Categories: K-dramas

Seo Ye Ji’s Agency Releases Statement that the Texts with Kim Jung Hyun are Just Fighting Between Couple But Denies the Education and Bullying Controversies, and K-ent is Reporting that She Will Leave OCN Drama Island with Kim Nam Gil

I’ve been through countless K-scandals and the process is always the same: shocking reveal, silence, either admit but add explanation or admit some part of it/deny others, and finally apologize and reflect. Seo Ye Ji may have been pulled into the conflict between Kim Jung Hyun and his current agency which he is trying to leave, and therefore text messages and her behavior towards then boyfriend Kim Jung Hyun during filming Time was made public. But like Ji Soo said when his scandal broke two months ago, he lived his life basically waiting for the other shoe to drop, maybe not from overwhelming guilt (I hope he did) but from anxiety about when his past behavior would catch up to his public persona. Seo Ji Ye’s agency Gold Medalist released a statement today admitting to the texts but said the texts were not complete as there were more conversations and that it was Kim Jung Hyun who asked Seo Ye Ji not to do skinship first for her dramas. GM chalked up those convos as “fighting between couples” and I’m just like mwahahaha I’m sorry lemme try that shit with Mr. Koala and see if he doesn’t think I just had a lobotomy that’s how extreme the convo between those two were to even put into the same bucket as normal bickering.

The statement also said the agency checked with Kim Jung Hyun (not sure if himself or his agency) and was given the go ahead to release this statement to explain. GM also said the additional bullying allegations against Seo Ye Ji (publicly slapped a classmate) were not true at all, whereas the allegation that Seo Ye Ji padded her education history was just a misstatement. She said years ago that she studied in Spain for three years and even repeated it last year on Knowing Bros show, now her agency says the first time she said that it was a mistake because she was nervous in a variety show and her then agency told her not to correct it and just go along with it. GM says she was accepted to a university in Spain to study Spanish but she didn’t go because she decided to continue her acting career. And last but not least, K-ent news reports are saying Seo Ye Ji will drop out of upcoming OCN drama Island (not clear if it’s willing or forced out), and the drama was reportedly going to start filming in June but will now be pushed back to July/August to rewrite the script. The female lead was reportedly written for Seo Ye Ji in mind and will now be revised, which I’m guessing is that the character is strong willed, controlling, and a bit crazy hence the rewrites to not align with her current image right now even if a new actress is cast.


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    • We have Moon Chae Won and Moon Geun Young among the late 80s actresses. We also have Kim Tae Ri among actresses from early 90s. They are just not appreciated enough by International fans because they do not take popular and trendy dramas. They are also not given enough opportunities as the male actors their age group (Song Joong Ki, Yoo Ah In, Ji Chang Wook, Kim Soo Hyun). Just think about it, it's hard for me to think of a popular actress today that is in the same age group as the guys that also started to get popular at the latest the early 2010s (except maybe Moon Chae Won. Moon Geun Young, Han Hyo Joo, Park Min Young, Park Shin Hye).
      Among the 3 girls I first mentioned, only Moon Chae Won has starred with the super popular actors of today (Song Joong Ki, Lee Joon Gi, Lee Min Ho) but her dramas with them are not exactly the most popular dramas of the mentioned actors.
      I believe this is the reason why the early 80s actresses are still the most popular today. The female leads that are the same age as Lee Min Ho, Kim Soo Hyun, Song Joong Ki and the like had less opportunities to shine and were so disadvantaged.

      • Hallyu started way before these younger actors were even seen on tv lol. Bae Yong-joon, Lee Young Ae, Choi Ji-woo etc.

