Categories: K-dramas

Shin Hyun Bin Offered the Female Lead of Revenge K-drama The Youngest Son of Sunyoung Opposite Song Joong Ki

The winds of casting gods shifts and turns and this time it’s a great surprise. The female lead offer is officially out for the upcoming K-drama adaptation of revenge novel The Youngest Son of Sunyoung (The Chaebol’s Youngest Son) and the prize has been presented to K-actress Shin Hyun Bin. I’m dying here because she’s totally different in every way than the earlier name floated that is Suzy and actually gives off very similar vibes to male lead Song Joong Ki‘s last leading lady Jeon Yeo Bin in Vincenzo. It’s the smart, capable, cool, composed actress aura, and Shin Hyun Bin impresses in every drama I’ve seen of her. She’s actually coming back to the small screen twice in coming months already: in Hospital Playlist 2 and later opposite Go Hyun Jung in Someone Like You (A Person Who Looks Like You). I’m super jazzed if she accepts opposite Song Joong Ki for The Youngest Son which is scheduled for the first half of 2022.


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  • Great surprise!
    Though your comment section will be dull, it’s really fascinating to see them together.

  • Who is Shin Hyun Bin?
    I only know Hyun Bin the actor haha.
    Anyway if she is a good actress then maybe better than the rumoured star.

      • I've been waiting for Hospital Playlist 2! Now I want the 17th to come soon...

        Also is HP2 pre-produced, does anyone know? If Youngest Son of Sunyoung is airing only in 2022 then hopefully there won't be scheduling conflicts preventing her from accepting the role.

    • Sarah

      Ahhh,you are not crazy with HP S1.She was one of the couple of the great wintergarden couple that made a huge buzz during the HP1 run. She is a character actress and skilled in acting.

  • Dang, what a complete change from the Suzy rumor. Glad they went with someone who can act.

  • No matter how much of a big star you are. Its always important to have good Costar. Sjk is lucky when its comes to his leading ladies. Moon chae won, park bo young, jeon yeo been, kim tae ri and now shin hyun bin. Sjk is talented and when you are paired with equally talented actor its cherry on the top for any drama. I read lee sung min is also onboard for this show,Looking forward to this drama.

    • Exactly. As good an actor as SJK is, he's always been supported by leading ladies who have at least a baseline level of acting ability, and usually great actresses in their own right, from Moon Chae Won and Park Shi Yeon all the way to Jeon Yeo Been.

      That is a good trend. Like they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it!

  • Thank goodness the casting team for this drama took the right lesson from Vincenzo at last (ie SJK brings enough buzz on his own so for FL, a talented actress with proven skills >>>> popular FL with questionable acting skills). I really liked her in Hospital Playlist, and if this story involves same-age lead characters then she's a far more appropriate choice.

    Here's hoping SHB takes it and that the script is good, I'm just relieved I won't have to see another potentially good drama blighted by bad acting. Based on what I've seen of her acting, I think she'll be a good match with Song Joong Ki.

    • @Royal We Agreed. Wonder if the Suzy casting fell through given the backlash.

      It sounds like the scriptwriter may have rewritten the FL? Thought the FL was his college sweetheart -> wife in the novel. Also, the description of a prosecutor who is willing to break the law to win reminds me of Hong Cha Young from Vincenzo.

      • Yeah shin hyun been has been offered the role of presecutor seo min young who works at the seoul central district presecutor office.She is someone who willing to evade or break the law in the order justice to be served. Seo min young and jin do joon (song joong ki) will be involved in relationship that walks the line between love and hatred. This just another vincenzo season 2. I dont think this will good idea to take this role.Just like lee min ho played another chaebol in TKEM. I hope he turn down this drama and take different project.

      • @Vannishing :
        There is no love hate relationship in Vincenzo between the leads pairing. initial episode is more to do with rom com haters to friendship to lovers relationship. And I think this drama will have more depth and the haters come from revengebecause she is supposed his enemy. This is JTBC after all.

        But that's okay if he want to reject it though. At least if his next line is better project.

      • I'm not familiar enough with the origin story to say whether this is or isn't like Vincenzo, but the pair in Vincenzo wasn't "walking the line between love and hatred" at all, they were antagonistic for only 3 episodes (mostly from her side) and then became firm allies/friends, and from allies to attracted to each other/maybe lovers only by the very end.

      • @Ophelia - good riddance to the other prospect tbh. one thing is for sure, the comments section will be peaceful without the kpop idol stans throwing tantrums and getting defensive.

        I've heard the role is small but I've also heard about the possible rewrite to expand on the FL role. The character outline does sound like queen Hong Cha Young but it can turn out v different based on overall tone of the drama etc.

