Categories: K-dramas

SBS Fri-Sat Drama Backstreet Rookie is Off to a Rocky Start in Ratings and Reviews

I…..kinda enjoyed the first episode of SBS Fri-Sat drama Backstreet Rookie but that goodwill mostly dissipated in the second episode. Starring Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung, going in with zero expectations and just a love for the two leads, I only hoped that this drama wouldn’t suck. That’s a low bar and so far it doesn’t 100% suck but it’s really problematic in so many different elements it takes me out of trying to connect with the two leads and get on the bandwagon of watching them bumble their way to a happy ending. Foremost is male lead Dae Hyun having a girlfriend already but female lead Saet Byul is basically barging into his life as a part time clerk at his family convenience store because she likes him.

She’s a cool cat but the underlying emotional cheating on his part and boyfriend stealing on her part cast a pall on their romance however much I think they are adorable together and probably better suited. And don’t get me started on the incredibly offensive approach to supporting character webtoon writer with a reggae predilection Dal Sik, if the drama adaptation could cut the adult themes it probably should have excised his character since its such a hot potato. The ratings are low to start with premiere 4.8%, 6.3% and second episode 3.7%, 6.8% and I may have to drop it on principle alone next week if the red flags aren’t corrected.


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  • Neither of them has an eye for picking scripts. This drama is offensive on many levels. Hard pass and I hope it gets cancelled like everyone is demanding.

    • I pity you!!im pretty sure your not a happy person because your a joy killer.Nothing but an annoying Bully who dont deserve to be happy.

    • y are u a hater!!! God will not spoil our happiness cuz d drama bring much fun and laughter. Dies kaola doesnt have anytin gud to write than criticism.

      • I love so much the Backstreetrokie Drama!It was indeed a very interesting Story!The actors are excellent in acting!I like the scene,the sound effects!I will watch and support till the end!we laugh so hard while watching this Drama.We could not wait for another episode specially we miss KJY & JCW!God Bless.Dont mind the Haters.They are nothing but worshipping loyally to their bad idols.Fighting!!!!

    • why do you want to have it cancelled? dont watch if you dont like it. No one is forcing you to watch and like it.

    • Dont watch it why cancel because there are many who really wants to watch it unlike those who dint even watch the drama but come here and comment just reading some comments

    • The actress has good eye for scripts she became famous doing saguek dramas
      She could have played it safe continuing to do so
      But proud of my girl always challenging herself and trying new roles to b a good actor rather than popular one
      But ofcourse always criticised
      Reason obvious haters scared shell surpass their respective idols
      So finding every opportunity to bring her down
      Kim yoo jung and ji chang wook
      Haters will keep on hating but ur fans always der for you

    • I suspect you are more just a hater, you could be a malicious Basher/Troll, going around to sites with different names and purposefully made malicious comments so to feed your sick intentions. If you do not like the drama, don't watch it. Do not be tempted to read articles regarding it, do not comment on it. But it seems that you are obsess with it, cannot help but participating in the destruction of it. Truly sick!!

    • I agree. This drama is ?. And the web comic it's based on...???? Who read that and thought, let's make this into a romance drama? Then along with completely objectifying barely legal (yeah they made her JUST old enough to be legal but still be a high school girl?) women, they also thought a racist character was a great idea??

    • Offensive is something subjective. What offends you doesn’t necessarily offend others. To me, this is a good quality production. It’s got a manhwa feel and the quality of the CGI don’t look cheap. And love that the PD inferred from scenes of old movies eg Sunny to create the rooftop fight scene. Really clever!

      I like the realism presented in this drama but admit some could be too raw for public consumption. But other than that, the intro of social divide and prejudice is taking shape very quickly in just 2 episodes.

      The acting is top-notched. Nothing cringey unless you’re an anti-fan. In that case, you shouldn’t be watching.

      I have confidence in the PD to make good of the script. But can understand it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Even The Fiery Priest that did well wasn’t liked by all. It just depends on preferences.

      • It was indeed telling and showing us about the current issues we face today including stealing, misunderstandings, prostitution. I dont see anything wrong about this drama.

    • Where do you find it offensive? It naturally tells something about what is happening nowadays and there is nothing wrong about it. Let us not judge the drama because it is still in it's 4rth epesode and who knows there would be alot of plot twists that maybe satisfy yourself. But hell sake why the hell would they cancel it? Many people enjoy the drama and for your information no one wants you to watch it, if you don't then don't

      • Isnt it?.I know you hate her because she is soooo pretty and soooo sexy.hahahah.Get annoyed till the end.Happy for you.

