
Song Joong Ki and Wife Katey are Expecting Their Second Child

So it’s a quick family starting and family expanding for K-actor Song Joong Ki. His agency announced that he’s expecting his second child with wife Katey, coming rather quickly from the early 2023 marriage and the arrival of their first child last summer. This is happy news for the couple and as a fan of Song Joong Ki it’s nice to see he’s settled into balancing marriage/family as well as his continuing strong acting career. Congrats!


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  • Honestly doubted this marriage because I imagine it's hard for them to communicate but they are already on baby # 2 so obviously they are doing well. Congrats to them!

  • Song Joong Ki comes from an old-fashioned and patriarchal family and has a patriarchal mindset. He wanted a tradwife type whose focus was being his wife and popping out kids which is one of the reasons his first marriage flamed out so quickly IMO. Song Hye Kyo way too independent for him and his family. That's why I would always laugh when people tried to ship him with various actresses post-divorce because to me it was obvious to me SJK was not trying to settle down with a woman with a career ever again. From what little we have seen of his second wife she seems like a nice woman but even though his team tried to claim she was a popular actress overseas, she was a D-lister who hasn't acted in a decade and prior to dating SJK she wasn't doing anything much. Once they started dating she followed him around, shopped and took up his interests which made him happy. SJK wasn't looking for a partner with drive or ambition or career aspirations. He wanted someone to cater to him and give him the family he wanted immediately. Seems he found what he was looking for in his second wife so good for them.

    I wonder if this wife is disappointed she never got a wedding. They have been spotted quite a few times at other people's weddings but she just had a quickie shotgun marriage registration as she was already preggers. SJK made some vague comments about holding a wedding ceremony "soon" but over a year and a half later and two pregnancies in I doubt it's going to happen as it isn't important for him.

    • Anyhow, wishing his wife a safe pregnancy and health delivery. Two pregnancies in less than two years is tough on the body especially as women get older.

    • Gf crafted a whole novel based on her assumptions. You sound personally invested and really bitter.

      • And the comment about the age of his wife and having a second baby so fast . Seriously ! I suppose that if she was a korean actress i wouldn't read this kind of comments ! Choi Ji Woo, Son Ye Jin,...aren't they old also but they got congrats ! If his wife has the same vision as him about marriage and family i don't get the problem ! Everyone has the right to live their life as they want . And i'm someone who is independent and was never attracted by marriage or having children !

    • I am not even a fan of SJK but it's so nauseating that years after his divorce from the famous actress, ppl like you still talking nonsense about his personal life.

      It was obvious you tried pinning the blame on him by claiming that he wanted a stay at home wife and not a careeer driven one (implying the famous ex-wife), thus the divorce.

      On and on people who never knew him personally just throwing stones, making it sound like divorce is a bad thing. Speculating endlessly without knowing the actual truth.

      It seems that you are the one butthurt and can't get over the divorce and him moving on and settling nicely with his new wife.

      • Still remember when someone pointed out on this blog that the fairytale marriage of Song Song couple might not last there were fans that went bonkers. Clearly people don’t understand how marriage works and the bitterness they felt when their fairytale fell apart must still be stinging them. How does it matter to an absolute outsider why the marriage between two adults ended? It’s over and both have moved on so people should just stop speculating. The narrative by OP is just hilarious conjecture. How bored do you have to be to come up with that?

    • Wow, things your wild imagination take you.

      So you are saying SHK is so independent, and career driven that she didn't want children but there were rumors she miscarried. SHK is 4 yrs older than SJK's wife Katy. By age according to you, it will be harder for her to be "popping out kids." Not sure if you are slamming both girls.

      The girl majored in Economics and a career since 2002. KLS last film released was last quarter 2018 then pandemic hits. EU and film industry was frozen til they can enforce strict guidelines. A lot of people in this industry didn't have jobs. She then worked as translator for film Vicenzo 2021. She was pregnant by late 2022 going by she gave birth on Jun 2023. And she has no drive and ambitions or career aspirations? LOL

      And according to you she is so insignificant that SJK won't give her a wedding ceremony like the circus of ceremony with SHK. Again, making baseless assumptions.

      • @Jae: Please show me where I said SHK didn't want kids? I said she was too independent for her ex-husband and his family. Being independent and wanting kids are not mutually exclusive. Funny you have the audacity to talk about "baseless assumptions" but meanwhile you are repeating a completely unfounded rumour that SHK had a miscarriage.

