Okay, either Zhao Lu Si frequently has foot in mouth moments or the girl really needs to beef up on her social awareness to not slip up this much. I adore her performance and character in Love Like the Galaxy so have much goodwill towards her but she’s definitely had her share of intentional or unintentional faux pas and this week comes another. She’s been promoting the upcoming three generational drama Hutong where she plays the oldest generation a character who lives in a hutong (neighborhood) and tries to be supportive and survive during the Liberation period, i.e. after 1949 when the Communists won the Civil War and the Nationalists moved to Taiwan. She was asked about her character and the drama time period and she said it was set in the era of the formation of the Party, i.e. the Communist Party was formed in 1921. That’s a good two decades she mixed up and C-netizens are naturally harshly criticizing her for (1) not even knowing her own drama she just filmed and what time period its set in, and (2) not knowing Chinese history and confusing the Party Founding with Liberation eras. Let’s not forget Zhang Zhe Han was cancelled for not knowing Chinese history and visiting Yasukuni and other Japanese shrines that venerate Japanese military figures. I don’t think she’ll get cancelled, she didn’t get accused of not being patriotic enough but she is being roundly mocked for not being well-educated.
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I can understand not knowing the exact dates or time periods for your country’s history not that it’s a good thing but most young people are like that. However not knowing the background of your own character is a bit too much. That like writing a report and not knowing it’s contents. This must be some kind of media play but nothing to get cancelled over.
A good actor/actress takes time to understand their drama character inside out before they start filming. This is why I can't take actors and actresses who start another drama project straight after the previous project ended seriously. Then there are those who boast about taking on numerous drama leads in a single year...
It's mostly not the actor or actress choice. Most of them are very controlled by their agency and is quiet overworked. They often jump from one drama filming to another, taking on commercial, variety tv, all sorts of promotion and events. They are literally on contract with their agency and working under their contract to their agency as an employee. So I don't think it's fair to blame them for taking up too many dramas. You don't know her circumstances. I have no idea how much schooling she recieved or if she did take history or was taught the history and these timeline but even if it was taught we can all agree we can easily forget what was taught at school especially dates. Dramas are also not filmed in order. So she could have started filing or filmed parts of the drama but haven't gotten to reading the script of the details when it talks about dates so on. Obviously is her lack of detail understanding to her character which is no good. But many actors are just focused on their lines and acting rather than the story. Many are so busy that they don't even watch their own drama as it airs. Lmao. They also often are acting in a role that their agency accepted and not necessarily chosen to do those roles themselves. Can't say they are not doing their best when they are at work but if this drama is possibly a project she herself isn't very keen on then there's even more reasons to not know a lot of the details outside of just her lines.
Chinese actors and actresses have more bargaining power than their counterparts from other parts of the world. The popular ones, anyway. It seems to me that she has more freedom to do what she wants than other young chinese actresses around her age.
I just wonder how much time has passed between the shooting of the drama and that promotion event and how much work she squeezed in between (what characters she plays are more recent on her mind).
In addition, she doesn't strike me as the brightest cande on the cake and is working non-stop (who knows at whose advice). I wouldn't put it passed her to do what she's been told without really knowing the meaning in depth. For example, beeing explained what is expected of her, learing the lines and acting accordingly in front of the camera while her mind is somewhere else and never storing it into her long-term memory.
I do not want to excuses her uneducated answer. However, at the very least it shows she needs more focus and less work to be in the moment. And she needs more lessons.
She's doing too many dramas at this point, is it healthy? I don't think it is, at least take a break a little. She's only 21 if am right and it seems like she's been around for ten years that I can easily pass on some of her dramas. She needs to rest pls.
No she is 24 but she being in the many drama wc is unhealthy is I also seconded but that is what entertainment is, everyone needs to strike while the iron is hot. Only, the quality of the acting should not be affected.
Better be stupid than be unpatriotic. But I'm surprised she doesn't know her character. Some actors are into details.
@ Salmos
ZLS will be turning 24 in a month and half. she was born on 11/9/1998.
@ Salmos
ZLS will be turning 24 on 11/9/1998.
Why these C-netz are very obsessive in waiting for her mistakes. We r not perfect. These celebrities have so much in their minds so a little forgetting of the dates or era is really acceptable. These fans are totally the haters of ZLS. I hope, she'll be good
Why blame ZL, the people should blame her team! To be specific her Manager! They should at least brief her before setting the interviews. She’s currently doing another project now, how can one remember a done script when your into a different project now? Her team booked her non stop as long as she can walk they will continue to work her so why blame just the actor why not pick her managing team?! It’s so sad.
I feel bad for these Chinese celebs, they take on a lot. They film these dramas a year or several years out. Sometimes their dramas don't even air or air without notice. Sometimes I wonder how they remember when they promote a drama filmed 1-2 years earlier. Its a bizarre process. So honestly, I can't find fault if you can't remember everything. No regular human being can.