      • Haha too much u have said. U just watched 2ep dont be so quick to judged. Itaewon klass FL fight for d man she loves despite the fact she knew he loved someone. So y ar u bitter on this. Are u an anti fan. Eat sometin swit ok.

      • Abby- in IC, it was only a one-sided love and the ML did not have a steady girlfriend. There is no comparison in storylines!! You are wrong.

      • The Haters really find time to criticize.They are so jealous with kim you jungs capability in acting and talent and most of all her goddess beauty and good genuine personality.

      • I think you are the worst person in the world with your big mouth nothing but to find time and work hard to criticize!

    • let's be honest here. this backstreet rookies particularly in the 1st ep really bring down kyj images. i quite feel pity on her choice of drama. i think the main reason she chose this drama is because of the pd since the pd has a phenomenal drama previously. and i wonder what her fans feeling on this. After all, they have been chanting and proud about 'QUALITY over QUANTITY' previously.

      other than that, i think the koreans were mad and raged on the 1st ep was because of the pd. he stated that he wanted to create a drama that can be watched by all. and this became a big joke by the knetz since there were several contents that can be regarded as a pg18 rated. hopefully the upcoming episodes will no have these absurd scenes anymore. I just felt bad with the leads' reputation. staring in a r18 webtoon adaptation already gave a bad reputation to the leads.

      other than that, i want to voice out my curiosity. i wonder in all of the criticized scenes, why no one mentioned about the naked mosaic shower scene? this is actually one of the most disturbing scenes for me aside from the moaning. i was shocked when watching this particular scene, on how they shoot the scene in detail. i was like, what? is this really suitable to be watched by family? lol.

      lastly, i just want to say that i really dislike this type of leads character. both male and female. for female lead character, i see her as seductress for trying to seduce male lead to like her. for male lead character, i despise him for falling in love with the female lead while he already has a girlfriend. he is a scumbag if he broke up with her gf for female lead. i felt pity and bad for her gf. for those who thought that the fmale lead is confident, no. she is the true definition of a 3rd wheeler. but this is already expected from a crap webtoon.

      • Lets be honest also.In your own personal opinion.But for us!Theres really nothing wrong with choosing these Drama.She nailed it well and also the male lead.Excellent hardworking actors for a very realistic funny drama that many people lost there stress in watching it.Better watch fiction china drama.wherein you can fly in the

      • @marr KYJ literally said she accepted the drama because she liked the role, on the other hand, JCW said he liked to work with LMW and he thought he wouldve fun playing CDHs role.

      • If we talking abt honesty just keep ur hand on your heart and answer truthfully if the female lead was someone else would this drama be really criticised soo much
        Seductress seriously ?1) what did she do to seduce the male lead
        Becoz i watched both the episode twice and i dint find anything
        2) apart from her dint anyine wear short dresses in korean drama ? Even the uniform skirts r short
        3) when kim soohyun went shirtless its wow but when ML friend taking bath its eww really
        Whos being racist here
        If u guys dont want to watch dont watch dont nitpick negative only because no drama is perfect but u have prb only with this drama
        Sorry its not drama its actors u hate ans just grab whatever opportunity to pull them down
        I feel sorry because the drama is not bad ur mind is dirty
        Watch without bias mayb ull like it

    • and ppl her fans find it cute and confident and can't wait daehyun to break up with her gf.. pfftt.. this is basically a 3rd wheeler! wonder will they be happy if their bf meet someone like this. and dont compare it to kim dami! her character is no way the same with saetbyul! she did it while park saeyiri has no gf!

      • I cant also wait for them to break up, maybe some circumstances would happen and then they would realize that they are really meant for each other

    • Heard many comment abt Fl being a stalker
      Seriously did u even watch the drama
      Watch and then come back
      She met him after 3 years
      The plot abt how she knew abt the vacancy is yet to b disclosed
      Dont make ur own assumptions
      This proves how biased ur opinions are
      She dint even knew he had a girlfriend
      Would a stalker not know such an impt detail
      Plz watch the drama and comment

      • i just read a sentence in a novel. woman should have a self respect. don't go chase for a man who is aready in a relationship. i think this should be applied to saetbyul. respect her self first.

