The good news for Park Bo Gum in Record of Youth is that he’s no longer the only actor hard carrying this drama, his noona Shin Dong Mi who plays his agent just destroyed her scenes in this episode and validated all the earlier inklings that she’s really nailing her role. Too bad this drama isn’t a noona-dongsaeng/agent-actor romance because Park Bo Gum has so much more chemistry with her than with Park So Dam, and it’s not romantic chemistry but just an onscreen sympatico with Shin Dong Mi when they act but with Park So Dam it’s like…..blank screen trying so hard to convince me there is a hidden image there. Park Bo Gum can only do so much one-handed carrying and his two other leads are just not hacking it 6-episodes in, Byun Woo Seok is so flat as the second male lead he needs to be demoted for more acting lessons in the future, and scenes with him and Park So Dam are so lacking in intangible connection I can replace them with mannequins. With that said, RoY continues to deliver a mildly interesting upstairs/downstairs class look at rich v. poor Seoulites dealing with same issues but it doesn’t feel enriched when the central focus just lacks any oomph.
I find the cinematography very lovely in RoY and don’t have any problems with a slower pace and slow burn sweet romance. The problem is the leads have no romantic chemistry whatsoever, it’s like watching two classmates awkwardly try to date. For slow burn sweet romance Park Bo Gum and Song Hye Kyo just hit it out of the park in Encounter (Boyfriend) and that drama also did a long deep look at the divide between the uber rich and the common poor. I mention Encounter because those same type of scenes with the leads in RoY just walking, talking, doing something artistic, or the scene of Park Bo Gum ugly crying in that truck, that’s exactly the same pace and set up so it’s hard not to remember back to how much more emotionally rich Encounter was thanks to the leads really connecting onscreen.
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Im not sign for this drama for love triangle, especially if some of their acting is so flat and no chemistry. Park bogum star power got waste in this drama. PSD and BWS got an easy ride from him. Next time I hope PBG can act with dependable co-star or someone who can carry the drama with him. Im not suprised the rating is drop. There's like 3 drama air at the same time, its normal if the viewers move to other drama. I will back watch this drama if the rating up again.
Btw Im so disappoint with the Oscar girl. How could she cant nailed a simple character like ahn jungha
She's just not charming that's the problem, throw in flat acting and the ultimate bland is made. I can actually see Chae Soo Bin with her sweet, tough as nails underdog charm hitting this role out of the park or even Kim So Hyun despite the age difference. Sadly they went for clout and chose PSD for Parasite's international fame and completely ignoring her dismal track record when it comes to kdramas. What a lot of people don't realise is that it is so much harder to carry a kdrama than it is a 90 min movie. 4 months on set almost every day vs a 27 -30 day out of sequence shooting schedule. It takes energy to keep up, a dogged determination to "charm" all your costars daily to build chemistry, versatility to adapt to changes in character development as most scripts are delivered to the stars a week to two prior without them knowing what's going to happen next. Experience counts and usually its the movie actresses who predominantly suffer when crossing over TV rather than drama actresses crossing over to movies.
She need to try more harder, put more effort and trying to understand her character. Thats the problem with her. I still remember this one scene when her friend asked her "so you met sa hyejun?" And she's like "Yes, I met him" with ignorant look. I mean whut? How about put more effort with your reaction, little giggle or a big smile because we know ahn jungha is a big fan of sa hyejun. Show the viewers that you are happy.
Ahn jungha character is lovely but PSD make it flat and boring.
I saw the interview of record of youth, and I will say PSD not do justice to her character at all. How she potrayed her character is the same like how He behave in real life. She's not acting, she's just being herself.
Yes, change her with other actress is so much better, I will put Kim Ji-won in the list too. But Its impossible because this is pre-produce drama. Just make sure that she is not the female lead in your next bias drama
I remember when people on this site thought encounter ratings were a flop which is ridicules btw. As for roy i dont know something is not just clicking and it doesn't seem popular internationally like other kdrama on netflix like cloy PBIO itaewon class i thought it would .i am still watching for bogum
ROY doing well in Netflix. Of course the popularity is not in the same level like Cloy and PBIO, but their score already half of Itaewon class's score (I think they will beat it). But Im not sure about your standar of int popularity.
I beg to differ..IC was also massively popular in Netflix..People shouldn't be comparing scores of dramas like IC and CLOY with other dramas thay were released in later months..I will emphasize it for the nth time..
Check Flixpatrol..they have their top 10 data which eventually were converted to scores, starting from the month of April only..You can check if u want..
If Flixpatrol had data when both CLOY and IC were airing, then it would have been a fair comparision.
It is still amazing that CLOY has still got so many points even when Flixpatrol started counting its score after the show ended more than two months ago .
Let us just wait for the official data by Netflix which will be out on December.
The amount of viewers tuning in has actually increased for episode 6,but due to the competition in the timeslot the ratings percentage has dropped.
So it's hardly a dip, as more people in SK get interested in the drama that many international fans find woke to hate on.
