Categories: K-dramas

SBS Gives Sneak Peak at 2021 Sageuk Romance Drama Hong Chun Gi with Kim Yoo Jung and Ahn Hyo Seob

There’s a sneak peek at upcoming SBS sageuk drama Hong Chun Gi and I’m conflicted. On one hand it looks great, leads Kim Yoo Jung and Ahn Hyo Seob are gorgeous in character and look good visually together. But it looks so much like Kim Yoo Jung’s last sageuk Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Ahn Hyo Seob even looks so much like Park Bo Gum! I don’t know if it will be a problem, I mean I loved Moonlight but it also reminded me of The Moon Embraces the Sun but still enjoyable in its own right. Hong Chun Gi is adapted from the same name novel by the writer who also wrote Moon Sun and Sungkyunkwan Scandal so the source material is definitely solid. I’ll wait and see but this remains one of the dramas I’m really looking forward to in 2021.


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  • Sageuk princess is back. wooow kim yoo jung is so pretty. so pretty. cant wait for the drama to air in 2021. Hope will be also available on netflix. High ratings please!!!!! so excited. Thanks koala for this article

      • Please? Hahaha...why aren't you arrogantly declaring this drama will be an over 20% hit like you did for BR? After bashing and mocking every other actor/actress on this site, you're desperate now and begging for your girl to get a hit. Yes, she deserves a hit but she doesn't deserve a toxic fan like you. You better change your foolish ways or karma will bite her once again.

      • @chalice lmao this clown joane still didn't learn her lesson. I can still remember how she declared with 100% certainty that Backstreet Rookie will be “Descendants of the Sun-level hit”, and we all know how that drama turned out ?
        Now she's doing the same again ?
        Oh well, clowns will be clowns, I guess ??

      • let's give joane a chance. can see that she already become humbler from before. from "this is surely will hit 20%" to "please hit 20%". now joane know her place after her bias' not so good performances ?

      • @lilyan

        No mercy for a troll. She still bashes other actors and actresses. Plus, if this drama ends up becoming a hit, can you imagine how insufferable she (and her fellow toxic KYJ fans) would be?

      • In Twitter and other places you can already see them twisting up data and stats and making up things so that they elevate their beloved. For example, she makes so much money, so her male leads need to get to her level and people shouldn’t be disappointed that she is cast with their favorite actor or they will argue that the success of a brand depends on her only or they will say that her being highly search in a search engine represents that she is an A-lister. They like to twist information. They don’t respect other people opinions. If some people don’t wish certain actors or actress to be cast, then respect it and move on. I see them get angry and mad and calling people bad names and cursing. They need to take ice baths to chill. I don’t like majority of their fan base, they act like kpop idols fan bases. They get angry at any small differences of opinion. Unless they start to criticize anything that is not related to her acting profession like her physical looks, then that’s different.

      • omaigod @tammy! i felt the same thing with u! i thought i was the only one feel like that! i tried to find information about hong chungi in twitter, yet i found how boastful her fans are by belittling ahn yoseop. i admit that they're very good in words, but they seriously need to take a chill pill tho. they just can't accept it that there are peoples who dislike their bias. lol... i mean, why they're very easily to be triggered by something small? just because certain yeo sop's fans dislike yoojung, they in twitter be like all of the fans on yoseop fandom hate yoojung. lol.. and the tweets were like 'i wish her male lead fandoms is chill as ji changwook fandom, ah.. i miss ji chang wook fandom, etc. ".

        and there's one person in twitter who is a yoseop and sungkyung shipper. she hates the 99liner actresses which is the trio kims. and they seems to be sooooo affected when this particular shipper when she gave out hate tweets about yoojung. that's why they were so boastful in twitter, talking how superior yoojung as compared yoseop. that hater is just a troll like @joane, but they throw real hates on yeosop. even sohyun and saeron fans didn't got triggered like them, lol. it's not a big deal tho if your bias got haters ?‍♀️?‍♀️it's NORMAL you know, NORMAl (read it like cheon song yi.. hahaha)

        but the funny thing is, when they belittling yeosop in ig or in twitter by saying they dislike his acting, i didn't see any of yoseop fans went ranting or got triggered by their claims! lol. i think it's very unfortunate for any male leads who will be acting with yoojung in the future. because the male lead's fans must like yoojung. otherwise, they will be boasting how superior yoojung is as compared to her counterparts. which is now happening in twitter right now. they seriously have to take a lot of chill pills ?

      • @tammy If you hate KYJ what are you doing here!! If you cant see anything of her but here you are searching what her does

      • @lilyan

        No you’re not the only one, many of the users that has her name as part of their Twitter usernames are very immature. One of them even called @netizendrama a b word after @netizendrama posted excitement of the casting news, just because that user who is a fan of their fave didn’t like backstreet rookie. Even fellow fans turn against each other if they see certain fans don’t love their fave 100 percent. They have a huge problem. And what’s worst is that a good number of fellow fans would join the shark fest and instead of calming them down they would support them. You can be a fan and not like everything drama they are in. And you wonder why there are fan battles? They say they don’t like fan battles but they encourage it with their actions and words... and they wonder why many fandoms don’t like her fandom.

