Categories: K-dramas

Kim Sun Ho Issues Formal Apology Statement, Admits Relationship with Ex-girlfriend and Apologizes for Hurting Her, Will Leave 1D2N and All Filmed Scenes to be Cut

The hardest thing is to take responsibility especially if there are dire consequences, but then to hope to recover one day then it must be the first step. K-actor Kim Sun Ho just released an official statement this morning, nearly 48 hours after the scandal broke by an anonymous woman A who claimed her ex-boyfriend a recently made top star Actor K, convinced her to have an abortion with promises of marriage and then summarily dumped her four months later. Kim Sun Ho was outed via the entertainment grapevine as said Actor K and over 10 brands have dropped him via deletion of him from their official Instagram accounts, though his agency took nearly a day to issue a weak statement that it was still investigating the facts of the relationship. Now Kim Sun Ho has personally issued a statement, not sure if it was drafted with his agency but it’s posted on his own SNS. He starts off with an apology for taking so long to respond, when the news first broke he was terrified and could only release his written statement now. He did date this person, and in the process his thoughtlessness and negligence (lack of consideration) hurt her. He wants to meet personally and apologize to her but right now it’s not possible so he wants to convey his sincere apologies via this statement for now and wait for the time to apologize in person. He also wants to apologize to everyone who believed in him, supported him, and trusted him and is now disappointed. Because of all those supportive people he was able to appear as Actor Kim Sun Ho, but he had forgotten that.

Due to his lacking, he brought inconvenience and harm to those who worked with him on projects and he apologizes sincerely to those people. He knows this meandering statement won’t be enough to reach people’s hearts but he still wants to convey his sincerity. Truly, he is sorry. Salt Entertainment then released a short statement apologizing for the problems caused by Actor Kim Sun Ho, this matter has disappointed a lot of people and brought harm to a lot of people, Salt wants to apologize. Well there you have it. I think the biggest problem with the reveal of Kim Sun Ho’s bad boyfriend behavior in the past is that he has 100% sold the image of being a “Good Boy”, done through his agency and his large fanbase. And that disconnect is probably the main reason for him likely being done as a top actor in South Korea to the degree he was/was becoming. If he had a bad boy image, perhaps a Rapper type or serial date in K-ent, then it wouldn’t be as bad since brands and fans already don’t have such high expectations of him. With this first step, I don’t think his career is 100% over but let’s wait and see. K-netizens said one thing that’s really the core of star image – there are many types of misconduct (tax evasion, drunk driving, fighting, bullying, etc.), but the one thing Koreans will not accept is mistreating women and children. And this case involves gaslighting a girlfriend leading to the decision to terminate a pregnancy and she now says she never wanted to do but relented because of his convincing. Sigh.

It’s also confirmed by the network that Kim Sun Ho will leave 1D2N the popular variety show where he was a permanent member and played a big role in his success.


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  • What else can he said at this point though, his yes or no is all we need.

    Sigh, what a disappointment as a human being

  • The ex-gf must've had mountains of iron-clad evidence for him to admit to everything. He and his agency probably saw no room to spin themselves out of this.

    Maintaining popularity by selling a pure, lily-white image is probably the most dangerous way to go about being a celebrity. Just be messy from the get-go and level-set expectations with the public.

    I wonder where he goes from here. Do we have any PR experts around?

    • This is so true. It is really easier to dirty the color white, than a baseline darker color. And in his case, the lily-white image was initiated by him and his team through variety shows and that is the stickiest as there is a perception of similarity to his real persona.

      I just read the complete entry of the ex-gf, and he's just trash in how he treated her. And it seems that's how he is, I guess growing up being coddled coz he is handsome, they really don't have a concept beyond themselves.

      • Also damning were his comments about his Start Up cast members and other industry colleagues as not good-looking enough. He was no Romeo in high school.

        I hate how this colors my opinion of Hometown Cha Cha Cha, which I truly loved.