      • I thought of SHK, JJH, KTH, etc. who are also one of the pioneers of Hallyu when OP said 80s liner actresses. Didn’t mean to forget the names you mentioned

      • But Moon Chae Won started about the same time as Song Joong Ki or Kim Soo Hyun (most popular actors today of late 80s group). I would argue that she started getting popularity first before them, 2011 was her year with Princess’s Man and War of the Arrows. While Song Joong Ki and Kim Soo Hyun got mainstream popularity in 2012. Moon Geun Young who of course started earlier was also popular back then in late 2000s to early 2010s. They were not given equal opportunities.
        Among their age group that started early 2010s and before, I can only think of Park Min Young and Han Hyo Joo that is as popular as the male actors their age. (Just my observation on the popular actors, meant no harm)

  • This statement doesn't help her. She did Lawless Lawyer kiss scenes just fine whereas KJH was dry heaving at the thought of even interacting with Seohyun? You can't tell me there wasn't any mental abuse going on there. Anyway, it's their private matter, so whatever. Both KJH and SYJ are not normal and need help. The guy is an ass who ruined a production and the girl is a manipulative bitch. All my sympathy foes to Seohyun and the cast/crew of Time.

    • You articulated my thoughts exactly. She was going about doing things just fine and he was the one being aloof and unprofessional on set per her orders. It’s clear who has the power in their toxic relationship.
      In any case, I don’t think their careers are ending just yet. They may just lay low for a bit and let people forget.

  • It's kinda normal they put the fault on KJH, it's because of him that the messages have been released. Now, clearly they had a toxic relationship. Who is guilty? The both of them.

    It's funny when I was watching the It's Okay's Swoony video, SYJ and OHS were super kind with their answers, when KSH was more direct like a bubble tea without bubble, it's just tea. We really don't know them in the real life.

    • So it's his fault for exposing a major factor in his behavior and not hers for being a psycho?

      That's victim blaming but it must be ok since he's a man and can take it.

      • +1

        It always disgusts me when a celebrity is exposed to be a shitty human and their fans just lose all form of proper reasoning.

      • We don't know what happened between them. In the messages, he doesn't try to not do what she asked, she didn't threat him or made emotionnal backmail. So I can't judge if he was a victim, he was just stupid or they were playing a game and both were toxic.

        The victims were Time's crew.

      • @Sayaris

        You really need some education on how abusive relationships work. Please prioritize it over commenting here, it will do you and people around you well.

      • @Butterfly and you should stop thinking you know everything about their relationship because we don't. We only got a part of messages. So I don't judge their relationship, the big issue is what their relationship did to Time's production.

    • LOL, you're doubling down and pointing the finger at him for playing along with the psycho. I hope that no one you know ever endures mental abuse and gaslighting as you obviously have no clue how to recognize it.

    • The guy hasn't said anything does not equal to he won't say anything ever. There are rumors and new allegations, fresh batch than she used to curse at stuff, check their phones to make sure they didn't record her....would exhale smoke on their faces when she was angry to humiliate them. There were already rumors during IONTBO that she landed her ex in hospital. Lets see how long she can gaslight her way out of this.

  • I’ve seen bad statements released. But this takes the cake. Talk about gaslighting someone. This woman (and in extension, her agency) is messed up. If they were gonna release something so ridiculous, they should’ve just done it the Han Hyo Joo way and said nothing at all. Admitting guilt indirectly, blaming the other party, then belittling this issue like it’s a lover’s quarrel while the cast and crew of the drama suffered and the actor was written off mid way through? Yup, def a normal lover’s conversation.

    Boy do I feel sorry for Seohyun, I hope she’s over this terrible experience. As for SYJ, I’ve seen so much dirt being dug out recently on her. Her education, bullying, method acting getting dangerous, 4Men’s cancellation, blind items. The list just goes on. It’s interesting how much she’s gotten away with if all these turn out to be true. But hopefully this is the end of her manipulation at the very least.

    • Han Hyo Joo pretty much disappeared too because she didnt handle her controversy well. Well she was just average in acting so whatever. IU and Song Hye Kyo are the ones who are good at this PR thing. They have good teams working for them. They had their careers hanging on the line and reputations dragged in the mad many times but see how they are thriving.