  • I'm really hopping she takes this drama even if it means she would have to work hard following starring in other two dramas.

    • Fingers crossed she can actually take it and that there aren't scheduling conflicts!

  • From one Been to another Bin. Will SJK collab with Hyun Bin next? Lol. At least, SHB is a far better choice than previously rumored FL. She can ACT. Because no matter how much I like Suzy as a star, I don't think she will be able to deliver and is fit for the role. Drama lovers and knetz will dissect everything and blame her for ruining the drama due to her limited acting range.

    • And if I were Suzy's agency, it's too much of a risk to have her directly acting with more known as serious actors like SJK and/or Lee Sung Min. Whatever she does, she'd always have CFs and still be a star, so why risk highlighting her flaw by accepting this type of projects.

      And happy that we have SHB on board, she is more align with the project.

      • Suzy's previous co-stars were Lee jehoon, Kim soo hyun, Lee jongsuk, Hajung woo etc, many of them already won many big awards, Suzy has no problem acting with them to create hit projects, do you think SJK's acting skills are far better than these big names and it's too risky for her to act with him? What a jok!

      • @Lantian

        Good riddance that they decided to go with SHB than this wooden lady who couldn't help bring anything worthwhile or help the male lead at all. And yes, SJK's acting skills and the rating that comes with Descendant of the Sons, Vincenzo as his other well as his other successful movies show that he is really good.

      • And besides, stop blaming SJK for not choosing Suzy to act with him. It is the production company, scriptwriter and director who get to decide.

      • @Lantian - uh, yeah. Song Joong Ki isn't just some Hallyu pretty boy or merely a good actor, he's rated as highly as he is because he's versatile and skilled across genres, the only person in that list who's arguably equal or better is Ha Jung Woo. Who isn't a drama actor and doesn't need some cf flowerpot in his movie either. But is SJK a better actor than Lee Jong Seok, Kim Woo Bin and even Kim Soo Hyun (all good actors btw)? Yes, unless they've all got roles where they've played everything from sageuk to villain to animal and pulled it off.

        Your standards of perceiving acting skill may be low given who your fave is but don't expect the rest of us to share it, thanks. And maybe stop the tantrums in the comment section, she's not even doing the drama (thank goodness).

      • @Lantian I'm not putting down the other actors that you've mentioned, I am just pointing out that based on the actors attached so far and also the theme and story of this drama, Suzy can't just coast and hope that she'll be able to pull her weight. In most of Suzy's past projects, yes she had been paired with good actors, however they were also backed by a writer (Park Hye Ryun), who is able to adjusts her storyline to match with the acting skills of the FL. I am not downplaying Suzy's star potential, luck and advertisers pull, but in terms of acting -- lessen your sensitivity as she is a celebrity who is given the chance to improve project after project, but acrting-wise, she's not there yet.

      • @Lantian

        Calm down, love. Don't get so defensive. The criticism of your idol is fair.


        Right on! Agree with you.

      • Not the one to bash Suzy’s skills, but as far as I know when she acted with Kim Soo Hyun in Dream High, he wasn’t a big star with many awards yet. He got his many awards from Moon Embracing the Sun onwards. So her acting with Kim Soo Hyun does not guarantee her being a great actress.
        PS: This post is not meant to bash any of the two actors mentioned.

    • @lantian,

      I really admire your undying support to Suzy. But you know what, sometimes you just have to accept facts and constructive criticism.. There is no question about Suzy's star power. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for her acting talent. And this is from me who has seen all her dramas and most of her shows since her Superstar K audition. I like her enough, but I recognize that her acting prowess is only palatable to a certain level.

  • Onboard with Dr. Long Winter aka as Shin Hyun Been!!!!! This seems to be a project with actors who can act (with Lee Sung Min and Song Joong Ki) onboard, hence happy that they went with SHB (and not the Nations First Love with still a questionable acting skills). And Shin Hyun Been has been good in those projects that I've recently seen her on Hospital Playlist for dramas and mostly movies for her.

    • @Lai People Yee
      Why did you twist my words? did I blame Sjk not choose Suzy act with him? did I indicate that I wish him act with her? Not at all! My whole argument point is many of you act like he's far better than all her previous co-stars that she's not entitle to act with him and drag her down! I disagree with that didn't mean I wish she can act with him! Actually I'm relax now!

      • @Lantian sweetie, that many exclamation points in a single comment doesn't usually signal "relaxed".

        Too bad for you SJK is a better actor, we are not shy about saying so based on simple fact ie his roles till date - and yes, we do see a bad/mediocre actress as a liability to his work. Glad that's cleared up then, and anyway it's moot since he is getting a female lead who's actually a good actress.