore since he just keeps messing things up with lawsuit n dating

      • Then just shut up and dont comment, is true fan stands by him. Why do you care people break up all the time, even you, so why is he judged differently. Live your life and let him live his, did you live with them do you know them personally, they could still be friends and you there all up in ur hate. Relax

    • Why? It’s his and his ex-wife’ For whatever reason the relationship wasnt’t right for either of them so they took the right decision

    • Then just shut up and dont comment, is true fan stands by him. Why do you care people break up all the time, even you, so why is he judged differently. Live your life and let him live his, did you live with them do you know them personally, they could still be friends and you there all up in ur hate. Relax

  • Lol. Then what the heck are you doing here since you don't care? I don understand some SHK's fans who seem more affected than her over the divorce, and the constant need to leave comment reminding of the loonngggg over short lived marriage in every article of SJK.

    • I an not a fan of SHK. I also like Koalas Playground that is why I read this article and watched the videos. You are right I should have kept my opinion to myself. Like they say if you don't have anything good to say about someone then just say nothing at all.

    • I agree that comments about his divorce aren't necessary here but you should also know that sometimes, the ones who write them are not even SHK's fans.

    • @Alexa
      I'm here to voice my opinion just like you do. Shocking for you that all of us have equal rights to do so? Well, brace yourself for the reality that we all have access to internet, can read and write and can access and comment on this blog without discrimination. Yah? We're good with that?

      I visit this blog all the time, and I cannot unsee this guy. But whenever an article comes out about him, which I dont intentionally seek, because why would I?, I have a bad taste in my mouth. And I am not a fan of SHK, but as a woman, I'm totally giving her all the respect she deserves despite having married a jerk like him and for staying cool and collected. On top of that, for being very smart in making sure she stays on top. I can't say the same thing about him, because, hey, nobody likes a man who sidesweeps a woman the way he did.

      By th way, he looks good, alright. But kinda looking like and ajusshi now. Not that it's a bad thing.

      • I'm a woman too and I too got divorced but it's two sides to a story, you haters need to post to where you support and stop messing with this man, none of you know him including myself, but I know one thing it's because of u haters why these ppl kill themselves. I started liking him from watching Innocent Man so he had his fans on his own and I'm a Jamaican. Cut the crap ppl why would you be hurt about someone relationship, I'm a woman too and I know even when you love someone at time you are unhappy when you live in the same space and for both of your health you just have to let them go. The lady did not come out and bash him and that speaks volume, it means together they just was not happy, he is an awesome actor and he carried his role on his own, he stood out on his own, so give the actor the credit he worked or and handle your personal life so it does not fall apart and leave him to handle his. The man wants his privacy so why should he tell u all everything. U haters stop posting to depress these actors and go get a hobby and a life of your own.

    • Respect others and others will respect you
      SJK keep fighting more power to your career
      Everyone has their own private lives that is not for discussion for gossipers

  • I think he wants fame. The news of his marriage, it was released right after his new movie premiered. The news of his divorce also released shortly after his new series premiered. Just wondering if he is using SHK as a stepping stone to greater status?

    I loved them both equally before. But after the way he announced his divorce and the words he wrote in his divorce statement, it's shocking to see him hurting her to this extent.

    I feel that he doesn't love her as much as SHK loved him. SHK is very consistent throughout her years in this show biz. Her friends, her staffs are consistently around her throughout the years and this shows she is a faithful friend with sincere heart.

    I think SJK is not as angel as he portray to the media.

    • How would you know he doesn’t love her as much as she does? When marriage fails, both parties at fault! They both move on gracefully, so no need to bring up the past.

    • He already got fame and you trying to get your true hating ppl. Stop it hate is ugly and it hurts the ppl its Express towards.

    • For me he just used SHK, SJK wasn’t popular before lol I really don’t know SJK’s name before only when he appeared in DOTS I’m a long time fans of Korean entertainment but sorry he is not that popular to me before only when he starred with SHK in DOTS and he married SHK here he succeeded in to fame. And I agree with some comments here :The news of his marriage it was released right after his new movie premiered. The news of his divorce also released shortly after his new series premiered. Yeah I agree with you , you have a point here. And he just released statement saying he is divorcing SHK with out talking to her first.It’s like he wanted it fast to divorce SHK since he got the fame already and got others sympathy. He is fake. We all know SHK once she fall in love she fall in love deeply and love that person whole heartedly. . It shocked me about they divorced but I already accept it nothing is forever in this world.ImSorry to say this but I really hate SJK no balls he’s a user, So Pathetic. I just wish for SHK to find the right guy for her and treat her as Prince SHK deserves a un ending love. She deserves to be happy.

      • Totally agreed with you, Ressy & Constance. From the way he handled his divorce, it is obvious that he is trying to throw her under the bus to get sympathy for himself. But who knows it backfire on him.

        He had the fame after marrying SHK. Then when his marriage is not going well, he didn't try to salvage the marriage. He went ahead with the divorce, announcing when she was not in Korea. Where is the basic respect? This shows he is cruel, he can totally turn his back against someone he used to love.

        I think he is a 2 faced person with hidden ambition. Not a simple man.

  • Why are you guys bashing him? If you don't like him, no need to come here and spread your negativity. If you like SHK, find another article about her.

    I like both SJK and SHK and used to be the hardcore fan of song2 couple. But when they separated, i dislike neither.

    Sjk looks hella fine. Hope to see arthdal season 2. I really like that drama.

  • People need to stop rehashing old news unless they happens to be a fly that’s able to follow them and know the truths of what happened.

    He looks so cute and fresh with that hair cut. I wish him the best of luck. Maybe he should choose projects that won’t be affected to much by the coronavirus, projects that would be filmed domestically.

    • Were you the one who gave it to him stop thinking cause clearly you dont do that well. Leave this man alone.

  • He shouldn't have left. Marriage is a commitment. Not something you just thrashed when u thought something didn't feel right. Why marry in the first place?

  • This hair cut does not match his smile or his face. He’d look much better with a different hair cut. I admire him for choosing different roles in different genres and always challenging himself artistically. More power to him.