I agree with the chemistry. It is flat. No spark. Also her appearance. Her blond her make her look so washed up and not matching PBG character's youthful look. Sometimes, visual chemistry can make a difference. Same as LMH's TKEM. He was playing a tall, handsome king, and they paired him with a much shorter, totally different looking female lead. Suzy, setting aside their history, would have been perfect for that role. And Suzy's acting would not be an issue. Afterall, the female lead's acting in that drama was hard to watch.
So yah, so important to find the right leads. Agreed with Encounter. It was a slow burn love. They were believable.
I agree with you about the visual chemistry part.. You can still look handsome or beautiful separately but the OTPs faces as a pair needs to be compatible..
LMH-KGE is an example..
I personally find KGE to be beautiful..But if you look at her visual chemistry, JHI steals the show.. Their pair is actually an eye candy and pleasant to look at. However LMH and KGE look better individually than together.
On the other hand, if we talk about CLOY, apart from their awesome acting as well as fabulous chemi, HB and SYJ faces compliment each other and match well. It is one of the major reasons why their strong chemistry could be felt.
I think same goes for SYJ and KSH, they visually match each other.
Ofcourse these are just my opinion.
I totally agree. Especially with the comparison with Encounter.
I watched just 1 episode of ROY and couldn't get into the second episode.
Encounter was slow paced and built up gradually. I loved it. PBG had chemistry with SHK, we could feel it.
ROY is just flat. The female lead isn't bringing the heat. The second male lead is just bleh.
Do you realize that that female actor that was in that drama is one of the top female actors in Korea. I understand a lot of you don’t think that she was a good fit for LMH. For the love of God quit bashing her acting. She is what atrue natural Korean woman looks like with no plastic. People are doing it on the same level with this trauma record of youth bashing the girl on here yeah she’s also another phenomenal actress. Are you guys that superficial that you can’t see people for acting and they may not be gorgeous in your opinion but you’re not paying attention to their acting you’re paying attention to what you feel like they look like and that’s wrong.Are you guys that superficial that you can’t see people for acting and they may not be gorgeous in your opinion but you’re not paying attention to their acting you’re paying attention to what you feel like they look like and that’s wrong
aint no one in here said park sodam is not pretty.....she just wasnt compatible with bogum....her acting is superb in parasite but honestly she is not suitable for romance kdrama.....the chemistry betweer her and bogum like close to none
Correction: *blond hair
Still watching this purely cos of PBG, his agent and the grandpa. I have to skip the love scene cos it’s too boring to watch.
while streaming ROY i cant believe that the female lead is an internationally acclaimed actress. Shes so bland and stiff in this drama.
also she fails to create chemistry with Park Bo Gum. (PBG had great chemstry with his Fl in his previous dramas) the casting director failed to effectively do her/his job. they should have chosen another actress as FL.
i will still watch this drama for Park Bo Gum. I love this guy.
She is not an internationally-acclaimed actress. She is just part of an intetnationally-acclaimed movie.
Thank you!
thank you for the correction. I thought she was
I think that's the problem. The reason she was cast here is that she's popular these days because of the movie.
I've found her boring in other dramas I watched (Cinderella and the four knights) and to be honest, I don't think she's a visual match for I haven't watched this yet, even if I am a fan of Park Bo Gum. So sad since now he's gone to the military and I have to wait a lot to see him in my screen again :(
Bring on more of pbg's dad! Piercing Frank constanza from land of morning calm!
All good actors but... Love triangle? Again?? Hello 90s is calling...
I think contrary to popular belief, not all Chungmuro actors/actresses can be great in dramas.
Maybe it would be better if they just focused more on PBG's uphill battle to become an actor.
The romance isn't bringing in the feels that's for sure.
Park So Dam is so flat. Zero onscreen charm. Flat like staring at a blank paper. I'm so frustrated because I tend to focus more on female lead when I watch a drama and she's just objectively bad here. Charming your audience is an important skill for an actor too.
I like the couple. With a male lead who had past relationships and is very confortable in his own body (as a model), I hoped seeing more skinships for a young couple like them. But they're cute.
Seriously no one can beat his chemistry with kim yoo jung lol seems like its all kim yoo jung’s that’s power why love in the moonlight is a super hit lmao
Errr.... that chemistry was off too. She looks 14 in that drama and he had the awestruck expression on his face over and over again. I think he had best chemistry with Jang Nara. Theie scenes together were short but electrifying. No wonder the love rumours dogged them for over a long time
She said “lOOkS I4” lol Just say you hate and insecure of kim yoo jung cuz your actress is way below her lmfao its a hit because of her end of discussion lol
no hate my friend but i hope kyj can surpass the 46 majors awards of jang nara.. she is in the top 5 korean actresses who has won many major awards...peace everyone
no hate my friend..jang nara won 46 major awards under her belt..she is in the top 5 korean actresses who won many major awards..and she is a very humble person.. peace and good day.
I don’t agree, PBG had the best chemistry with his bodyguard in that drama IMO.