      • The problem I have with this whole thing is that we don’t know his side and being in his position his pr won’t let him say anything, he has to take the fault of any of it is true in any way. We also don’t know the context from when he said things. I know many cases where the accusing party was also not innocent in their behavior. I have seen people become a certain way towards another in a relationship based on the treatment they received. No one is perfect. Also, he is not solely responsible for them having an abortion. I never would have no matter the situation and if I chose that it would be on me as I would have been the final decision maker. In addition, most relationships don’t last after abortion no matter their original intent. I believe their personal life should remain private and this is simply her immature attack well after the fact because she feels jaded. Either way ay it is not the public’s business and in my opinion makes her look no better. Him being a jerk to her is sad but there are always two sides to a story and everyone is responsible for their choices, her included. Hopefully she will be wiser in the future.

    • I completely agree with you. The K entertainment industry is big on these perfect boy/girl next doors type of celebrities who can do no wrong and then when they mess up it's like no mercy is given. It's actually quite sad and scary.

    • TVN, Studio Dragon & Netflix will save his backside, seriously. Most of his dramas are shown on Netflix - 100 Days My Prince, Start-Up, HCCC, Catch the Ghost, Two Cops. He can still come back but takes time.

  • for the amount of time they took to release an official statement i thought there would be more to the story or at the very least he'd have a apology a bit more specific to his ex-gf's accusations but this looks like something they just came up with in 2 hours

    • Not defending him, he is about to lose his new stardom career, I doubt he made the written apology in 2 hours. I understand why it takes this much time for his agency and him to make statement. Somehow I can see why he wanted abortion and so anxious about his relationship, I bet he didn't even predict he could be this famous this fast. But anyway, he should have own up to it. I think he is getting married will not affect his career as bad as what he has been doing. The way he handles his personal life is just foolish, he doesnt deserve his new found fame & career if he acted like this. Fortunate for his ex girlfriend found out his truly personality. Imagine have to stuck for a life time with his terrible personality. Yuck.

  • I just hope my fave actors don't have hidden terrible secrets. Altough I know it's hard to be a star. You have to be always smiling and perfect.
    I'm not a KSH fans or hater, so I just watch this scandal from the side. But I can't imagine if my beloved actor turns out to be an a**hole.

  • I’m the last one who’d claim to have bought his BS “good boy” persona, but this apology was good. He didn’t try to weasel out of it. It was straightforward, to the point and admits to his mistakes openly. At least he didn’t pull a SYJ.

    He might be able to recover, but he’ll never be the big star he might’ve been without this scandal. There have been worse things done tho, so he should still be fine coming back later on I’m predicting.

  • Like what I said, they were stalling for time but the lady wasn't open to settlement. She didn't even want to meet. I think he can still make a comeback, but he's probably going to be stuck in cheap productions and weekend dramas.

  • Such a self-serving and generic apology, only issued because attempts to shush/pay off the ex probably failed hence the delay and he's trying to salvage what's left of his career. His fans are just hopeless at this point. First, they refused to believe it was true, swore their oppa was a pure virgin and dissed the girl with every insult under the sun. Now that their boy has admitted it, they're going all “everyone makes mistakes, we forgive you and will support you all the way.” They really go hand in hand. Like trash fave, like trash fan.

    • I've seen the worst! Can you imagine park yoochun still has pay fan meeting?!
      I can't understand this urge of a fan. KSH's fan really gonna beat pyc's fan at this rate.

      • They're not even thinking at all about the ex-gf and what she's been through/going through. And they aren't apologizing for the vitriol they spewed at her in blind defense of him. Some of his fans are still in denial, they say he only apologized to close the case, not because he's guilty. Hopeless.

    • Even worse, some of his fans are now spinning this as “it’s still not true, he didn’t do anything, he’s only apologizing to end it” …saying that some celebs just apologize even if they didn’t do anything wrong and the “truth” will come out someday.

      The mental gymnastics some fans do… smh.

      • I disagree. Many of his fans, including the bigger accounts, have disavowed him and are no longer wanting to be connected to him. Many are still grieving and obvs very traumatised from this, and as I am on stan twt myself I can only feel for them. They feel betrayed and disillusioned.

        Ofc there are always the bad apples in the bunch. But please don’t generalise a whole fandom.

    • If you want to judge, judge with fairness. Talking trash and taking one side will not give you any good since we are not the one in their shoes. So let’s not talking bad about people. Everyone made mistakes and I believe you did too, and that mistakes grow you to be wiser.

  • Well the writing was on the wall. On one hand I want to give him credit for owning up to it, but maybe the evidence was enough that he had no other choice.

