
Song Joong Ki Shows Smiley and Serious Sides in History D&C Hi High Teaser — 94 Comments

  1. I don’t mean to be mean but I just don’t care for him anymore. It is like when I see him I just think “How could you?!”

    • Yeah same here . After seeing this article I had the same tot. As if does anyone even care abt him anymore since he just keeps messing things up with lawsuit n dating

      • Then just shut up and dont comment, is true fan stands by him. Why do you care people break up all the time, even you, so why is he judged differently. Live your life and let him live his, did you live with them do you know them personally, they could still be friends and you there all up in ur hate. Relax

    • Why? It’s his and his ex-wife’ For whatever reason the relationship wasnt’t right for either of them so they took the right decision

    • Then just shut up and dont comment, is true fan stands by him. Why do you care people break up all the time, even you, so why is he judged differently. Live your life and let him live his, did you live with them do you know them personally, they could still be friends and you there all up in ur hate. Relax

  2. Lol. Then what the heck are you doing here since you don’t care? I don understand some SHK’s fans who seem more affected than her over the divorce, and the constant need to leave comment reminding of the loonngggg over short lived marriage in every article of SJK.

    • I an not a fan of SHK. I also like Koalas Playground that is why I read this article and watched the videos. You are right I should have kept my opinion to myself. Like they say if you don’t have anything good to say about someone then just say nothing at all.

    • I agree that comments about his divorce aren’t necessary here but you should also know that sometimes, the ones who write them are not even SHK’s fans.

    • @Alexa
      I’m here to voice my opinion just like you do. Shocking for you that all of us have equal rights to do so? Well, brace yourself for the reality that we all have access to internet, can read and write and can access and comment on this blog without discrimination. Yah? We’re good with that?

      I visit this blog all the time, and I cannot unsee this guy. But whenever an article comes out about him, which I dont intentionally seek, because why would I?, I have a bad taste in my mouth. And I am not a fan of SHK, but as a woman, I’m totally giving her all the respect she deserves despite having married a jerk like him and for staying cool and collected. On top of that, for being very smart in making sure she stays on top. I can’t say the same thing about him, because, hey, nobody likes a man who sidesweeps a woman the way he did.

      By th way, he looks good, alright. But kinda looking like and ajusshi now. Not that it’s a bad thing.

      • I’m a woman too and I too got divorced but it’s two sides to a story, you haters need to post to where you support and stop messing with this man, none of you know him including myself, but I know one thing it’s because of u haters why these ppl kill themselves. I started liking him from watching Innocent Man so he had his fans on his own and I’m a Jamaican. Cut the crap ppl why would you be hurt about someone relationship, I’m a woman too and I know even when you love someone at time you are unhappy when you live in the same space and for both of your health you just have to let them go. The lady did not come out and bash him and that speaks volume, it means together they just was not happy, he is an awesome actor and he carried his role on his own, he stood out on his own, so give the actor the credit he worked or and handle your personal life so it does not fall apart and leave him to handle his. The man wants his privacy so why should he tell u all everything. U haters stop posting to depress these actors and go get a hobby and a life of your own.

  3. I think he wants fame. The news of his marriage, it was released right after his new movie premiered. The news of his divorce also released shortly after his new series premiered. Just wondering if he is using SHK as a stepping stone to greater status?

    I loved them both equally before. But after the way he announced his divorce and the words he wrote in his divorce statement, it’s shocking to see him hurting her to this extent.

    I feel that he doesn’t love her as much as SHK loved him. SHK is very consistent throughout her years in this show biz. Her friends, her staffs are consistently around her throughout the years and this shows she is a faithful friend with sincere heart.

    I think SJK is not as angel as he portray to the media.

    • How would you know he doesn’t love her as much as she does? When marriage fails, both parties at fault! They both move on gracefully, so no need to bring up the past.

    • He already got fame and you trying to get your true hating ppl. Stop it hate is ugly and it hurts the ppl its Express towards.

