Categories: K-dramas

K-netizens Furious with Ending of Big Mouth and Ranks it with Twenty Five, Twenty One as the K-dramas with the Best Start and Worst End in 2022

Man this sucks to hear. This weekend was the conclusion of MBC Fri-Sat drama Big Mouth with Lee Jong Seok and Yoona which ended up being both better than expected when it started and now worse than hoped for in how it ended. I’m so far from being caught up I may table this based on the howls of anger and incredulousness from the K-netizens with today’s final episode. They are calling this drama the second Twenty Five, Twenty One which is saying a lot indeed since that drama was so beloved until the ending rendered it not even talked about mere months later. I think Big Mouth will probably overcome the ending since the story is not romance centered and the great acting from both leads and a compelling conspiracy yarn may still lure viewers in.


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  • That's why I have elected NOT TO LIVE WATCH certain k-dramas. My poor heart can't take it anymore after Hong Sisters messed up AOS season 1 mid way and ending. Thank goodness I waited for Big Mouth to finish airing before I decide whether I want to watch it. I still get trauma from how AOS started and ended.

    On an unrelated note, A WARNING to JSM FANS, her movie PWH which just premiered in Toronto Film Festival this weekend has MANY SPOILERS leaked in the Q & A TIFF Youtube video. DO NOT WATCH THE Q & A TIFF IF YOU HAVEN"T WATCHED PWH.

  • I regretted watching it. I told myself I shouldn't when I saw the link to Vagabond but then did anyway. What a mistake. I lost count of plot holes, forgotten bits and unanswered questions.

  • Even though its a good drama, I cried so much to the ending. I thought Yoona's drama The King is Inlove is heartbreaking, but Big Mouse is more heartbreaking. I need a new drama of Yoona and Lee Jong Suk together in which they will have a happy ending.

    • I hate the girl in “king’s Love “ because of the ending. That was a shattered heart for me. I watched it last or two years ago, and I still can’t get over it.

  • This is the reason I stopped watching any Asian show live until they finish airing. I still watch US shows live since they have a million seasons and I can't wait that long but with short-run shows, I can wait a few weeks/months to make sure I have an ending I like. This will be the first LJS show I will be skipping. I've rewatched all his other shows about a million times.

    • But in my opinion, it is a good series. Personally, i like the ending, eventho it's not a happy lovey dovey one. But this is not a rom com series, so yeah kinda understand how it ends. I still recommend this series to LJS fans. His acting in here is reallly reallly goood. He always a top tier in acting but this one is superb. I mean he can switch his face emotion in split second. Try watching it and when you do, keep in mind that this is not a rom com series. That way, you won't be too dissapointing with the ending.

  • Maybe I'm in the minority but I liked the drama all the way and also didn't have much problem with the ending. Sure I would have preferred a happy one, but that doesn't mean that the controversial ending didn't fit with the story thematically. It's just it has a western dark knigt kinda flavor to it, so I can see why it caused an uproar. The writer clearly had this ending planned from the beginning and I read complaints about how a certain scene was played out, but I think that was more a directional mishap because we all know that LJS are great at acting out emotional scenes. As koala wrote in the post, this drama is not focused on romance so that's why it still works and doesn't ruin the drama as a whole. Tbh I think the ending to Twenty Five, Twenty One is so much worse... I'm still upset about that ending and feel like I was taken for a ride and wasted hours for nothing. I feel the same disappointment regarding Alchemy of Souls, so in comparison with those two dramas I think all the complaints about Big Mouth are quite uncalled for. I'd recommend this drama anytime.

    • Agree. I have not watched the last episode, but this is life. Not everyone's life ends beautifully. We just got to be realistic. Otherwise is another fairy tale.

    • Agree. I have not watched the last episode, but this is life. Not everyone's life ends beautifully. We just got to be realistic. Otherwise is another fairy tale.

    • Yes, this drama is noir, not romcom. It's meant to be dark and the actors even warned from the beginning that this wasn't a romance with a lot of scenes between them. If your sole purpose in watching a Kdrama is to see abs and kissing scenes, well...just be aware that there are other kinds of stories, too. While there were threads left open-ended, I think you can infer that they were eventually solved, as Big Mouse (however you define that) got what he intended to get in the end. The big main plot problem was indeed solved. (Even if Chang Ho lost what he loved most.)

      Agree that 2521 was much worse. Big Mouth was always pointing to a bittersweet ending. 2521 created one story in 14 episodes, then completely undermined it by replacing the insides of the leads' heads with completely different people, and called it done. There was zero logic there.

      Will withhold judgment on Alchemy, as the story isn't over yet. (Though the change in casting is a hurdle yet to overcome. I sure hope S2 is satisfying because otherwise I LOVED that drama.)

    • Heartbroken but understandable. Somehow when I see it with bigger thoughts it had to end this way. And yes ofcourse this wasn't a rom-com. But all the actors played their parts perfectly. Although deep down I also wanted to see the happy ending too but practicality says it is how things go.

  • I haven't watched the ending but if anyone wishing a happy ending with this kind of genre, well. They are in a wrong genre. We are anot always get a happy ending with this kind of genre. And not every thing has to be resolved and unfold too. Though it will be nice if it's.

  • Well good for me, I'd rather watch drama that has good start with bad end rather than bad start with good end, because you can't even finished it. Lmao 😂

  • Agree. I have not watched the last episode, but this is life. Not everyone's life ends beautifully. We just got to be realistic. Otherwise is another fairy tale.

  • Ugh, hello, life is not always happy, and sometimes sad ending gives us much more impression than happy ending, other wise, we would have : Romeo and who?

  • I really loved the drama until the ending. I watched the last two eps together and cried throughout, the ending was rushed and absurd not satisfactory at all! I still love the drama until the last 20mins of the 16th esp. It should have a second season or at least 2 more eps to fill up the loopholes.

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