    Some will say this is just a personal matter but we know how conservative SK society is and how image conscious these celebrities are. Moreover he painted himself as such a puppy dog, playing characters that woman fall in love with because he's the "perfect guy" who would do anything for the woman he loves. But in real life he was coward, manipulated and gaslighted someone he was in a relationship with to do something she wasn't comfortable with and would threaten changes of future pregnancies. And then he dumped her and didn't even apologize until being forced to publicly. Sheesh.

  • Legit questions I have..... Is there ever an acceptable reason for a man to ask for an abortion from the mother carrying the child? The woman, if not ready or for other reasons, can decide for an abortion or not but is there a reason for a man to be able to ask that mother to consider abortion?

    And if a mother decided to keep the child but the father did not want the child, is there a legal way for the father not to be responsible for the child or for supporting the child in way of a child support? Or is the father responsible whether or not they wanted the child before being born?

    Just curious.

    • These qte things the man has to consider before having unprotected sex. After that ideally it should be a mutual decision but the man has no real legal standing.

    • The only legal way is when the child was made from rape or when the mother's health is gravely affected through the pregnancy, like cancer, or pregnancy related health risks.

      And why would any honest and decent man ever want an abortion of their own child made from love? Unless they didn't really love the woman and it was just his own lust and satisfying himself? Then what does that make the man?

      A child is born out of 2 consenting adults. Which decent, honest man ever don't want his own flesh and blood?

      Ur questions sounds like u don't even have the basic respect for human life or females. What are you? Even if the woman is the one pregnant and giving birth, the man is as much responsible. How can a man ever wash his hands off after pissing, unless he isn't a decent man with good morals to begin with.

      • Wow... I was just asking questions and all of a sudden I have no basic respect for human life or females... You are too judgmental. Even in college, I can ask a question because I am curious but here, I am attacked for curiosity. Between the two of us, it's not me lacking a sense of respect.

        FYI, I am a female and pro-choice... Also, no where was I defending KSH or a man, I really am just asking questions.

        Also, I was just asking because even a decent woman has her reasons of why they may want an abortion so I was asking if a man has legal and acceptable reasons.

      • Also, I was just asking if it's a straight "No, it's just up to the mother" as the only answer.

        I am also not looking for the man to be absolved of any responsibility. You could have just said, "No, a man must go along with the woman" as your response and that would have been a great respond but now, you are questioning my character for something I just wanted an answer to without the attitude.

        As for your question of what am I? I am someone who has more decency than someone who judges others for their curiosity. Also, my comment was not anything political or in support of men abandoning children or mistreating the women. It was just a question.

      • Whose to say he took it lightly. You’re not him, no one truly knows unless they are in that relationship and situation. I personally don’t believe I ever would have but I’m wise egg bough yo know it isn’t my place to judge either.

    • Your question reminded me of what this famous American standup comedian said, ‘if women have the option to terminate it, men can at least have the option to abandon it’. It’s something along these lines. 0.0

      • @Trina - This is completely off tangent and I know Dave Chappelle is in hot water himself right now, but his "Where Is Ja?" sketch is one of my favorite comedy sketches. Hilarity.

        Come to think of it, I should've asked "Where is Ja?" in the last 48 hours when were were all trying to make sense of this mess.

      • I am reminded of that too.
        Dave Chappelle and his comedy mostly gets me cracking up.

        If your are curious about something, always ask, anywhere and anytime. People's answer whether from an experts side, or random people, or like above type of answer, or even a silence should all to be heard.
        I say this, because as I grow older I realized, Asking questions about things one is curious about and listening to all types of answers will give you broader perspective.
        So compared to staying silent in your head, definitely ask and listen.

        PS. Though also tune out most of Sh*tty other things.

      • @rein, thanks!

        I like to think that asking questions is okay but apparently for some, you can't. Even if you legitimately are just asking a question.

        Maybe because it's through the internet that people are so judgmental. I often asked others about their stance on things, like political or their religion (cuz I seem to be around a lot of people from different backgrounds - must be because I'm from Vegas), and they always know that I'm just a curious person and not attacking or defending anyone.

    • I can accept the man asking for an abortion if he had done his job of using a condom in the first place and both parties were willing to have sex but the woman still got pregnant. In such a case, if the man asked for an abortion but the woman didn't want to yet ended up still aborting the child, then it's the woman's own responsibility.