  • BackstreetRokie is not a usual korean story wherein the female lead is a princess demure type & the male lead wherein a knight in shining armor,like a Prince or a CEO.Its a different interesting story wherein the female lead is strong and independent.I find the Story touching realistic and fun.Specially the actors they portray so well beyond what is needed.I appreciate the view the sound effect the cast and the story.Its true its a very warm story i laugh so hard while watching these Drama after a long time.I will support Backstreetrokie till the end.I know the story is amazing.God Bless

    • She slaps his face when he is sleeping because he was calling out his girlfriend. Strong, independent female leads do not do that. Watch what you want but don't try to justify things that are not real.

    • lmao.... the princess demure type in primetime dramas have rare nowadays. you're stuck in old kdrama stereotype.

    • Hypocrite. End it with god bless but you keep blasting those with opinions. Yes it is great to have a female lead with a strong badass personality . But it should still be in good taste. It os great to be different bit this plain cringey, cartoonish and corny. It is very painful to watch. Support the actors even if this is a lousy show blindly for all we care. But some people just like good shows. The reviewer is a fan but not a blind one.

      • Then do not watch nobody force you to watch then become a bitter person.Your taste is surely as bad as hell.Like very ideal lead female and male.Soooo even you is very bad person with your bad big mouth

      • Your big mouth and personality are surely lousy dull and corny.Nobody force you to watch it.Stay away you bitter person.

      • It’s an adaptation of manga comic dude! Do you really understand what comic is? Hahahaha you should educate your self ?

      • A basher with many disguise, you are so determine to prove a point. There are many whom enjoyed watching BR. If you don't, do not watch it. You need to move on, go take some medicine.

  • Saet Byul's friends compared the one guy in the drama with dreadlocks to Australopithecus which is a monkey and said and I quote "I thought they were extinct, it feels like we are in a musuem"....also Saet Byul refers to him as "This" guy, one guy in the drama who is whiter than snow in reality who has a tan with dreadlocks from which flies keep coming that all coincidence?? Does nobody see the issue and racism in blatant display in this show?

    • They thought he is a cavemen because he is unhygienic and didn't take care of himself, not Monkey but australopithecus.

      • Don't....I know enough of black stereotype and history of racism, slurs to judge here. My city has burned last month. Please do not justify the obvious.

    • Guys chill!!! because we have on watch 2 episode and I guess their going to be amazing character development we should not judge drama so quickly

      • Exactly there are so many judgementals out there like wth why don't you just support the drama since they both said that they enjoy filming it

    • Dont watch it why cancel because there are many who really wants to watch it unlike those who dint even watch the drama but come here and comment just reading some comments

    • It's racism, blatant. They've used reggae references and Rastafarian colours for that character. WHEN THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE CULTURE AND OUR BLACK HAIR. Then they depicted locs as being smelly and dirty. It's extremely disrespectful

  • I’m really disappointed they wasted my girl
    talents in this mediocre project.

    Her agent needs to be fired.

    I can’t root for their romance because she is going after him while he is still in a relationship. Red flag! How can I support their relationship?

    And I also don’t like her insensitive, out of the blue kiss and her hitting him when he was sleeping :(

    • Sidus should better be sued. They are not giving Yoo Jung the best projects and she was not heavily by her agency. Instead, it was Hye Yoon who is well-loved by that agency today. In the past, it was So Hyun (thankfully, she left).

      • Idk what you’re talking about Sidus always gave Yoojung nice projects with well known Co-stars where as Sohyun was starting in low budget dramas with newbie actors most of the time (Im talking about lead roles not cameos). As a lead role, the only well known actor she Co started with before she left sidus is Yoo Seung Ho.

        It’s funny when KYJ’s dramas are popular her fans claim that it’s because she has good eye for works but when she picks bad dramas it’s 100% the agency’s fault. She’s an adult now she shares partial responsibility for the dramas that she stars in. She read the script and decided to be on this drama.

      • You Kim yoo jung stans sure live in your own bubble. Kim so hyun is loved more than Kim yoo jung but she left the stupid company?

      • I disagree. So Hyun is kind of discriminated in Sidus. Yoo Jung was heavily favore back then. Thankfully, despite of giving low profile dramas, So Hyun managed to become extremely popular at home and abroad. In fact, she has a larger fan base than Yoo Jung nowadays. Leaving Sidus is the best decision So Hyun ever made. If she did not leave, she won't be banking on a Netflix drama which is super popular nowadays.

      • So Hyun don't only have a larger fan base than Yoo Jung. She has the largest among her age group, making her the hallyu queen if said group.

      • Yoo Jung projects (as lead) weren't nice to be honest. She got lucky only in LITM (because of PBG) but the rest CWPFN and BSR were/are flops/future flops. Yoo Jung should better start her agency like So Hyun because Sidus is not prioritizing her anymore.