        SJK's wife did not work as a translator on 'Vincenzo'. The translator who helped with the Italian on 'Vincenzo' spoke Korean which Katy doesn't. I think she was acquainted with Vincenzo's translator but she didn't work on the drama. I just googled and see she had a supporting part in the direct-to-video fifth Scorpion King sequel in 2018 so it has been less than a decade since she acted. My bad. However, the pandemic hit Europe in March 2020 so I don't see what that has to do with a DTV she shot in 2017 but whatever. In Italy after her career fell off you didn't hear about her much besides occasionally attending a party or event and dating a couple of rich guys so that was the perception of her careerwise

        I mentioned the wedding ceremony because SJK's agency were the ones who stated they would hold a wedding ceremony after they announced their marriage so take that up with his agency and him - not me 🤣 Nobody said a wedding ceremony has to be a "circus" like his first wedding. It's her first marriage and most women would like to have their special wedding day at least once but he's a guy and on his second marriage so he probably doesn't think it matters.

    • You obviously know SJK personally. You know what his family wanted, what he himself expected, and why he broke up with his ex wife. What are you doing in Koala’s blog, sunny? You sound a lot too “knowledgeable” and important to be here. You know such in depth info about two A-listers marriage and eventual break up that likely even their friends don’t.

    • Sorry to break it to you, most men still have the old fashion/patriarchal mindset. Many women too want to be mothers even though they had either a successful career or not. Stop making it sound like this isn’t normal crap that happens everyday. Divorce too, happens when a couple can’t work out their problems. SJK and SHK are ANCIENT news. Grow up.

    • Sunny, bitter much. Do you even know anything about his wife to be calling her a trad wife and all those unnecessary names. She didn't succeed as an actress but is gainfully employed as a translator. And his team didn't release anything on Katie. The whole of South Korea and some of you insane fans made wholesale lies about her and all they did was rebutt those. Sorry, dragging another woman down to prop the woman you support is nauseatingly psychotic behavior. People marry, divorce, remarry. Life goes on. Go get help before all that acid in your stomach from jealousy pokes a hole in it.

    • I too was going to make similar comment on what really matters to Song Joong Ki after marriage. He wants a family and a wife who also share his loves for a family.

      • I honestly think other comments are more malicious than @Sunny's comment. I don't necessarily agree with Sunny about SJK's marriage choice and family life. I actually don't care that much since it's his private life off screen. But I don't think her opinion warrants such a slew of personal attack on her and very rude name calling either. She just shared her speculation about SJK as many have done the same about other celebrities on this site. I thought Kdrama fans are less rabid than Cdrama fans. Guess I'm wrong cos a few recent posts about K dramas and actors have triggered way more emos than C drama side. LOL.

      • @Somebody, I have read @Sunny comments regularly on this blog for a while now. And she is not a mean person. Thus I was very surprised by all the backlash. I dont think @Sunny was being mean nor rude...just some words may trigger some members I guess.

        I do agree with some of her comments but not all. I feel her comment on having 2 kids in a short space of time being tough on her body is done out of concern . Women can take longer to recover from preganacy and being a mother to new born baby. Just based on my own experience. Again, that is their choice.

        Sorry @Sunny, I dont even know if you are male or female but I just use 'her'.

      • @HL, I don't think any mother including me would disagree with the concern about having two kids back to back with short lapse. Again, K drama fans on quite a few recent posts have left a really bad taste in my mouth. In particular in those threads related to high profile K actors, K drama fans are even more nonsensical and reckless attacking ppl with opposing opinions. Visitors of K section in a way have a better command of English in general and therefore may be looser and undisciplined with their words. I just don't see anything in Sunny's comment would warrant spiteful feedback from others.

      • @Somebody, clearly @Sunny was also making personal attacks. It’s how her comment was written that really triggered people. If you can’t take personal attacks either, don’t dish it.

    • This is just news about them expecting second child, but you can't help to be nasty about this.
      I can't believe that Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki's divorce was 5 years ago, but people still can't move on.
      And they're the one to talk about conservative things.

    • I have to say...it just didn't work out. They did want to try a family at one point, they did love each other very passionately at one point, but in the end, if its not meant to be then it isnt. Its like passing someone in life intersection. Glad both have moved on with their own pursue.

    • Something is seriously wrong with you. SJK and SHK are not an OTP in a drama that did not get their HEA. You are confusing them with their DOTS characters. Stop writing fanfics for real people. It’s atrocious and pathetic.

  • Wow! Are you his best friends or something? Obssessed much! And his team never claimed she was popular, his team announced that she was not in entertainment bussiness and that’s it. It was ossessed netizens like you who digged into her past and made into news. Stop making assumptions about someone personal life that you know nothing about.

  • I felt like it was not long ago she had her first child. So fast for a second. 😳 Whatever floats their boat. Not judging but then again I have friends who had kids similarly. A woman’s body can handle so much at a time though. Congrats either way.

  • Grab your 🍿🍿🍿, mfs, comment section of this post will surely be entertaining again 😂

  • I don’t know why people are throwing around “D-list actress” like an insult. The girl is from a well-off family and is one of those rich socialites that dabble in acting/modelling, like the Delevingne sisters. Just look at her education credentials.