      • I think a lot of miss the point, that she could end up being sterile from this procedure. Even if he wore a condom asking woman to sacrifice her health for his monetary benefit is a very selfish act. Because she would lose everything, while he only gains. More than that, with fully knowing possible compilations it would cause to her health he still used lies to make her “decide” and gaslight her, didn’t accompany her to doctor and never apologized.

      • @hmmm We are discussing about abortions in general. But in any case, even if we were to add sterility to this general issue, it is still the woman's responsibility. There is mutual consent to have sex, protection (condom etc) was used which indicated both parties didn't want to have a child yet, but unfortunately still got pregnant. If the man wants an abortion and the woman doesn't due to the risk of becoming sterile, then she should break up with that man and raise the baby on her own.

      • @Lilith, when woman’s sterility in question you don’t even ask her to make abortion. It’s that simple. Because it’s asking too much. It’s one thing when you simple don’t want a child, it’s another psychologically pressure her, when it comes with health complications. You both enjoyed the process and condom/pills failed you both. I dunno, where that “but all responsibility and consequences only hers” comes from. Abortion is needed and should be a part of women’s right, but it never should be an instrument to get men to ignore their part on making a baby and taking responsibility for their own actions as an adult. Condom, not condom. Sleeping could very much lead to unwanted pregnancy. No one can force you to marry woman, but taking care of a child and owning to the fact, that you can’t ask woman to risk her health for you is another talk.

      • @lilith, that's why I asked the questions. If a man decides to not wanting the child and the woman keeps that child, what happens? I don't think a man can legally get out of the responsibility because then a lot of men will be using that excuse to free themselves of the paying the woman and other responsibilities that come with being a parent.

        That's why I asked my questions.

        I'm always for fairness. Fairness in giving everyone equal opportunity and responsibility. But this is one issue where I don't ever see anything being fair for anyone. Which at this point, I think fairness should not be the focused but really about the lives of the mother, father, and the baby.

        If anyone gets confused about my questions and train of thought, everyone else I know get confused too. Might be my overthinking and just my mind always wandering too much. Also why I don't get political, because to me, there's not always a "right answer"... but there might be an "right answer" for the "right person"... Also why my friends and family say I am always looking for a utopia where everyone is happy and there are no struggles... Unfortunately, such a reality is non-existent.

      • If we're talking about this case like hmmm said, not only were there stakes of her getting sterile but also the fact that even if she delivered the baby, that would've been a hanging sword for KSH. If not the woman, the reporters or paparazzi could get to it any time. And abandoning your child is worse in the eyes of the society. So I guess she was only given the option to abort (hence also the fake promises of living together in 2 years). But yeah these are speculations and generally that's a good question. In an ideal society the parents of a child should both take responsibility but that doesn't happen in this world. We see many cases of men abandoning their child and if there is something good coming out of this scandal is that atleast people will think that no matter personal, this behavior should have no place in the society.

      • @hmmm Firstly, you are adding additional conditions to suit your argument that the man must take responsibility and raise the child up at all cost, you even added psychological pressure now. In that case I can also throw in additional conditions such as both man and woman simply do not have the means raise a child up now and giving birth to the child will make the whole family not have enough food to eat. Being sterile and starving 3 persons to d*ath, which one will you choose?

        Yes, abortion and giving birth is the woman's right, that's why I said the woman is free to break up with the man and raise the child up on her own. The law of some countries states that if they are not married, the man is not obliged to play a part in raising the child he doesn't want, sh*tty yes but that's how it is, I'm not sure about SK's law on this though.

    • there is nothing wrong for him to say yes to the abortion but to lie to your gf to get her an abortion is totally unacceptable
      secondly she definitely had the choice to keep the baby but was manipulated emotionally by him
      also she could have gone legally against him but seeing his new found popularity and star status she felt that they would pressure her to keep her mouth shut and so she felt the best option was to expose him publicly

  • when i said in the previous post that this case most probably true, his fans came at me saying that I'm spreading a fake news. also scold me for assuming something that isn't sure yet, while they're already insisted that this is a fake news. while in my previous comment, i just praised the victim for being thoughtful enough for exposing this deeds just after hometown chacha had finished airing

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