    • For me he just used SHK, SJK wasn’t popular before lol I really don’t know SJK’s name before only when he appeared in DOTS I’m a long time fans of Korean entertainment but sorry he is not that popular to me before only when he starred with SHK in DOTS and he married SHK here he succeeded in to fame. And I agree with some comments here :The news of his marriage it was released right after his new movie premiered. The news of his divorce also released shortly after his new series premiered. Yeah I agree with you , you have a point here. And he just released statement saying he is divorcing SHK with out talking to her first.It’s like he wanted it fast to divorce SHK since he got the fame already and got others sympathy. He is fake. We all know SHK once she fall in love she fall in love deeply and love that person whole heartedly. . It shocked me about they divorced but I already accept it nothing is forever in this world.ImSorry to say this but I really hate SJK no balls he’s a user, So Pathetic. I just wish for SHK to find the right guy for her and treat her as Prince SHK deserves a un ending love. She deserves to be happy.

      • How do you know SHK is not ‘happy’ without an official boyfriend in the public eye???

      • Totally agreed with you, Ressy & Constance. From the way he handled his divorce, it is obvious that he is trying to throw her under the bus to get sympathy for himself. But who knows it backfire on him.

        He had the fame after marrying SHK. Then when his marriage is not going well, he didn’t try to salvage the marriage. He went ahead with the divorce, announcing when she was not in Korea. Where is the basic respect? This shows he is cruel, he can totally turn his back against someone he used to love.

        I think he is a 2 faced person with hidden ambition. Not a simple man.

  4. Why are you guys bashing him? If you don’t like him, no need to come here and spread your negativity. If you like SHK, find another article about her.

    I like both SJK and SHK and used to be the hardcore fan of song2 couple. But when they separated, i dislike neither.

    Sjk looks hella fine. Hope to see arthdal season 2. I really like that drama.

  5. People need to stop rehashing old news unless they happens to be a fly that’s able to follow them and know the truths of what happened.

    He looks so cute and fresh with that hair cut. I wish him the best of luck. Maybe he should choose projects that won’t be affected to much by the coronavirus, projects that would be filmed domestically.

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  7. He shouldn’t have left. Marriage is a commitment. Not something you just thrashed when u thought something didn’t feel right. Why marry in the first place?

  8. This hair cut does not match his smile or his face. He’d look much better with a different hair cut. I admire him for choosing different roles in different genres and always challenging himself artistically. More power to him.

  9. Damn guys stop blaming him.. not a fan of song2 couple.. bt yea as someone said bfor when marriage failed there must be something wrong w both.. jus bcs he is the one who asked for the divorce doesnt mean he is the one at fault, he can be the one taking the blame so the shk looked like the victim..

  10. Sjk’s face got puffier, definitely a sign of aging for men like Leo Di Caprio, who looked fresh and young in his 20s and 30s but his face got bloated and puffy as he gets older. Same with sjk who is not aging gracefully.

    He seems to be in a news a lot lately. His temper and anger issues is in the forefront of the news again with lawsuits and gf denials. Knetz are not receptive to him based on naver comments. Eh, fame got into his head already and his true personality is revealed.
    He also seems like a free rider and user. He befriends famous people for connections and uses them for his advantage. Look at what he did to shk, he used her and their marriage to boost his career and image as a stable man but then trashes her when she is of no use. An insincere, immature, irresponsible and vindictive man.

    • Yes, he seemed to be distance himself away from Lee Kwang Soo, Jo In Sung and Park Bo Gum lately. Wondering what is going on?

      As you see, from the Instagram, SHK still hanging out with her long time friends whether it’s celebrities or non celebrities. The usual people are still by her side for almost 15 to 20 years. Even as common people, sometimes friendship faded after 10 years due to work commitment etc. This itself already shows how grounded she is. She never change. Probably it’s SJK who have changed.

      By the way SHK is not the one posting those photos. It’s her friends who posted and yet some sharp eye netizens saw the posts.