      • KYJ got the worst ML (except PBG). Why pair her with ahjussi’s?. Hye Yoon has two flower boys in EY and now in talks for better projects.

      • Dont you know that kimsohyun appreciate KYJ so much.He said in previous interview that he find KYJ daring and intelligent.So bullshit dont stain their closeness and friendship

      • Wow...I thought this article is about Backstreet Rookie, how did it become a platform for So Hyun's (ex sidus) fans to boost about her and her "achievements" Gosh!! It begs the question, are these the same people that are bashing and condemning BR because they were jealous because BR or should I say Kim Yoo Jung is getting attentions more than their bias at moment. Such shameless acts!!

    • @myrrana

      why kyj fans always blames sidus and others for her super bad decision? i agree with all. she is favoured heavily by sidus back then. now u see she made a bad decision, now u blamed it on hyeyoon. previously yj fans blamed it on sohyun. I'm not hyeyoon fans. but i felt bitter when she was accused being favored. i remembered back then she only has a small role as compared to your youjung. just accept it that youjung make a bad decision. don't blame on others! it's enough already how u guys did sohyun dirty by accusing her being favored like this. while youjung get many important roles either in movie and drama. praised her 'QUALITY OVER QUANTITY'

    • You saw her hitting him but u dint see her waiting for him to wake up before leaving the store
      U dint even see her helping him in his difficult time
      U worried abt the girlfrd who just wants a butler at her beck and call
      A boyfrd comes to have lunch but she leaves with her colleagues
      Calls him for dinner to confirm that he still belongs to her
      Order food which she likes despite him saying otherwise
      U know why becoz u have no intention to watch the drama you just want to ruin it for others so u only picked the negative

  • You may have your own opinion. But whatever happen in the drama does happen in real life, and you gals can't deny that just by canceling the show. I love the drama and will continue to watch it..Not all want the show to be cancel.

  • I think this kdrama Backstreet Rookie is good apart from the part of Dar friend who was sketching . I didn’t like that scene but the rest it was funny . Think we have to give it a chance to air and we really couldn’t prevent bashers to comment. This is a free world anyway . I like the tandem of JCW and Kim . They have a good chemistry on screen. Whatever was shown on the two episodes can be seen in daily life of people. It is really happening . So guys let us support this kdrama ?

  • Even without all of the controversial topics the drama itself has no real plot and not written well. And what was up with that fight scene. Absurd. The drama is trying to be slapstick funny and failed at its execution. FL is written very annoyingly and she’s basically his glorified stalker who doesn’t have any maturity.

    I think the drama would have been more enjoyable without the romance ... I like the leads individually but there isn’t any chemistry there and you can tell they try to make her look older with the makeup and heels.

    JCW should Reconsider romantic comedies for a while and try to do more serious roles Even if they’re supporting roles. Better than being in these messy dramas. I also think that KYJ herself and her agency want to get rid off her child actress image as soon as possible but it’s backfiring. JCW and Co-Star from her last drama look like her uncle. Hopefully she will get casted with more age appropriate male leads next time.

    • The actress has good eye for scripts she became famous doing saguek dramas
      She could have played it safe continuing to do so
      But proud of my girl always challenging herself and trying new roles to b a good actor rather than popular one
      But ofcourse always criticised
      Reason obvious haters scared shell surpass their respective idols
      So finding every opportunity to bring her down
      Kim yoo jung and ji chang wook
      Haters will keep on hating but ur fans always der for you

  • Where are the people saying that this will premiere at high ratings and be one of the highest rated drama of this year. Where are you now? Stop pretending that you are JCW-KYJ fans. You are full of pretentions!

    • This problematic trash will be the honest rated drama of the years? ? they should be glad if it ends with a 3%

    • U ar the one making a stories when the director doesnt want to predict d rating while would others tink so he just want pple to enjoy d drama go and watch d press con.

  • This drama is silly and hella problematic but seriously which part timer wears heels to work? How is that even close to reality? The director is just dumb on that part and she is stalking him is another thing especially when he as a girlfriend, am I suppose to like that kind of FL especially when I just found out a creep coworker keeps stalking my boyfriend even and sends him nudes.
    She is not a strong character but a deluded and annoying one. She is free to pursue him if he is single and not try to ruin his relationship and don't even get me on the adult webtoon guy with dreads. This drama is trash and the 6% ratings they got is way too much for the garbage they are dishing out. Kim yoo jung and ji chang wook just wasted their talent on this and I'm disappointed its fiery priest on this.

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