        Not just Ahn fans but there was a time they even turned against jcw fandom. They fickle and redirect their anger all the time.

        “Normal” LOL I know right, the negative comments expressed don’t even hurt their fave in anyway. It’s not even that negative of a comment. There’s nothing wrong with even saying I like or I dislike this... it’s like saying I dislike carrot and tuna. Read the comments and move on. No one can like everything another person will like. Most of them don’t even know what a hater or a real hate comment even means.

        You’re right, most actors probably have to think twice if they want to work with her because they have to deal with many of her nonsensical fans. There’s some decent fans of her but it’s a small number compared to other fandoms.

      • @tammy

        sometimes i found it's really a joke and funny when they're boasting when whenever she was in a trending, it proves that she is an A lister. so according to her logic, everyone who enters the real time ranking, be it a rookie, is somewhat a high profile celebrities ??. again.. that's NORMAL u know, NORMALLL..?they're even so proud that ahn yoseop wasn't trending, but she was. tch3x... poor the actors who gonna be her male lead in the future. make sure that her next male is a par with her. otherwise, he will be looking down by her fans ?

        i agree with u. they should brush it off if someone dislike yoojung. it's not a big deal tho. they again and again mention about 'haters', 'stay jealous', etc repetitively in their posts and tweets just make their fandom look so toxic. but i bet that whether they realised it, coz they're just too proud with their fandom. and it's funny when reading that they claimed their fandom to be the MATURE one. but at the same time always talking about haters. lol. they should just move on frrom haters! i kind of pity towards yoojung. because whenever they post about her, they always mentioned haters. poor her

      • @loves people like you explain why many in her fandom is bad. I don’t dislike her, I dislike fans like you.

        lollllll many of them lack common sense. It’s is indeed a comedy reading their comments. Them going against ahn will make it difficult to focus on the drama since they are the main couple. I can already imagine all the finger pointing, they be like ahn is the one to drag down the drama with his bad acting, they will use him as a scape goat. It’s not going to be pretty. For ahn sake, I hope the drama turns out to be good.

        I’m really tired of them acting like a victim when they are the big, crying child that pushes the other kids around the playground. They be like how dare they not like her and then they will go all monster mode on the user for sharing an innocent opinion or comment. I see them gang up on users in Twitter and other sites, it’s a tragic thing really. You can kindly disagree with the comments but there’s no need to be aggressive and cruel with their words and telling people to shut up or get lost. Like chill.

      • @tammy

        i agree with you. just look at @love up there. we here were discussing about yoojung fans, but they acted like we dissed and talk bad about yoojung. I've seen many fans like her. when ppl criticized about the fandom, they treat it as we criticized about yoojung. lol. yoojung is good. but her fandom is problematic. felt really pity with yoojung coz of her fandom.

      • Lolll I know right, @loves appeared at the right time for us to prove our points. Disliking her fandom has nothing to do with disliking her. I’m so tired of her fans on Twitter being so hypocritical, they need to leave @netizendrama alone. They spread misinformation of @netizendrama to their fellow fans and incite anger towards her collectively. She didn’t like backstreet rookie due to racial controversy and other controversies, which is legit reasons not to like a drama. She’s typically one of their fave biggest fans, but unlike most in her fandom, she uses her mind to think clearly and not defend controversial elements of the drama. And then she got hated for standing her ground and sharing her opinion.

      • @joane please stop! You're obviously a kyj anti pretending to be a delusional fan. It's so obvious I don't know why many of you her are believing her? Maybe you're plainly gullible or you chose to believe her because it's a chance to poke fun at kyj and the fandom? Can you see her replying at your jabs? No, because she's happy she's getting the reaction she wants lol. This is not the first time I read joane's comments in kyj thread and they are all the same. Boasting to the point that it's really annoying, but please learn to distinguish between a fan and an anti.

  • She looks so grown up and beautiful in red!

    I loved The Moon embraces the Sun and disliked Moonlight drawn by clouds so I look forward to this one!

    Btw, it looks like any other sageuk drama to me.

    • Gasp, you didn’t like her in love in the moonlight??? That’s still my favorite drama of hers but I have to be fair, I didn’t like what they did to her character in the second half of the drama haha

      • Ya right! She was so bright n smart in the first half then suddenly turned into a dumb n useless one later. No matter how much i love boyoo couple- cant bring myself to rewatch the second half *sad sad

  • I’m so happy for my girl! This is better than an official confirmation article! We get a video of behind the scenes and pictures! She’s so beautiful! But I have to be honest, I’m not liking her hair styling in her red outfit (it makes her look to mature) and her brown outfit looks like a eunuch uniform. I want the same style team from love in the moonlight.