  11. The way that some people pass judgement on people that they don’t even know or never met justifying it as “their right” or “because they heard it in the news” really mind boggling to me.

    Magazines can write whatever they want because they want to sell. Celebrities are suing magazines all the time.
    And it’s not because one person spoke up and the other did not that necessarily makes the one that spoke guilty. Have you ever heard of the expression “calm waters are the most dangerous ones?”

    And celebrities are all about protecting their image. some care more about that than others. but It does not make them innocent just because they choose to stay quiet.

    My point is that unless you were a first hand witness of what happened between 2 people you have no right to pass judgment on the situation. You are criticizing them on heresay, not facts.

    Besides, no human being is perfect. You are judging other people as though you were a pure angel. Since you are not an angel, that makes you a hypocrite and a coward because you hide behind a faceless computer and claim that you have a right to your opinion, which is complete bulls!

    • @princesstapita

      Thanks for your comment, one of the few voices of sense in all this insanity. I’ve said this many times, no one but the couple and probably a few close friends really know what went down in the marriage so stop projecting your feelings of betrayal on him. I’m speaking as someone who’s been married for 20’years, I’ve seen a lot of relationships and marriages over the course of my life. Some still standing and some broken up. Marriage is not easy. No one knows who made the decision to separate, and regardless of who, it is their business, not the public’s. Divorce is a sort of death, and people grieve the loss of their marriage in different ways, some may choose to isolate themselves from old friends because of painful memories. I admire the couple because, despite their high profile careers, they chose to keep much of their breakup away from the public and handle it in a classy manner. You may or may not like the guy but to trash him for a failed marriage is hitting below the belt. Put yourself in his shoes, would you like someone you don’t know to crucify you because of a failed relationship? Let’s be fair people! It takes two to tango, divorce reflects badly on both parties, there are no winners here.

    • Kudos for your comment. Sniping accusations & judgments aimed at another’s personal life as though they have some godly right to be “all-knowing” are a pathetic reflection of the gossip-monger.

    • YOU ARE EXACTLY CORRECT…!! I am not a fan of either of the two, But I have heard of them from Socmed…

      Just my detached POV… every man has this huge respect and trust to every woman (especially if that woman is the love of thier life)…. but if that respect and trust is severely cut and damaged it can lead to a man doing something unexpected.. not because he doesnt respect the person but because if he will prolong it… the end result might be more painful,hurtful and unimaginable than the party could anticipate… so better end it quick and without much further ado…

      • And this is my POV…every woman who chooses to get married will hope for her marriage to last forever. And for her to suggest a divorce even after knowing how divorcees are always looked down upon, move out of her own house can’t help but wondering how much she got hurt that she had to resort to making the decision.

  12. He is really not a good person. Lying to fans, threatening to sue. Hypocrite. Yes, a marriage takes 2 hands to clap. But to announce a divorce when SHK is out of the country is a despicable thing to do. If both parties already decide to divorce, they should let their agency to announce both news at the same time. Why he went alone to announce and say something like “like to settle the divorce smoothly rather than attack and blame each other”?

    There is some malicious meaning in this statement. This is not a gentleman way of handling matter especially he used to “love” her as he had proclaimed.

    • What is your problem are you lonely why are you taking someone’s life personal. Did you ever think that they sat down and talked about breaking up and agreed and she said you go ahead and announce it and because she did not want the hate or drama she just left or stayed over seas.on point to look at idiot person is that their divorce went smoothly there was no contentions, he did not ask for her money to show he is fine with making his own so clearly him not living off her and she went away with her bag quite fine. So stop living your boring life by the news unless you are sure keep silent. I’m divorced and I let my husband tell ppl I just did not want the questions or the attention. So stop assuming he is bad because of one thing. And if he does not want to tell ppl who he is dating let him be, it’s hard for celebrities to live private so they have to deny sometimes to get some breathing space. I understand cause nobody want everyone in their lives all the time. So rest well and leave this good handsome actor alone.