      • Han Hyo Joo didn’t disappear LOL. She quite literally had a movie every single year and has been building her resume since moving on to movies after Dong Yi. Also, at no point have I said HHJ had a good PR team - I said if they were going to release such BS statements, they should have done what HHJ did which was say nothing at all.

      • HHJ disappeared where??? She literally got not one but two dramas offered to her this year. She just decided to build her resume in movies since after Dong Yi. So dramas haven’t been her focus. Just because you don’t watch movies, that’s not her fault Lol She even got a gig on an American show and she wasn’t playing some cameo. She was one of the main characters.

      • Film land is more forgiving than drama land. That being said, Han Hyo Joo is also trash. She's lucky this was in 2016, before the internet blew up hugely then that time era. She knew what her brother did (led another soldier to suicide), and covered it up with her army dad. She's trash period. She should've had her career gone down to tatters, perhaps it might in the future (altho BH agency is more powerful than Gold Medalists). She didn't do dramas since 2016 when the scandal broke, and did films and a U.S debut. Now, she's slowly back w/ Pirates 2/drama roles again.

      • A Nana's fans twitter account. It is said that SYJ dated the PD of 4men, and the female lead role was supposed to be hers. It eventually was offered to Nana. Allegedly SYJ got upset and made the PD'a life a living hell that he even needed a hospitalization. Not sure if this claim is legit, the person only attached a screenshot of some papers in hanguls that are supposedly the source.

    • I am so, so disappointed at GM. They should have just issued a sincere apology to everyone that were a victim of this toxic couple. And then banish SYJ to timbuktu and promise everyone that she will repent and take counselling until she becomes a decent human being - which I think, given how unhinged she seems to be, will take her a long, looooong time.

  • Read this interview of SYJ with Women Sense back in 2017 where she addressed rumours and false information regarding her study.
    Basically people said she dreamed of becoming an announcer and graduated college in Spain. However she never dreamed of becoming an announcer. She only studied in Spain because she liked the country but she did not graduate college there.

    • In knowing Brother when asked whether she studied in Spain, she nodded. Please don't tell me an adult actress can mistakenly the yes and no question and nodding?

      • Do you not get it? She DID study in Spain.That's why you'll find videos of her speaking Spanish etc in interviews when requested because she's can speak Spanish. However, poeple are saying she lied about her graduating college in Spain. She didn't graduate college in Spain and she never said she did.

      • I was confused by this too, so I looked up the article. She did study in Spain but not for college/university. It is also not stated how long she was in Spain but apparently she does speaks Spanish well. So technically she didn't lie if she was just asked if she studied in Spain.

  • Oh please ! They were in a toxic relationship . The problem is that they didn't separate their private life from their work and that's not only unprofessionnal but also rude to all the people who worked with him / her during that time . And they weren't teens anymore ! So SYJ 's agency should sell another story. Or not even explain, there are plenty actresses and actors who are waiting to get roles .

      • These clowns have lost all reason and are now believing every shitty rumour related to syj and eny celeb connected to her in any capacity. Dont try to understand. They're like a pack of rabid dogs rn

    • Right. So according to a blind item - of which you have absolutely no way of proving it’s KSH/SYJ or any cousin - you think KSH should “marrying” her because he’s a psycho like she is?


      God the stupidity has no bounds.

      • Girls, park ki wong reveal kim soo hyun personality isn't all that it seems.Kim soo hyun personality is geeedy and senseless.Everyone knows by now that kim soo hyun attitude is not all that cool.Basically,he's the complete opposite of his gentle image.Just wait until his scandal came to light.

  • If all of this is true, both are seriously messed up. Not only because of the toxic relationship, but also for being delusional and not understanding the world they live in. So, do you really think you can ask an actor that has taken a romantic role to not display any emotion or avoid physical contact? And the actor thinks it is ok to do it and goes ahead with it? If anything, she could have asked him to refuse the role or abandon his job, but what they had going on is just absurd.