    • We can't do anything about that because if you've watch enough drama with a painter in it, then you will know that, that kind of clothes is the official get-up of a palace painter.

  • I am not familiar with the whole cast and I did not see the KYJ dramas since Moonlight, but I read the plot and it seems to me a historical drama with a somewhat repeated plot, I do not know if I will see it, I will have to see the promotions since I like the writer and it's been a long time since I found a historical drama worth tuning into.

  • Seems like they're trying to recreate the success of Love in the Moonlight. If that's the case, they've forgotten that Love in the Moonlight had the charismatic and charming Park Bo Gum, who was mostly responsible for the drama's success. Because yes, no matter how KYJ fans love denying it, it's mostly Park Bo Gum who brought in ratings for Love in the moonlight, and he's also the one who mostly benefitted from its success. One of the many proof is he's included in the Korean Consumers Favorite CF Stars, and other popularity polls, while KYJ is always nowhere to be found.
    Let's just be honest here, KYJ just doesn't have enough star power to pull in the ratings without an A-List leading man.
    On the other hand, the PD and writers of this drama are quite good, so let's see if that alone could bring in the ratings.

    BTW, not a fan of her styling here. Her hairstyle in that photo where she's wearing red just emphasizes how flat her face is. No offense lmao

    • I have to disagree, it was both a combination of my girl and bogummy efforts that catapulted the success of love in moonlight. Yes, the drama made park bo gum more famous than my girl but it’s undeniable it’s a tag team effort. There’s no evidence that it was him who brought in the ratings solely, at the time he only had one successful drama to his name, so he wasn’t known for consistency at that time. She also won awards and gain recognition during that era. But I agree that he got more attention than she did.

      I don’t understand why you have to criticize her face? Her face is perfect! I agree that her hairstyle isn’t good in that one photo but it doesn’t detract from her natural beauty.

      Why is it so important to compare her to park bo gum? They’re both successful. Is it important if he is more popular than she is? I don’t think so lol

    • U believe she cant bring rating but need the support of her A-list leading men ur opinion

      I wonder despite knowing she cant bring ratings those A-list leading men willing to work with her

      May b they see her potential which ppl from this blog cant see or dont want to see my opinion

      • Who is her main lead who’s A lister? No, genuinely curious. PBG became an A lister AFTER Moonlight. Other than that, she’s worked with YKS and JCW as main leads. Now it’s AHS. And in no world would any of those men be considered “A lister”, B-lister is a reach too, so...

      • @butterfly
        Sorry my bad i dint knew the criteria for being an Alist

        Someone mentioned she needs Alisters to make her drama hit so i assumed bogum was an A-lister as the drama was a hit and all the credit was given to him whenever moonlight is mentioned in this blog

        U mean to say he became an Alist after working with kim yoo jung
        In moonlight

        I dint know this genuinely

      • @Ana

        Lmfao yup. He became an A lister after working with her. Unfortunately, it’s not the same for her clearly. Makes sense tho. He carried that drama throughout and left her behind and gone on to be huge indeed. Meanwhile she’s still stuck in the middle range with middling co stars and godawful dramas.

  • this drama has similar vibes with the goddess of fire by moon geun young. both has the title of 'the first female'. gooddess of fire was the first female potter, while hong chun gi is the first female painter. similar vibes, right?

    • MGY had a role as a female painter on Joseon too in Painter of the wind, but she disguised as a man. She got Baeksang from that drama. I hope this one Will be great too

    • @butterfly
      Then i wonder why she is always accused of needing an Alister dint moonlight prove that it is not so

      Not benefitting much is a completely different story as it is understood it was male centric drama

      I Only found cwpwn actor incompatible but BR i found them good together so i dont think she is in any way inferior or left behind

      She will reach the Alister no doubt anyways thanks for enlightening me

  • Let us not confused ourselves that the drama writer will be different from the novel writer. I heard that the drama writer is a newbie. So, all the expectations lie on the PD who directed MLFTS and of course, KYJ, a saeguk veteran.

  • Oh I didn't know they already started to film! 2020 was lacking sageuks! I'm excited to watch 2021 sageuks!

      • I'm not really interested by Royal Secret Agent. Kwon Nara looks too modern for a sageuk for me.

        Mr Queen has a lot of fantastic elements with a modern man in the body of a Queen, so not the usual sasgeuk. But it looks fun.

        I'm excited to see Kim Kyung Nam in his first role in Red Cuff of the Sleeve.

        Then Kim So Hyun'one River Where the Moon Rises, 2021 looks good!

      • Oh you were talking about proper historical dramas, there’s also the historical drama by Jung II Woo that is currently filming Bossam: stealing fate.

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