
tvN Drama Marry My Husband Keeps Rising in Ratings in Second Week Up to 7.595%

So I haven’t started tvN Mon-Tues drama Marry My Husband yet due to travel and also being visually uncomfortable with how thin Park Min Young looks in this drama for her role as a cancer patient and even the time travel back scenes she’s still woefully thin. But she has a knack for picking dramas and I’ve truly liked to loved almost all her dramas and she has another likely hit on her hands with this drama, despite last year’s negative publicity with dating a scammer in real life. Marry My Husband rose again in its second week of airing up to 6.420% and then 7.595% from the opening week of over 5%. It appears the drama’s formula and cast chemistry is roping in viewers – an everywoman female lead that can stand in for wronged average women everywhere, a despicable ex, a backstabbing best friend, and an impossibly perfect prince charming waiting in the wings in her second chance. If this drama keeps rising it will be the first big hit of 2024.


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  • coming from someone who is not necessarily a fan of Park Min Young (I often get the impression she gets by with cosmetically enhanced looks alone), I think this is a great drama (so far) and PMY has been excellent in portraying Kang Ji Won as a timid normal woman slowly growing into confidence. If they can maintain the quality of the story and acting, this will definitely be a hit for 2024 for sure. The only blemish for me is the supposed "she lost weight to portray a cancer patient" spiel - you are right that she looks thin in the new timeline as well, thus it's more likely they are just covering up the fact that she lost a lot of weight due to stress relating to her controversy.

    • She went thru a really awful period and even had regular medical help and it too her a long time to get better... I really feel for her.
      In fact, this producer really wanted her to take this project as it suits her. She was no confident but was given confidence by the producer.

      I am enjoying this so far...I hope it stay good till the end...

      • I am glad she has support. I've always been a fan of hers and love her acting. She always has chemistry with her costars. I don't know why the public are persecuting her because she fell in love with a creep. She didn't do anything wrong herself so why must she be ostracized because she made poor choices in love? As if she's not going through enough the comment section on some blogs are still full of vitriol so I hope she can garner as much support as she can and keep moving forward.

        Her acting and performance in this drama are top notch and I hope she can slowly start gaining the weight she lost through so much stress. She's still as beautiful as ever.

  • I think the castings are really perfect. And because the villain husband and best friend is usually cast as funny or positive character, their acting as evil isn’t overdone. It’s like how people can be evil with angel or funny face.

    I also really like park min young taking on new hair style this time, it looks very fresh, I was skeptical with na inwoo (sorry bro) but he is good! He fits the scary manager role, good big brother role when he interact with his sister, and awkward son when facing his father!

    Overall I like the comedic take they had on this!

  • I think the castings are really perfect. And because the villain husband and best friend is usually cast as funny or positive character, their acting as evil isn’t overdone. It’s like how people can be evil with angel or funny face.

    • I think the castings are really perfect. And because the villain husband and best friend is usually cast as funny or positive character, their acting as evil isn’t overdone. It’s like how people can be evil with angel or funny face.

    • I too struggling with this auto bot moderating system... Sometimes I thought I sent the comment but it is still in my reply box... so I will sent it again. Sometimes comments appear then disappear... Or it will take 48hrs before it appears back.


  • One other thing I noticed is the male lead has a healthy tan skin colour!! I love it... SK males are not sickly pale like Cdrama actors but it is great to see a healthy tan on this male lead.

  • I heard this drama is similar to Perfect Marriage Revenge, and I watched part of PMR. I'm sorry to say I wasn't a fan (too cliche.) But I'll pick this one up to see how it does.

    • Similar plot but way different vibes. Perfect Marriage Revenge was acted as a melodrama - but Marry My Husband - is acted as a slapstick comedy. It certainly doesn't take itself too seriously. There are even some interesting background sounds (like applause, or cat calls) when something dramatic happens on screen. I love both dramas for totally different reasons.

    • I think one of the weaknesses of PMR is the villains are too cartoony, one look at their acting and you know they're villains. For me, MMH, by casting people usually cast for positive characters makes the villain more realistic. People can be evil with angelic or funny face

  • I will say this is one drama I have rewatched episodes multiple times. Lol
    Maybe it is bc I am of the age range of the protagonist before she time travelled or the kdrama is just this good, I am not sure.

    Though there are typical makjang scenes, the flow is not heavy and we can relate and feel for the protagonists.

    I have watched other kdramas, and this is one of the few where I can comfortably rewatch episodes without feeling bored or frustrated.

    It is so good that I am moved to post a comment here when I usually am just a reader. Oh and I ended up reading the webtoon too. Lol so I guess I cab comfortably say, I am now obsessed and a big fan of this drama and webtoon.

    Hope you give it a chance too.

    And thank you for writing your blog!

  • This is the ONLY new drama I'm currently watching along with an old drama, Suspicious Partner. I also watched Perfect Marriage Revenge per others' recommendation. IMO, Marry My Husband is a better marriage revenge drama than PMR, both in plots and directing. The protagonists, PMY's ex and his mistress, are doing their best to be disgusting. LOL. They are dramatic, but not as overacting as the evil mother-daughter duo in Perfect Marriage Revenge. So their scenes added nuanced colors to the context and made each avenge moment even more gratifying. LOL

    I liked PMY's face in the era of Healer and City Hunter. Did she get PS then yet? She looks better with a rounder and chubbier face. I hope she's gaining weight and looks healthy now. But at least she doesn't look gaunt in the drama as some C actor always did.

    • I watched Suspicious partner back then , and enjoyed it. The couple have an amazing chemistry . The same year i enjoyed the office drama " Radiant office" . I 'am also watching an older drama at the same time with Marry my husband , the BBC remake Life on Mars , which i prefer than the original one which is stunning as i didn't like the remake of The good wife, Call my agent, ...

      • Thanks for the BBC one! Will check this out. Also Radiant Office! I've been so bored of dropping too many dramas recently. LOL

      • The remake is with Jung Kyung Ho , but if you don't like time travel /criminal dramas , you have to pass . The same goes for Tunnel , Train . Radiant office us more about office and a vert little romance . Save me is a vert good drama about sectes ans Live about 3 rookies in a commisary with their seniors . All were very good but i'm eclectic ,i like various genres !

    • @Somebody, she was dating a really unpleasant man without knowing... they did not date long. When his commercial fraud were reported on media, she went into meltdown. She went thru very bad depression the year and regularly had to get medical help.

      I dont think she would be taking on this project as she knows she is still recovering and lost lots of weight. But the PD really supported her and encouraged her to take on this role as it suits her. She took on this role with support from many that cared about her.

      If you googled about her exBF, you will read more news on it.

      • Shocking to know that. I always considered her a gorgeous lady in Kdrama. I liked her a lot in Healer and City Hunter but did not watch many of her recent dramas as I had had a break for a while. She does look too thin in MMH to me. I hope she will recover soon.

      • I like her in those dramas too...but I have not watched her dramas since 2020... but picked this new drama...it have been entertaining so far. But I too hope she recovers her health and weight soon..

  • I'm not the biggest fan of Park Min Young . I find that she was type casted since What's wrong with secretary Kim ? But i respect her as a hardworking actress .I'm happy that she took this drama . I'm really enjoying it , and actually the only one i'm looking for to watch every weeK . She is an office worker, wearing the same kind of clothes like in her previous dramas but the drama even if it's cliché it's entertaining .

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