I've said this before about her, she's working non stop and although yes, strike while it's hot is common in c-ent, she is doing it extra serious. She's starting to be over exposed, and the quality of work is starting to slip. I actually notice it happened in LLTG. The hype on that drama is intense but if you go back and watch again, you'll notice the sincerely in her acting was slipping. That's expected if she's filming long hours. She doesn't have enough time to think through the character deeply and deliver sincerely.
I think she and her team should be prepared for everything and anything. C-ent is not very forgiving and quite harsh in critism. She's bound to make this kind of mistake because preparation of filming and character building is done in haphazard way. She can't skip the blame game and say it's her team to be blamed for this. She should take responsibility of it as well coz it's her career. Working back to back to back is actually harmful to her career in the long run. Not only will be she burned out, but people will get tired of her being in the small screen all the time.
Yes she may be working nonstop but most people in this world all work nonstop 5-6 days a week. How is this different from regular working people? It is C-ent releasing old dramas all at once to ride her wave. Lots of C-artists have old dramas on the shelves… these are dramas filmed long time ago, not that they do 3 dramas at a time.
She did not blame the team, people just blame her team because they could have brief her on it before she goes for the interview. N her acting is not slipping, if anything it has improved a lot, have watched her early project n u can tell if u r her fan. N she being on the screen all the time, I will call it luck because her project get pass the authority quickly n the stations with the project r the ones who decide to air it not her, other factors get involved too like. What happened to LLTG is an example, it was supposed to air next year but because the was issue concerning the real summer program tencent wanted t to air, the they put LLTG to air when even it wasn't than editing. I see her has someone who love to work so If the projects r coming in for her now, she should pick the ones she want to do, so far has it will not cause her any health issues, she is young, this is the time she can work more not when she is old, there will be a time she is not going to be getting project like now n it normal expecially in the ent business. If she burn out hopefully she will be wise to take a break. She is shaping up to be a great actress n it shows, have watched the first 3 eps of hutong n she is damn good in it.
That is sooo true. I am already tired of watching her face and the same acting style over and over again. She has too much confidence in her acting but really trying to hide the inadequacy in education. She talks nonsense and flirts too much and trying hard to be cute in one of her youtube trends.
So disappointed in her...
Do I give dang about the year the comunist party did that or when the plot took place ? NO! But I enjoyed the story and the performance, luke all other viwers who gave good ratings to thd show ☺️ . Same with the " plagiat story" rumors about Who Rules The World or the "Japanese garden" rumors abt Love Like The Galaxy , both considered hits by billion viewers.We enjoy, other hate - who has more fan ? 😆😅😂
recently, koala seems to love write about “zhao lusi being criticized” because she knows zls related entries will attract A LOT of people to comment. her other posts barely have more than 15 comments. oh on the other hand, zhao lusi’s hutong premiered today and it got a lot of positive reviews especially zls acting. it peak at 1.6% in rating which is considered as good. I hope you write about this too lol
Yes. Koala finally is sharing Chinese's entertainment news more here - instead of just Korean's entertainment news. Thank you Koala! 👍👍👍
I do agree. Lately Koala likes to write articles that seem to reflect ZLS badly, and also gese comments to further criticise her. While i do not understand the true intention, i do think that it will be good to have balanced views. I read the previous article that seemscto focus on ZLs's statement that things haven't always been smooth sailing for her in the last 5 years. The interview wasn't that long, but it did cover her views on how grateful she was to be able to do the things she like. That didn't get covered in Koala's article. I don't think she was complaining, but the article made her look like she was complaining, which made netizens online to bash her. I think even in writing as a profession, one needs to have responsibility as to what we write, not just writing to get readership.
As to this article, i think there was a length of time where she acted and got interviewed. And in between she has gone on to act in different projects. She does need a break, and her team has to prep her for the interview, and she needs to show more responsibility for the interview. But cut her some slack too, don't call her stupid or some other labels because of some mistakes. Would we like to be called as such, just because we made some mistakes? Who among us haven't made any mistake in our lives? If there is, then let that person make the first move to scold her. If not, then learn to be kore understanding and more encouraging. She is just 24 for heaven's sake. We all make mistakes, and when we do, we hope others will be more understanding and more accepting of us.
Koala seems to love writing about ‘zls being criticised’ because she knows it will attract many people to comment lmao. oh ya have you heard hutong premiered today and it got A LOT of positive feedbacks (esp zls acting) and the tv rating is good as well. dont you want to write about it koala? its a zls related news too 🤭
This drama was filmed years ago. No one is expected to remember every detail. But she should have at least review the basic background of the drama before starting the interview. This is what a professional will do.
Is it even a national test? Even students who have revised for a long time make mistakes on the actual test. She's an actress, not a student taking a national exam. Dang! Can people be a bit more forgiving? Don't criticize until you've been in her shoes.