      • If SHK just wanted to stay out of the country while letting him do the filing on her behalf, she wouldn’t have been forced to go back as soon as she knew about it. He bypassed her. That’s why a lot of people made their own assumptions that she was guilty. Why do you think she had to take a legal action against her hate commenters?

        Well, of course the divorce was finalized smoothly coz they only had a small disagreement over something. It only took 5 mins. Why couldn’t he wait for everything to be completed before asking his lawyer to release the news?

        With all due respect, you are not SHK. You can’t possibly know what she wants or doesn’t want.

  13. Respect others and they will respect you
    Everyone has their own private lives which is not for discussion for gossipers
    SJK fighting good luck and more power to your career

  14. SHK fans are making me develop as bad an impression of them as LMH fans. They are on every SJK article trying to badmouth him for daring to divorce Hye Kyo. He looks fine in the video. He is talented and hardworking. With the right project, he will bounce back. DOTS was definitely not his best though it gave him a massive fan following who judge his personality based on that drama and what came after.

    • Lol. You just know? Haha

      Toxic fandom from a long time ago. According to them, everyone is beneath the Mighty SHK and of course, she is always a victim in every relationship 🙂

      • Do you really think everyone who ‘badmouthed’ him here is a fan of SHK? What about those Knetz who left negative comments about his dating rumors with a lawyer? Or those netz on an article about his looks? Are they all SHK’s fans? He ain’t special. He has haters too. Just like the others.

      • That is the feeling I too get. They are in every article and the only thing they can speak about him is how awful he is as a person and how he has aged after the divorce. If people have a beef about his acting or if he has done a crime, I can understand why they are so obsessed about him. This is plain toxicity.

      • @mimi It’s difficult to stop everyone from going off-topic and expressing their views on something..happens on other articles too. Why don’t you try to deviate by talking about something else..his recent dating rumor perhaps? At least it has nothing to do with his ex-wife.

      • Omg this is so true.. i used to be ok w shk but the way her fans bash every single people like hyunbin, sonyejin and sjk.. i am so sick of as if shk is the most perfect human..

      • Yeah yeah if BinJin shippers and SJK fans haven’t said anything bad about SHK. If you assume every SJK fan is innocent, you’re wrong. Who do you think spread the rumors about her having a sponsor or cheating on her husband with a co-star? And BinJin shippers…some of them aren’t exactly good people as either. They mocked SHK for being a divorced woman, attacked her friend for posting a drama OST and also her for commenting on the post, demanded VAST to get someone else to work for HB just because his current stylist, Belmakang is a friend of SHK and is following her on IG. They just can’t stop dragging her into their shipping business. So according to your logic, should I hate HB and SYJ for all the things their shippers said to SHK?

      • @Lalaland: lolzzz, as if those HB fans, SJK fans, SYJ fans are all saint ??. As if those are all Innocent and saint? They are all after her name calling her with vile thing, you dont have problems with that but YOU HAVE problems with people attacking your oppas?

      • @Ta It seems like our Lalaland here is a shipper of BinJin. I hope she’s not one of those insecure ones who go around mocking and bashing SHK for being HB’s ex-gf. ?

      • @Nad: oh yea, i remember now, she/ he Is from HB/SHK dating rumors article and this person maybe BinJin shipper, ?,
        Lolzzzz. I wish his/her ship journey ? sailing a success.

      • @nad @ta

        Yes binjin shipper here bt not the insecure ones.. cos past is past..

    • Lol there you go generalizing the whole fandom. Do you honestly think we care about SJK daring to divorce SHK? It was already revealed that the divorce was mutually agreed and she was the one who suggested it. I was trying to be nice to him here by not mentioning the divorce but since you did, let me tell you what I think of his action. He had the intention to throw her under the bus the day he decided to make the decision look one-sided.

    • @mimi and jay : how would you be so sure they are SHK fan? It’s so easy to shift the blame to SHK fans huh? His recent article and the people react on Naver related to his threat to sue netizens speak volumes of how people perceive him, he needs to take a chill pill and be quiet other than that it will backfire him.