  • Her shameless and annoying fans are just eating up that bullshit statement. They're like “she's innocent and deserves an apology”, “why are women still blamed for men's actions in 2021?“ and some even go so far as to say this issue is in the past and therefore they should just get over it. Oh. My. Zeus!

    Regarding Island, I read another report that claims she hasn't dropped out and that they're still in discussion. I think she'll get away with this. Until one day when she pisses off her backers and they drop her.

    • Poor Kim Nam Gil - I tried watching that Joseon time travel drama and they did him dirty with that goofy character.

      • Wait what? LUTYN is a great drama. I love that he went goofy since he obviously has better talent in comedy. He didn't fare well in the "sulking image" they tried to milk from the later stage of QSD aka Tragic Bidam.

      • Kim Nam Gil is Kim Jung Hyun's well wisher. I believe he knows some of it. Because he sent him coffee truck once, asked him to focus on the present, act and eat well. It kind of all makes sense now.

      • @Gem KNG and KJH were in O& Agency together, until KNG departed for another one. As for SYJ, KNG interacted w/ her when his friend Kim Jae Wook's film came out and he moderated the panel. So its really full circle moment when SYJ was going to work with KNG on Island. Now, with all these news coming out oof. I think had she had stayed on, it would caused issues on set with her ML as he has had some acquaintances who knows her. I wonder if Kim Nam Gil was aware a bit of Kim Jung Hyun's issues with his ex gf (Seo Ye Ji?) prior to her name being on the cast list for Island??

      • @Pam I think Kim Nam Gil may have known about Kim Jung Hyun's anxiety or eating disorder, not sure he knew about his ex or ex related incidents. As for Seo Ye Ji, my understanding is industry knew about her to an extent. I mean entire Time cast and crew knew it, Seohyun knew it so it was one of those hushed up rumors circulating on the downlow. She wasn't well known enough to have it become issue for her so that lack of fame protected her. But these rumors aren't new. Its just people can add them all up now.

    • Exactly. The #AplogizetoSeoYeJi started by her fans really showcased something very wrong in her rabid fans antics to be enablers and considering such rotten personality and toxic behaviour completely normal.

      If there's anyone to apologize to, it should be Seohyun and the entire team of Time.

    • @Gem Thanks for the context! That's nuts imo. But yes, allegedly he and Seohyun met up in a coffee shop (dunno time?), and he apologized to her. He said it was for mental reasons, and not personal (gf). So I think for KJH, he kept it quiet on the real reason perhaps. But this being an open secret in the industry just make me wonder what other secrets out there that people know but keep quiet about?

      Hmm...I guess SYJ had powerful connections, and something that made people forget that regarding her? She became more known with Lawless Lawyer, then IOTNBO blew her up into a star. But I guess, because KNG has personally interacted and spoken with SYJ before, he probably didn't know to this extent.

  • Sexism goes into both ways i guess..Till yesterday people were going let's wait .. Dispatch is fake..blah blah..and now when her agency basically confirmed it but gave a meaningless statement toning down their toxic relationship,they are now doing victim blaming cause she was dragged into this mess. Only if the roles were reversed and kjh had so much dirt on him like yeji, would people still have defended him??..
    That man was clearly unwell only when he was dating her+ those text messages clearly insinuates she was partially responsible for his behaviour..
    Seohyun and time crew surely deserves their apologies..
    But at this moment i m more worried abt his mental health..He once said that he had thoughts of like standing at the edge of a cliff all the time and thinking why was he even alive..Now people are bullying him again when he has no one to back him up ..Both the agencies threw him under the bus..
    Yes he was unprofessional but the lack of sympathy towards an ill person is appalling..u don't have to forget what he did but atleast think abt his current mental health too...
    If Yeaji was innocent like her company said..she wouldn't have demanded videos, pics as proofs .

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