    Again, she was not his Vincenzo translator. The translator is in the Blu-ray and doesn’t look anything like her. Idk where people get their info from.

    • Yes, she is from a well off family and a flop actress. The problem is that when they got together his fans tried representing her as someone successful, when nobody has even heard of her. She's an acting nobody. It's fine. It's hardly a crime but they need to get a grip and stop being embarrassed over nothing and faking her major success.

      • Dont lie. i have never seen any of his fans claim that she’s a successful actress. Only saw praises about her beauty.

  • Regardless what went on in Song-Song marriage before, it is the past now. Both have moved on and both are happy.
    There is nothing wrong with women who are career driven...Did Song Hye Kyo tried getting pregnant, I dont know as it is their personal lives and I dont care.
    I like seeing Song Hye Kyo happy in the photos she shares online. And she has clearly moved on.
    And Song Joong Ki is also a happy dad. Good for him. He met a wife that he is happy with.

    • Exactly, I don't get the unnecessary hate to SJK, as long as he and his wife are happy it's none of our business.

      And there's nothing wrong with a man wanting to marry a woman who is not "career driven" as long as he marry's a woman who is happy just being his wife. a
      And believe me there are many women like that out there, and what they do in caring for the home is not less important to the "career driven" ladies.

      • I believe the hate for him comes mostly from how he handled the divorce (filing a divorce while his wife was overseas). Not saying that people should continue to hate him or her, it's all in the past now after all, and people should move on too. Just saying that the hate isn't just because he married someone else

      • @Rosé
        The hate hasn't been directed at him though. People are saying shit about Katie here mostly. Please if it was about Joong Ki, then can criticize him. But thus far, people continue to aim for Katie. She is D list actress, she is tradwife, she is unsuccessful and wants no career, she had a child that she abandoned....none of these are aimed at Song Joong Ki. Lets be honest, people are pissed their fantasy ship didn't sail more than at being mad at Song Joong Ki. It's been 5 years, Song Hye Kyo looks happy, she is successful, she has moved on gracefully...so there is no longer any sane, logical reason for people to pretend they are personally hurt by the divorce of a celebrity couple and use it as an excuse to spew bile about another woman who has done nothing to anybody here but mind her damn business.

      • @Gem - nailed it. This is not about SJK anymore. Where is the hate for him precisely because I see none. This is about Katie who is getting all the mud slung her way, then given the fake concern to bandage over the dirt thrown.

    • I love your comments, I have been a silent reader on this blog and noticed that you always give very polite and positive comments.

      • @Xulyfe, thank you. I actually enjoy meeting varies member on this blog. I am a boring member to be honest. I dont engage with much discussions. Have fun reading!!!🌞

      • @HL , i agree with @Xulyfe, and i like all the interactions we have . I'd like to be more like you but sometimes i'm too emotive and act harshly ! Sometimes i'd like to write in french to really convey waht i really mean, but i studied english 35 years ago in high school and it's not my "forte " !

      • @Cahill, My Eng is not that great too...improved since I moved to UK. French is such a beautiful language...can get lost in translation when converting to Eng. My son learns French at school and he finds it just too tough for him...

      • Your son is absolutly right . Even french highschoolers don't read anymore the full text of the great classsics of french literature . Editors cut texts, change the original words to make it more understable ! Thanks god , i 'am from a generation who had to read the full texts .

    • @HL, I'm not certain whether these two ex's have moved on and both are happy now. They may appear that way in public. But I don't know, neither does any outsider know. The point is: that's their private lives that are none of our business. So why should fans care like busybodies?

      I hope Koala posts more drama news and updates than celebrity gossips. But on slow news days like this, she might turn in a gossipy mode just to make sure traffic visiting this site could keep up with expectation. LOL.

      • I guess Koala has to earn a living too... and her blog is one of the more active blogs on K & C dramas and entertainments for I-netizens.

        I am one member who will addictively click and read her blog at least once a day, often more then ones 🤣🤣. If Koala can earn money running this blog, I am happy for her as she does help fill a few mins of my day... I am grateful for that.

        As for articles, I will just click and read what interest me and ignore those I dont. But some fans are really very protective of their idols.

      • @HL, so much agreed with your last statement. "Rabid fans" is actually a legit label for these ppl, me included when it comes to my ultimate bias. LOL. It's fine to defend their (or our) faves. But I absolutely can't take seriously those who worshiping human beings like million carved wooden idols in million local temples in Taiwan. LMAO. Something like "he is the perfection" or "he is the standard after all" sounds like 100% joke for me. LOL. The more rabid fans raved about their idols like gods, the more I'm motivated to challenge them. And it's really easy to challenge their doped passion with many facts.

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