  15. Some SJK’s fans here are almost as delusional as the one who claimed every Korean netizen is on his side. Stop trying to blame SHK and her fandom everytime he gets a negative comment. His articles that NB posted recently should be more than enough to prove that he isn’t as loved as his fans think he is.

  16. I loved DOTS. After years of playing supporting characters, I was amazed that with the perfect role, SJK made a gigantic leap to stardom with his comeback role.

    Unfortunately, that iconic role also would be the bane of his existence. I’m pretty sure no role in the future would hold up. His future works will always be compared. I don’t even have to mention his personal life or reputation or image as of now.

    At least for his loyal fans out there, there are still movies to look forward to. But I don’t think he’s going to make any dramas for a while.

    • In the contrary, I believe he has more chances to outplay his DOTS role cos to be fair, Yoo Shi Jin was charismatic but has limited range, and he has capabilities to go more and beyond.

      I just wish he keeps trying to push the boundaries by choosing more challenging role. Another heartwrenching melo, or action like the Man from Nowhere, antihero, even villainous role, would be good. He can pull it, I believe.

  17. I am not a big fan of SJK. Absoultely hated his DOTS performance and how try-hard it was. But he had solid acting chops before that. Wish he would extend his ouvre.

    I just don’t get why SJK gets blamed for the divorce. Korean netizens blame SHK and international fans, especially SHK fans, blame SJK. All these value judgments about the divorce are so silly. When a marriage breaks down, both parties are to blame and from the reports, it didn’t seem SHK was innocent either. So stop trying to whitewash SHK and leave all the blame at SJK’s doorstep. That is as silly as blaming SHK alone for the divorce.

    Some of you are saying you are not Hye Kyo fans. But it is hard to believe seeing the comments about the marriage here. As to how he looks, people age and cannot look absolutely perfect all the time. I,for one, don’t get the hype over how a celeb looks – like SJK is eye-candy or SHK is a goddess. Hyping someone over their looks is so shallow.

    If there is genuine criticism about how SJK acts or conducts himself in public, it is valid criticism. But a divorce is nobody’s business but the two people involved in it. So stop judging celebrities for that. I also see all sorts of rumor-mongering about how SJK’s friends have left him while SHK’s friends are still hanging out with her. SJK recently watched a movie with his ex-CEO, Cha Tae Hyun and ex-castmate Kim Jong Kook. His best friend Lee Kwang Soo had unfollowed SHK after the divorce. So his friends stay as his friends just like SHK’s friends stay as hers.

    Those who used to attack k-netz for blaming SHK on netizenbuzz are now taking k-netz comments as the bible when it comes to SJK. There is a word you might have heard -‘Hypocrite’ and it applies to you.

    • No. I never take Knetz’ comments seriously. But when some SJK’s fans keep accusing SHK’s fandom everytime there’s a negative comment about him..I have to make them realize that not everyone is a fan of his. They don’t even have to like her to hate him. Even the ones on this site who don’t care for SHK dislike him for what he did. As I said, he’s not special. He too can have haters.

      • @Nad
        That’s me you are describing. I am not a SHK fan, never has been. Although I wont go as far and say I hate him because it’s such a bad and toxic word and feeling, I developed a strong dislike towards him. How he handled the divorce, knowing by his action SHK will receive so much hate, criticism and would doubt her no end, he proceeded with the divorce wit9her in the country and on top of that issued a statement that further solidified what appeared to be an intention to hurt. That’s why I said earlier, he side swept her. And I can tell you, as a woman, it will be impossible to even look at this guy anymore. That’s why in the end, he got the flack and SHK received the support of the majority. Many people here said we should not judge him, we dont know what happened. That’s very true. But by his action, a very bad one from a man who supposedly loved her so much enough to marry her, I judged. He gave me a solid reason to not like him, followed by a solid decision not to ever watch any of his work anymore. How can I? I cant stand him. And I am not A SHK fan.

