Categories: K-dramas

Kim So Hyun is Mesmerizing as a Warrior Princess in New Stills from Sageuk Drama River Where the Moon Rises

Two different news articles on K-actress Kim So Hyun to kick off the week on a lazy Monday morning. First are the new drama stills from her upcoming sageuk River Where the Moon Rises, playing a princess who is also a warrior protecting her kingdom herself down in the battle trenches. She’s totally believable, sure she’s beautiful and tiny but she’s got the intensity and pissed off energy that can drive one to bring forth all that inner strength to wield a sword. On the career front, she officially part ways with her agency last week and today confirmed that she will sign with Culture Depot with reps Jeon Ji Hyun and Seo Ji Hye. Great unni sunbaes for her to work alongside and definitely super exciting to see her career get a different management.


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    • You got that right. No one and I mean nobody does historical dramas the way she does. Naturally gifted and versatile she's legendary.

      • Saguek fairy is the most popular title but, there are Korean articles which regard as Queen of Sagueks because of her prominent participation in big saguek dramas. I think So Hyun's title as Queen of Historical Dramas comes from the fact that she always play as queen in saguek dramas.

      • @kayla Oh okay then.
        I think bottom line is they're both great at sageuks, and that's why they have their own official titles, Goddess of Historical Drama (So Hyun) and Sageuk Fairy (KYJ). Really amazes me because acting in sageuks isn't easy, but they were already great at it even as child actresses. They even blow some older actresses out of the water when it comes to acting in sageuks lol
        So Hyun is so young, but has already acted in almost all kind of historical dramas, Goryeo era (Goblin), Joseon era (almost all her early sageuks, RMOTM, Tale of Nokdu), Japanese occupation period (The Last Princess), and now Goguryeo era in this upcoming drama.

      • @kayla

        actually, there are sooooo many actresses that k-ent regarded as queen of sageuk. for instance, jin saeyon, kim tae hee, moon chae won, lee young ae, han jimin etc. there are tons of articles about them in naver. but since these two fandoms most probably always checked on each other, so we knew only these two. actually the 2 articles about sso and yj being queen of saeguk, both articles mentioned like this ".. they're on their way on becoming the sageuk empress..", which means that the title isn't there yet. but probably most of the fans has a trouble in reading comprehension, so only looked on the title.

        but why not right? we're entitled on our opinion. the sucks thing is if one of the fandom claimed that title as theirs, and then when other ppl using it for their favs, they immediately refute is as what had happened in instagram ?

      • @hjw Yes, I think the title Queen of Sageuks is like Nation's Little Sister, it doesn't OFFICIALLY belong to only one actress. Really just depends on who a person thinks is the Queen of Sageuks for him/her, and in this case, it's So Hyun for me. She's done almost all kinds of historical dramas already, amazingly at that, and at such a young age!
        She has her official title tho, which is Goddess of Historical Drama

  • She looks fantastic. I find KSH not only an amazing actress but also someone who can adapt to different roles and make it very believable. Sometimes, even good actors always seem a bit like themselves... she’s definitely not like that to me.

    I’m really looking forward to this even though Ji Soo in sageuks is simply abysmal if Scarlet Heart is something to go by.

    • IKR! I’ve been a fan since forever and every single project she continuously surprise me. Like how at such age she can summon all those emotions and really became the character??
      And it really helps that she’s one of the few who have expressive eyes.

      Tho I must admit I’m in doubt for her to take this role bec she’s not the sporty one, but damn the stills and special teasers erased all that!

  • Damn, covered in blood in a battlefield and still so so so beautiful! ?
    Well what can I say, she looks so breathtakingly badass in these photos!
    It's super fascinating to me that Kim So Hyun has this really soft, feminine, dainty, doll-like beauty and aura, but when she does action scenes, it's just so believable! Reminds me of Kim Tae Ri in Mr. Sunshine, very delicately pretty, yet so badass in action!
    Anyway, I'm so happy with all the news about her these days, one can never have enough Kim So Hyun!
    I just wish Culture Depot will take care of her. I expect the agency to make her future brighter than ever, and I hope they won't let her and us fans down!
    Beautiful Queen Sso and RWTMR, fighting! ???

    • Also, some comments pointed out that she looks like Go Ara in this photos, and I agree, lmao I can't unsee it ?

  • She looks like the younger version of Go Hyun Jung. It's like watching the young Mishil and Mishil is one of my fave sageuk characters ever - super smart and so badass.

    KSH totally rawking here.

    • i always thought that jin jihee resembles go hyun jung.. but when u said like that, i kind of agree with it.. i can see the aura of mishil in her ?

    • Spot on. Kim So Hyun looks like a young Go Hyun Jung in those stills. Hope she plays an antagonist in the future because we all know that is where she started and she is really good at that kind of role.

  • Holy fire she looks mesmerizingly stunning but badass at the same time. Pretty like a rose but spiky like the thorns. I have a huge weak spot on female characters who are not just strong mentally but also physically, which is so rare in historical drama. The last one would be empress ki haha Good luck to her in her new agency. She deserves the love.

    • it is rare to see a strong female lead in sageuk, but we can see easily a strong female lead in chinese historical drama. that's why now my attention shifted to chinese ancient costume drama, coz I'm a huge fan of strong female lead, especially in historical drama. but after knowing thay sso gonna act as a strong warrior princess in sageuk, i only hope that I'm still breathing until the drama is airing.. coz this is like the happiest news ever happened to me.. more happier than i got my highest degree.

      • What’s your top three recommended Chinese historical dramas for strong & smart female lead? The last Chinese historical drama I watched was untamed! I loved it so much!

        I can relate to your reactions! Buy some oxygen tanks just in case you hyperventilate haha

      • @laura

        my top 3 would be

        1) Love and Redemption
        2) Princess Agent
        3) ten miles peach blossom

        actually i would go for goodbye my princess as number 3, but here the fl can't fight. but she's mentally strong. while ten miles peach blossom, i think the drama is more into romance, but the fl still do have some power. but if you to watch a fl who really have want full of actions, it's love and redemption and princess agent. it's just love and redemption is more on fantasy (xianxia) while princess agent is more on martial arts (wuxia). but bith drama are superb and great

      • @hjw

        OMG, thank you so much for the splendid list and for taking the time to give me some detailed explanations :)

      • @ma

        I'm a new in cdrama, so I've only watched that four so far.. hahha.. but i love that fours.. I'm planning to watch listening snow tower after this. i think here the fl is strong too

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