So Han So Hee turned down the murder mystery K-drama The Price of Confession and instead will be filming the K-drama Project Y which is also a dual female lead story about two friends planning a big heist in Gangnam. The other female lead is Jeon Jong Seo who, if Han So Hee has a bad girl type image onscreen easily out baaaaads her by like a million percent lol. The two did a drama pictorial this week that shows Han So Hee absolutely knows how to serve a mood but she still doesn’t forget to be pretty whereas Jeon Jong Seo just goes so hard and sharp it gives me a papercut just looking at her.
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Sounds like the usual misandric woke bs from Netflix
I don't even like these actresses but this is such an idiotic comment. You sound like a misogynistic incel. How is a heist movie "misandric" or "woke"? Have you somehow read the script? Or are you just mad because it's two women?
@Sunny Anything that isn't centered on men is “woke misandric bs” to these misogynistic men. These men can't stand men not being the center of attention despite hundreds of years of media being pandering to men (yes, the vast majority of media have been made with male audience in mind, that's why the term “male gaze” was coined in the first place and that's why the Bechdel Test was even invented lol). If a show or movie is female-led, these men go, “waaah waaah waah why are these females the lead characters and why are they not fighting over a man waah waaah”.
So pathetic of them and I can only say “boo f*cking hoo” to them lmao. Men like antonio here should be besties with the frequent commenter here, Rina the pick-me-girl. I'm sure Rina would be happy to agree with antonio and defend the honor of “poor wittle baby men 🥺” and receive his little head pat like a good little pick-me dog 😂
He doesn’t just sound like an incel. He probably (obviously) is.
"everything that's not about a straight male is woke because we all know there are only two genders: male and political"
-antonio, probably
That undereye makeup for JJS looks sooo bad like she's high or sick.
It's fitting for the vibe they're going for...
Awful. I wonder if she gave permission to release pic#2
Aren't these just pictures they took with their style teams and posted on their Instagram? That would make anyone's posed IG pics a pictorial lol.
Some of the pics are awkward and wouldn't make the cut in a professional photoshoot. It also looks like they are trying to position JJS who is taller so that the height difference isn't as obvious.
The one in white really has the most odd facial expression mixed with her eye makeup seems so creepy. I know models pose with indifferent expressions but hers is off putting lol She looks like a villain.
I have only seen JJS in Wedding Impossible and she is a good actress, but to be honest I just don't linke her looks. I know it's superficial but it is how it is.
I don’t think jjs would look bad if the pictures were separate. It feels wrong because the vibe of the two don’t really match
The makeup is a bit much but I like these kind of picture, especially jjs in second picture from the last
Their aura is like no other, they match so well, this casting is perfect.
Yep it’s the lack of chemistry. The blogger got it right that HSH never forgets to look pretty in front of the camera whereas JJS just goes all out. Nothing wrong with either but they just feel off due to the lack of chemistry.
Their aura is like no other, they match so well, this casting is perfect.
These 2 girls have tons of marketing for their new drama.. Will be really interested to check it out.
I'm torn...
On one hand, they both are full of charisma. On the other, these photos look awkward and forced. Bit of an oxymoron. Someone above said it better. There's a significant lack of chemistry which doesn't quite bode well for their drama. But these photos are unofficial so maybe it is also the lack of proper editing thats doing most of us in...