      • @Mindy I agree with you. Tbh I don’t dislike and blame him for the happens. No big deal. And personally, I’m glad they chose to walk away from each other instead of staying in an unhappy marriage. As a fan, I definitely wouldn’t want SHK to be miserable for the rest of her life. And he too can find his own happiness someday. If only he chose a better way to handle the divorce process…

    • So you here also comment you are not SJK fan but it’s hard to believe that also. What do you think when I say that. You are not a big fan of SJK but know what he does including where and who did he go to eat with.?
      Your comment are spot on and I do agree most of that except the part “especially SHK fan blaming him for the marriage”. there are also people on neither side, so don’t bring in SHK fandom to blame here.
      It’s best not to bring fan-war and accept the fact everyone can comment, tasteful or distasteful.

  18. I hope everybody will stop blaming either SJK or SHK is the victim of their divorce.. it’s nobody’s business…it’s their personal/private life anyway..let’s just all be happy of what the two of them are doing right now… let’s spread love love & love… to SJK & SHK just be strong never mind the negativity people throw to both of you… stay safe always… Good luck to your careers…

    • Right now i am very happy because Song Joong Ki and Song Hye kyo are together.I love them so much. Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are perfect couple in my eyes. Because they are mine inspiration. And please in future never apply for divorce. please master song.

  19. Right now i am very happy because Song Joong Ki and Song Hye kyo are together.I love them so much. Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are perfect couple in my eyes. Because they are mine inspiration. And please in future never apply for divorce. please master song.

  20. I’m a woman too and I too got divorced but it’s two sides to a story, you haters need to post to where you support and stop messing with this man, none of you know him including myself, but I know one thing it’s because of u haters why these ppl hurtthemselves. I started liking him from watching Innocent Man so he had his fans on his own and I’m a Jamaican. Cut the crap ppl why would you be hurt about someone relationship, I’m a woman too and I know even when you love someone at time you are unhappy when you live in the same space and for both of your health you just have to let them go. The lady did not come out and bash him and that speaks volume, it means together they just was not happy, he is an awesome actor and he carried his role on his own, he stood out on his own, so give the actor the credit he worked or and handle your personal life so it does not fall apart and leave him to handle his. The man wants his privacy so why should he tell u all everything. U haters stop posting to depress these actors and go get a hobby and a life of your own.

    • You are assuming he is depressed over negative comments? His job requires facing the public. He has to deal with all comments like a grown man . Stop acting like a mama protecting a crying boy. He chooses to continue in Show business and this is what he needs to face.

  21. What I would like to understand is why Knetizens seem to hate SHK that much ?
    Every time there’s an article about her or SJK Knetizens just bash her with no reasons.
    I don’t know if I can call myself a Song Hye Kyo fan but I do appreciate her a lot, basically since I first watched Full House yeaaaars ago.

    I mean, except that tax evading scandal, is there any reason why they would hate her ?
    It really takes a lot of strength to be a public personality…

  22. Those defending SJK here are also delusional fans who are just as bad as LHM fans.

    By the way, SJK wasn’t that famous before DOTS. Maybe people in Korea knows about him. But he is totally not famous in Asia.

    Therefore there is a very high possibility that he is making use of SKH to ride on the fame by wooing her and marrying her. I believe he likes her at that time. But like most Korean guys, they are very patriarchal. If they find their partners are not submissive, they get angry and the anger can become hatred. I think somehow their love diminished after 1 year of marriage.

    But the surprise part is the way he handled the divorce. It shows tints of hatred & anger which has the underlying traits of wanting SHK to get hurt as a form of revenge. This shows he is not a good man.

  23. You guys can argue, attack, defend your bias, but do not generalize any fandom here to bring fanwar, that is just darn pathetic as if you have nothing to blame and no excuse so just use their name fandom as your shield. Pathetic and distasteful to its finest,

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    Professional academic Writer – Reema Bright – http://www.leadershipeducationnelenhaiti.comCorps

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